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Filtering by Category: Changes

Witches, Cats, new designs and tarot

Lisette Fee

Whew it has been one minute since I’ve written a blog post.

Some say blogging is dead but I beg to differ, blogging has always been one of my favorite forms to communicate news and happenings. Except it’s been a busy ans FAST YEAR!

Shew, we are going through it aren’t we? Collectively, the planet and all that comes with it. I truly have been in hermit mode because sometimes facing the world and saying how I truly feel is hard. Am I being a bit vague? Maybe however I don’t want to offend anyone and that’s not what this post is about.

What has been happening in the Eilisain World?

Well I moved my studio AGAIN in our house. It’s funny how I’ve occupied three rooms in our house for my studio. We just felt that our guest room would make more sense versus where it was before.

Bitty Bop LOVES to sneak into my studio and get loves while I try to work. It's a never ending battle to not get distracted by my sweet kitties!

I started 2024 off with some new markets and shows. I made a very conscious decision to do less ‘markets’ and more art shows and exhibitions. FUSE Show was absolutely excellent and all the participating artists are very talented.

In May I participated in my first Fuze Market held in Winston-Salem. It was at a GORGEOUS location and I loved meeting all the kind people that organzied the market and attended.

I finished up this stunning ring for my customer Amanda and then proceeded to create another. I believe this is a series that I will continue. The gold plated talons look SO cool!

Ya’ll I was SO nervous setting this mega faceted citrine but it worked out!!!

In mid summer we shot the Resurrection Collection featuring beetles and malachite stones. This collection was a bit of past pieces I had created using a sweet little beetle I found many years ago.

I will say I struggled with putting this collection. Sometimes jewels take time to put together and especially if it’s a COLLECTION of jewels. I rushed this one….not my most proud one however I’m very pleased with the photography by my dear friend and long time collaborator, Aileen Devlin. Aileen always brings her A+ game!

So here we are in 2025 as I write this and I’m honestly grateful to say ADIEU to 2024 and very nervous yet excited about what 2025 will bring.

STAY TUNED - because I have a very romantic and sexy collection dropping in late spring - the VENUS COLLECTION. And this one will be fully formed.

You have more power than you know

Lisette Fee

I say this quite often and most often to myself, but I don’t think we truly realize the immense effect we can have on each other and on our environment. It’s the butterfly effect, that one flap of a butterflies wing can set off a world of events but it truly is REAL.

It’s little things, and big acts that make HUGE differences in our lives. This hits me on different levels but one situation that had me so happy and grateful was rescuing a husky dog from an elderly couple that needed to rehome her.

Here’s the story: One of my dearest friends moved to our small town of Farmville about a year ago, and she’s got a cute backyard. One afternoon I went back there view her garden when I looked at her neighbors house to see a gorgeous white husky dog looking forlorn in a small enclosure. I couldn’t help but wonder, why is that beautiful dog back there most days?

Well it really started to get to me when I’d leave my daughters bike at my friends house and I’d look in the backyard and see Bella looking utterly sad (at least that’s what I figured she felt like because I’d be very sad too).

It kept nagging at me, Bella the husky must be eternally bored not being able to run free. So a customer suggested I talk to the owners and offer to walk Bella. That was all the motivation I needed to get the courage to talk to the elderly couple. When I offered they were grateful and even asked me if I wanted to keep Bella.

Now look, I would’ve taken Bella in a heartbeat but we have three cats nor do we have a fenced in yard. So I began to devise a way to find Bella a home. It took sometime but I found her one with my other friend Steve. My friend Steve has a large fenced in back yard and I told myself, I believe Steve could use this gorgeous husky in his life.

I also want to take a moment to say that at this time, about a month ago, I was feeling really depressed. I was experiencing a bit of a mid life crisis (which to be honest has not gone away - but that’s another story for another time). Bella felt incredibly healing to me, walking her with my daughter and having this purpose to find her a home distracted me from feeling low. Have you ever felt like that?

HUSKY TOTEM MEANING: It’s not the journey but the destination, husky reminds us to enjoy our path and to follow our instincts. Huskies are also a reminder to have fun and be playful. Husky symbolism also reminds us to be in service of others, and taking leadership roles when others don’t.

