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Asteria oyster shell and labradorite bracelet


The Power of Myth

Eilisain Jewelry represents my fascination and appreciation for myth stories and
the power and understanding we receive from applying them to our own lives.

Every piece of Eilisain jewelry is handcrafted using found animal parts, rough coral and gemstones, animal teeth, and of course the alchemial properties of metal. My hope is to provide you with jewelry that carries the vitality of myth and belief that objects (adornment) can transform your perspective and appearance.

The story of Eilisain really begins when I found the name, Eilisain (I-li-sean) at a Celtic fair, I went to a booth where you can have your name translated into Gaelic. Of course I was curious and had my name, Lisette translated and thus is Eilisain meaning "Consecrated to God". I have always found cultural mythologies fascinating; creation stories and how varied and yet similar they are. Eilisain seemed so appropriate for my future jewelry business.

Asteria oyster shell and labradorite bracelet

DeKay Photography - Eilisain Jewelry - Card-Poster 1b.jpg
DeKay Photography - Eilisain Jewelry - Card-Poster 1b.jpg

Asteria oyster shell and labradorite bracelet


ASTERIA was the Titan goddess of falling stars and perhaps of nighttime divinations such as oneiromancy (by dreams) and astrology (by stars). She was the mother of Hekate (Hecate), goddess of witchcraft, by the Titan Perses.

Crafted from oyster shells I created this magical bracelet to honor the Titan Goddess of Falling stars. An oyster shell reminds me of the galaxies above our heads. There are ridges and lines and textures to fall in love with.

This double oyster bracelet is cast in sterling silver and a stunning blue labradorite stone. The bracelet bands are eight gauge sterling silver square wire.

*Please note the original creation of this bracelet sold. The bracelet you order will resemble this bracelet. The stone may not be exactly the same but very similar.

Your Eilisain Jewelry order will arrive in my signature gold embossed gift box with a care card and polishing cloth.

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