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The Power of Myth

Eilisain Jewelry represents my fascination and appreciation for myth stories and
the power and understanding we receive from applying them to our own lives.

Every piece of Eilisain jewelry is handcrafted using found animal parts, rough coral and gemstones, animal teeth, and of course the alchemial properties of metal. My hope is to provide you with jewelry that carries the vitality of myth and belief that objects (adornment) can transform your perspective and appearance.

The story of Eilisain really begins when I found the name, Eilisain (I-li-sean) at a Celtic fair, I went to a booth where you can have your name translated into Gaelic. Of course I was curious and had my name, Lisette translated and thus is Eilisain meaning "Consecrated to God". I have always found cultural mythologies fascinating; creation stories and how varied and yet similar they are. Eilisain seemed so appropriate for my future jewelry business.

Eilisain Tarot Deck

Front tarot deck.PNG
tarot deck open.PNG
tarot deck open side.PNG
tarot reading (4).jpg
Lisette in the yard  (3).jpg
Medea Court cards.PNG
Keeper II court cards.PNG
Hunted court cards.PNG
Front tarot deck.PNG
tarot deck open.PNG
tarot deck open side.PNG
tarot reading (4).jpg
Lisette in the yard  (3).jpg
Medea Court cards.PNG
Keeper II court cards.PNG
Hunted court cards.PNG

Eilisain Tarot Deck


The Eilisain Tarot deck connects you to the contains images of my jewelry collections and of the photoshoots I’ve done over the years. Eilisain has always been about the ephemeral, the spiritual and mythology.  I mean, Eilisain is Gaelic and translates to ‘consecrated to God’. 

The Eilisain tarot deck was created to aid you in connecting to your higher self (aka you at your best). 

Tarot and jewelry came into my life around the same time, early in my twenties when I was discovering myself.

As I learned new jewelry techniques, I began to dream up my first ‘collection’ it was to be tarot inspired. That collection never came about because I just couldn’t figure out how to put it into jewelry.

Twenty years later I am fulfilling part of my dream to combine jewelry and tarot.

How to use the Eilisain tarot deck? For insight, clarity and wisdom.  Shuffle the cards and look at the images, create your own interpretations but of course feel free to refer to this booklet for guidance.

The way we broke down the tarot deck is pairing the elements with the Eilisain Jewelry Collections.

The Suits:

Cups/water = Ondine (cuttlefish)

Pentacles/Earth = Keeper (turtle)

Wands/Fire = Medea (snake)

Swords/air = Hunted (Owl)

 The Eilisain Tarot deck is available for PREORDER. Which means once we receive a large quantity of orders (aka 100) your deck will be put into production and created and then shipped. I’m fairly confident we will reach this number before the end of the year and you will receive your deck before Christmas.

We will keep you informed if we can ship your deck even sooner.

Your Eilisain Tarot deck comes in a beautiful box with the tarot deck guide book. The Eilisain Tarot deck has gold leaf along the sides as well.

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