As you can surmise, when we help others we’re actually helping ourselves. And I’ve found that animals, being in their presence and witnessing their true zest for life whether it’s running, playing or eating is a reminder of life’s simple pleasures.

Bella is now in a space where she can enjoy space and freedom to run and she’s in a loving home. This whole incident got me thinking how when we pay attention to the people and our surroundings, we have the ultimate power to generate love, generosity and ultimately change the life path of others through our actions.

We’re watching this play out on the world stage, Ukraine is being bombed and terrorized by one man’s greed and massive ego. Then on the other hand we have many people giving and doing whatever they can to help the people of Ukraine and it’s neighboring countries. My heart breaks when I see German and Polish mothers leaving strollers for mothers fleeing Ukraine.

So my proposal to you is see how you can make a difference in someone’s life, whether it be small or big. Take a meal to an elderly couple, give a homeless person some cash, be generous because the universe listens and responds to like energy.

My core value with Eilisain and my own self is to nurture you and your life so that you can give the same to others. Come with me on this powerfully divine journey, sign up for my emails and I’ll continue to give you stories of hope, love inspiration and more!

Ten years I've been in business, here's a look back

Lisette Fee

Ya’ll WHAT! WHAT & HOW have ten years in business gone by?! I remember, in 2012 sitting at my desk planning for what my business would look like in ten years and it felt so far away. Time is like that, a construct we create to manage life on earth. Okay I won’t get all esoteric but seriously!

So I’m going BIG on this anniversary because to be quite honest I’m in awe and surprised at myself. No one truly prepares you for what it’s like to go into business for yourself, it is BRUTAL. Being an entrepreneur means a mirror is held up at you at all times because there is no one but yourself to hold yourself responsible.

But it’s super rewarding and absolutely gratifying to be in the driver’s seat of your own destiny and business. And once my husband and I were ready to start our family, it became so seamless to raise our daughter while also running Eilisain, perhaps not ideal but I have truly loved being home with our daughter especially now.

With that said, here’s some photos of me back in 2013 at Art Avenue, trying to look SO boss! lol, what strikes me as funny is that I had ABSOLUTELY no clue what I was doing, just doing my best.

Anywho, let’s get back to the FUN part. Ten years ago I graduated from East Carolina University and promptly moved my jewelers bench to a co-op studio in Uptown Greenville, NC. It was one of the best experiences of my life, I never thought that I’d get to share the experience and support of beginning my business if it hadn’t be for Art Avenue. Because once Art Avenue closed in 2016 my husband and I moved into a house in which I could have my own studio.

Over the years I’ve been blessed to hire interns and assistants that helped me along the way. My second intern, Ashton is here with me in my small studio. It was tight and cozy and I loved it.

I want to go back a bit further though, back in 2007, when I was working full time in Washington, D.C. I DREAMED of this life I have now. I dreamed of a family and working in my studio creating and making. At that time, I was working a desk job and it was not suited for me. I got easily distracted and pretty much doodled jewelry designs in meetings.

My old bench in school at East Carolina University.

So when I look at my life here & now, I’m so GRATEFUL for the chance I took, for the risk. That’s what I want you to take away from my 10 year anniversary. YOU CAN FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS, you just have to believe in them with every fiber of your being.

Badass bossbabe Kelly Boutilier wearing the Hunted badger claw pendant.

And let me say, that my journey is your journey, of discovery and curiosity and wonder for animals. Thank you for joining me on this journey. THANK YOU for supporting me, sharing Eilisain Jewelry, sharing YOUR story.

So if you live in the Greenville NC area, please come and celebrate with me. Safely of course, with masks and loads of hand sanitizer. Join me for a party of jewelry and badassery!

How to celebrate Ostara and the Spring season

Lisette Fee

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I’m a bit biased when it comes to March and the arrival of Spring in that i ADORE this season due to those factors and my birthday. It’s just so glorious when the first daffodils appear and the birds are chirpping early in the morning. So it’s no surprise that I go all out to celebrate this time of year.

