The Future is Now
Lisette Fee
This holiday season I was gifted a beautiful tarot deck, The Fountain Tarot and it came at the perfect time. Many years ago I had begun my study of tarot and divination and I really loved it but I also found it intimidating. One main reason why is that the reader must trust her own instincts. Funny but most of us trust our own instincts on a daily basis without ever realizing it however when it comes to dissecting and breaking down signs, we struggle.
So this year I'm making it a goal to study tarot more and divination. You may think, oh that's for witches or 'hocus pocus' but divination has been a source of fantastic council and guidance for a very, very long time.
And right now the tarot community has exploded! There are so many beautifully made decks and books that help guide you to a better understanding of what is happening in your life. Think of tarot as a map that shows signs of where you're headed in your life but also a way to prevent toxic behavior or continue along the path of where you're going. My favorite spread is the past/present/future, I find it gives me a brief snapshot of current situation.
Very cool skull from Everyday Magic.
I'm super excited that towards the end of this month I'll be visiting my favorite esoteric shop, Everyday Magic with my friends. And Bakara stocks an incredible array of tarot decks! She also provides tarot readings and classes. I wish I lived closer to Durham so I could participate. Luckily I've met like minded people that share my love of tarot and we're planning to study together.
I hope you take time out of your day to meditate and reflect on the signs and clues in your life that may not be so obvious; we all need a little bit of reflection and solitude to guide us.