Eilisain (I-li-sean) is my name, Lisette translated in Gaelic. It means consecrated to god, which makes complete sense because I love mythologies about old Gods and Goddesses! You can catch me most days reading a good fantasy novel or watching Lord of the Rings for the millionth time all the while petting my blind cat and chasing after my other three cats.
You don’t wear the basic jewelry, it’s not simple and it’s not mass marketed. You wear intentional jewelry, that shows people you are connected to the divine and the ethereal. You wear statement making jewelry.
Fierce and edgy jewelry pieces are created by hand and through the process known as lost wax casting. Combining the raw energy of talons and claws with one of a kind gemstones and crystals Eilisain Jewelry embodies a sense of wildness and energy that will empower you daily.