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Ohhhh VENUS, hey Venus


Ohhhh VENUS, hey Venus

Lisette Fee

In all my thirteen years of owning and running Eilisain Jewelry I can’t believe I never realized that VENUS was one of the Goddesses I need to work with and create a jewelry colleciton around.

Mind you, this is how I’ve been feeling lately (aka above). I’ve been feeling EXTRA feminine and beautiful. Maybe it’s because I’ve aged and come into truly feeling confident and loving every part of myself. There is so much POWER and joy in loving your authentic real self.

These past few years I’ve dabbled HEAVILY into astrology and learning the astrology chart. And come to find out Venus is my ruling planet. Venus rules my Sun (Pisces exalted), Moon (Libra) and Ascendant/Rising (Taurus) + Venus sign of Aquarius. SO that being said Venus is consecrating my newest collection dropping in May 2025.

Venus represents not only love but beauty, harmony, peace, pleasure and joy. She is the reason why we live and came to Earth.

The Venus Collection will feature faceted pink quartz, moonstone (duh?), opals and possibly other sparkly stones combined with seashells that I’ve found along the beaches of Eatern North Carolina.

Below is a sneak peak of some of the rings I’ve finished in my studio.

The energy we’re bringing to the Venus Collection photoshoot. However it will be shot in doors.

I’m so excited to work with my friend Erica Letchworth, we’ve worked together before and she’s already getting props and backdrops for us to work with. And my model is a STUNNING young woman, Isabella Corder.

STAY tuned because this collection is going to revive your belief in romance, love and joy in yourself!