So what is Ostara/Eostre? According to sources online “Ostara takes its name after the Germanic goddess, Eostre/Ostara, who was traditionally honoured in the month of April with festivals to celebrate fertility, renewal and re-birth. It was from Eostre that the Christian celebration of Easter evolved, and indeed the naming of the hormone Eostrogen, essential to women's fertility. The Goddess Ostara has the shoulders and head of a hare.

To me Eostre is flowers, the Spring/Maiden Goddess Brigid has come alive. She is arising from her slumber. I tell my daughter this as we gallivant outside and scoop up daisies for the hearth.

What are some ways you can celebrate this time of the rebirth of our earth? Well you probably already do some, decorating eggs, hidding eggs and baking spring gifts such as bread, short cakes and more.

Simply going outside for a short walk, even just 15 minutes to behold all that Ostara has to offer is a blessing and way to celebrate her. You can also write your spring & summer intentions on an egg, bury it and as you cover the egg speak aloud your desires and wishes. Decorating trees in your yard or your plants inside with gems or rocks, eggs and ribbons is a way to honor Ostara.

Spirit is here for us and she is listening. We have all gone through so much this past year and the future is bright, the Universe wants to see you grow and move forward.

Time spent contemplating themes and concepts help connect me to this season of birth and expansion.

Time spent contemplating themes and concepts help connect me to this season of birth and expansion.

And last of all, if you are into tarot & divination as am I, take time to inquire from spirit any messages she wants you to hear. I do this everyday and season, consulting tarot for divine messages. Journal the response, contemplate on how you can integrate the message into your life.

Honoring this time of year connects us to the divine and brings back to focus our deepest desires and plans. I hope you enjoyed this post, learn more from me in the future and click the link below. Than you as always for reading!

blessings to you & yours

Which Goddess are you?

Lisette Fee

I can recall the exact moment I fell in love with mythology. I was sitting in detention after school because I was ALWAYS running late to class. And I had picked up a Greek mythology book at the library. The tales were extraordinary, out of this world, and the goddesses?!!! I was sold on how badass and freaking cool the Greek Goddesses were. I mean Athena?! She led the Greeks to battle, they worshiped her.

Enter my late 20’s and I find myself obsessed with Morgana of the Celtic mythology and how she could shapeshift into various magical animals. Goddesses had powers unheard of for humans, and thus my love affair began.

Eilisain Jewelry is not only inspired by the animals used in the process (completely ethically of course) but also mythology, specifically goddesses. Celebrating the feminine divine has been important to me since I began creating jewelry. As you see with each collection there is a paired Goddess or famed character of fantasy such as Ondine or Ursula. Each goddess represents an aspect of life, the rebirth, the celestial and the wildness of the world.

So which goddess most identifies with you? Curious? Take the quiz below to find out! Enjoy my dears!!

You Have An Undiscovered Patronus Awaiting

Lisette Fee

Since I began working with owl talons nearly ten years ago I researched about owls, their behaviors and how to tap into their strength in my everyday life. From then on it continued to crow, bear, cats, badgers, hawks, cardinals and now snake.

I want to clarify that I use the word patronus instead of totem or spirit animal because I don’t want to use a word that is primarily Native American and that appropriates their culture. So to be respectful we can use JK Rowling’s beautiful term patronus or guardian animal.

I had been brewing up a plan to create a quiz a long time ago that would aide you in locating your patronus in the Eilisain Jewelry world. When you find your patronus, I provide you with guides as to how you can harness the incredible wisdom and power of your patronus. For example, cuttlefish is a beautiful mollusk that can change it’s color to hide from prey or to hunt it’s own prey. With cuttlefish as your patronus you will want to utilize color to empower you or to mask any hindrances.


We can learn SO MUCH from animals, they have infinite wisdom if we look closely, if we notice their behaviors. Something I learned from snake is the uncomfortable shedding of their skin which they endure on a regular basis. What this teaches is us that we are constantly growing and shedding. Look at our current world, so many of us are going through a rebirth and an awakening just as the snake does,

Okay so you want to know which animal in the Eilisain Jewelry collection is yours? Take the quiz! Click the link below and you’ll answer select questions.

What Does it Mean to be Pagan?

