My Morning Ritual and How It Sets Me Up for the Day
Lisette Fee
I’m one of those people that loves routine and likes to set things up ready for the next day. For example, I prep my coffee and electric kettle in the evening before I settle into bed so that there is less to be done the following morning. And I enjoy certain rituals at the beginning and ending of the day.
I thought I’d share with you my morning ritual as it has truly made a difference in my well being and sanity. My main goal with my morning ritual is to bring my mindset to the present yet also preparing myself for the rest of the day. As my kettle boils the water for my coffee, I sip room temperature water with lemon and basil. I crack open my calendar notebook and my journal. Mind you this all happens AFTER I get my daughter out of her crib, fix her a sippy cup of milk and turn on Hotel Transylvania (it should come as no surprise my child loves movies about monsters!).
I review and jot down three goals for the day, then i recite my morning mantras and manifestations. One of my favorites is stating:
“Wealth and abundance is plentiful and comes into my life easily.”
What this calls into my life is gratitude and a viewpoint that imagines enough for everyone. There is love, knowledge and joy all around me. I’ve been working hard on my mindset this year, to be aware and present and keep my eyes and heart open.
Once I’ve performed this ritual, I prepare my coffee and then allow myself to look at my phone.
Notebooks are essential for capturing ideas and goals.
I’ll be honest it can be SO HARD to not automatically reach for my phone and scroll thru my favorite apps when I get up in the morning. And there are mornings where I do this first, however I notice that once I crack open phone there is not telling when I put it back down and it tends to make me more anxious in the morning.
Surrounding myself with special objects, crystals, plants and of course a furbaby or two keeps me calm and happy in the morning and throughout the day. And keeping books and magazines on the coffee table provide more sustenance than my phone.
Having a toddler has also forced me to be aware and present with my daughter, watching her grow and learn. I don’t want to forget those precious moments.
I highly recommend you keep a morning ritual (other than the usual, wash your face and brush your teeth). Something about the act of gratitude and centering yourself provides a base for which a day has been set with intention and awareness.