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Medea Large Purple Labradorite Snake Pendant

Medea Collection

Medea Large Purple Labradorite Snake Pendant

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Medea Large Purple Labradorite Snake Pendant


Medea was a young sorceress and witch of magic, niece of Circe. Medea’s lineage links her to that of the great Greek Gods. Medea possessed skills of enchantment, metamorphosis and herbal magic.

The snake I found on my walks called to mind a Goddess of immense knowledge, of changing, rebirth and renewal. Thus the Medea Collection was born. Snakes have a long history with humans and many myths surround them.

The Medea necklace with a deep purple teardrop labradorite is a magical way to adorn your necklace and recall the tenacity and beauty of the snake. This one of a kind necklace is created entirely in sterling silver, the pendant has been stamped with my makers mark and .925 for sterling silver authenticity.

This pendant measures just under 2 inches top to bottom and 1.50 across. You may select your chain length at checkout, from 18 inches to 28 inches. My signature chain is 2.4 mm with a spring ring clasp and my makers mark hallmark tag.

As with all Eilisain Jewels, your order will arrive in my black and gold embossed gift box, with a complimentary polishing cloth and sage & lavender cleansing wand (supplies are limited).

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