Lisette Fee

Lately I’ve been getting inquiries from friends and acquaintances about my belief system and recommendations to learn more about Paganism and general woo woo stuff. So I thought I’d write up a blog post for you to share more about what it means to be a Pagan and the resources you can use to learn more.

I’d say I officially became Pagan about twenty years ago, whoa…that sounds forever ago! I was in a strange place in my life, more like a deep dark hole and I was really searching for meaning and guidance. I was raised Catholic but it just didn’t resonate with me. And though I did pray to God at the time and pray in general I wasn’t connected or felt comfort in praying to one God.

Thinking back, I can recall distinctly in middle school reading a book about Greek mythology and finding it utterly fascinating. So at that time, twenty years ago I started picking up books on mythology and specifically Celtic paganism. This was right about the same time Braveheart came out and I was kinda obsessed to say the least. Something about connection to land, to the Goddess and the mystical was calling me.

Pagan is a term that began in the fourth century by early Christians for the Roman Empire that practiced Polytheism (source Wikipedia). I’d say that Pagan refers to any earth based polytheistic tradition or belief. So Budhhism could be described as Pagan or Hinduism as well, as they believe in many Gods and deities. So we can go even further to say Celtic paganism or Greek paganism etc. You could liken it to the Christian faith in that there are many subsets of it, such as Catholicism, Baptist, Mormon etc.

For myself personally I find Paganism too broad a term but I’d rather use Pagan versus polythistic or earth based for a term to describe my faith. I’ve always found Christianity lacked the feminine divine, the honoring of the earth and especially listening to ones own inner divinity and wisdom.

What I love about being Pagan is the deep connection to our inner teacher, our inner guide that puts us in touch with our intuition. The gut is where we KNOW, we understand and feel with our every fiber what is right for us. And not only that but the balance of the yin and yang, the light and dark, the feminine and the masculine. Monotheism is too singular for me, and within Christianity there isn’t room for listening to ones own teacher but looking outside of ourselves, looking to one God and I find it to rigid for my inclinations. In addition Christianity is built upon a patriarchal worship and faith. With Celtic Paganism there is a balance and a worship of the divine feminine which is so lost in our current culture and society.

As a Celtic Pagan I honor the deities of the land, connecting and communing with the elements. The honoring of Mother Earth, Father Sky and Sun and the Moon Goddess. The deities of land and the universe are what we are made of, stardust and divinity. When I sit at my altar I meditate and connect to the deep dark mysteries of the Earth, I connect with the Dark Goddess below. When I pray I commune with my ancestors and pray for guidance, listening to messages and being quiet with the Self.

Now I’m not saying you can’t do the same within a Christian faith, and trust me that I appreciate and lovingly honor my Catholic upbringing but there just wasn’t the same connection. I couldn’t identify with the idolization of one God, there was always something missing for me.

Within a Celtic Pagan faith there is an infinite world, a world of complex symbols and colors. For example the Arthurian legend we find ourselves journey to the Otherworld, where the land becomes a symbol of integrity and stewardship. The King and Queen represent the God and Goddess, where the fae represent the fertility and magic of Mother Earth. Colors such as red, white and black are symbolic of the other world. The White Hare represents the hunt for inner knowing and journey to the soul. I could go on and on but the point being there is a synergy and relationship between humans and the earth. We are connected not separate from her.

Tools such as tarot, oracles, sage and lavender wands, the chalice and atham create a physical representation of the elements. When I first began dreaming of becoming a jeweler I mapped out ways to utilize jewelry as spiritual and divinitory tools to connect with the divine.

If you are curious about Paganism and specifically Celtic Paganism here are some books and resources I’d like to recommend for you:

John and Caitlin Matthews are my favorite authors on the subject, that are quite knowledgable and I probably own most of their books.

Ceisiwr Serith Pagan Book of Prayers is an excellent source for prayers and general information on the Celtic path.

Peter Berresford Ellis is another fantastic resource, he is the premier writer on Druids and Celts.

