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Mother's Day Giveaway

Surprise Mother’s Day Giveaway


Happy Mother's Day lovelies!

If you love candles just as much as I do, then you'll love what I have in store for you.

Meet Carolyn Chunn, founder of Nicole's Naturals, LLC

Nourish. Refresh. Renew

"Nicole's Naturals, LLC is named for the CEO, Carolyn's late sister, Michelle Nicole, who had a vision of creating natural products. With much encouragement from family and friends, Nicole's Naturals was born. In addition to whipped body butters, Nicole's Naturals offers a variety of products handmade with quality plant based ingredients which are 100% organic, and fresh clean scents which are phthalate free . We hope these products bring you peace, calm and joy in every way! Thank you for visiting our store and please indulge in our wonderful products handmade with care and love just for you!"

Enter into a FREE Giveaway for a custom Eilisain Jewelry candle collaboration with Nicole's Naturals!

It's vegan, it's handmade and it supports small businesses owned and run by women of color.

Sign up above, before Monday, May 3rd @ Midnight for a chance to win.

The winner will be announced Tuesday, May 4th on Instagram @eilisainjewelry