Online resources:

Mystic Mama

The Necormantical

A disclaimer that if you are researching Paganism please be very careful what you read as there is SO much misinformation out there. Reliable and accurate books are necessary to learning the history of Paganism. I’m still learning so much about this rich and in depth tradition. And if you ever have any questions, I’m more than happy to answer them - email me at


I believe that the old traditions, the earth based religions are coming back in popularity and curiosity because we are living in such a disconnected time. We are barraged by constant activity and distraction. Meditation, yoga and paganism is resonating with more people because of the extremism and separation from earth of Christianity. And if you are Christian but you’re still drawn to divination and other religions, give yourself a break and explore them, read more about them. Because at the end of the day we are ALL made up of Spirit, of the great cosmic energy that created this beautiful universe for us. Jesus loved everyone, so did Buddha, Brigid, Ali and all the other enlightened souls that have walked Mother Earth.

If you want to learn more about divination, paganism and how to use jewelry as a diviniatory tool please sign up for my email list and I’ll keep you informed. Thanks as always for reading my loves!

Meet August the Ball Python Snake

Lisette Fee

Remember how I told you in my slitherin’ snakes post how I had a bit of a fear with snakes? Well, I conquered that fear two weeks ago when I got to hold and meet my first snake!

My new email marketing assistant, Victoria Schultz just happened to own a snake, August. I mentioned to Victoria in our first work meeting that I was working on a snake jewelry collection. She then said I could meet August, as August is quite tame and very mellow. Of course I said yes but then I realized what I’d just done….I said YES to meeting a real snake!

As much as I love and admire nearly all animals that doesn’t mean I’m completely comfortable in being near all of them. I have a healthy respect for animals, meaning, I know that they are unpredictable! Anywho, Victoria brought August over to my house (Victoria lives right down the road from us) and I held him. Mind you I’d probably never hold a snake if I wasn’t completely reassured that they’re tame and comfortable around humans.


August was the coolest snake ever! He was very curious and wanted to slither around and coil around my laptop cords. Victoria gave me a brief introduction into snakes, August was a rescue and born into captivity which makes him less likely to bite or be aggressive. And snakes are more in a relaxed mood after they’ve shed their skin, which kinda makes sense, if you had itchy skin you probably wouldn’t be in the best mood either!

Some other fun facts I learned about August (and snakes in general):

  • Snakes sense body heat, which helps them locate prey. When August is eating his meal, it’s best to leave the room so he can focus on the heat of the meal he’s eating.

  • Ball pythons are named that because they like to ball themselves up

  • Snakes are ticklish! Snakes get ticklish on their belly and they move a bit under it skin

  • Snakes are solitary creatures, they are not raised by their parents but left once born

August getting curious, trying to wrap himself around cords.

August getting curious, trying to wrap himself around cords.


Meeting August was such a treat! it’s not often one gets to hold a snake. And here is my biggest surprise and exciting news, August will be a model in my next photo shoot! I haven’t done a collection photo shoot in several years so I’m quite excited and thrilled.

Also one other BIG piece of news. In preparation for the Medea Collection release I’m offering a giveaway! Yes this one is special too as I’ll be giving away one of the Medea snake rings, all you have to do is click the link below and enter your email address. I’ll be announcing the winner close to the release date (now pushed to early September).

How to Create Your Own Sacred Space

Lisette Fee

Since I was in my early twenties I’ve kept a ‘sacred space’, I put that in quotes because in reality it has always been an altar. A space where I can reflect and recall my spirituality and the divine High spirit. Altars are in nearly every religion, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and many others.

A sacred space can truly be anywhere or any space. What makes it sacred? The intention you have for it. You can easily have a space with photos and candles but if you don’t come to it with a spiritual intention than it’s a shelf or coffee table. Over the years my space has evolved and changed, since the beginning I used a plastic storage bin with a pretty cloth over it. Your space doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, as long as you can worship near it.


So with that said, how do you create a sacred space? The most important part is the place, I’d recommend it be somewhere that is private or won’t be bothered too much by anyone you live with. You can create a space on a bookshelf or next to your bed or even in a closet! As long as it’s private and comfortable. Here is a brief list of some of the things I like to keep in my sacred space:

  1. Candles - lighting a candle can mark the beginning of your ritual to call upon the High spirit or divinity. Plus they bring the element of fire!

  2. Special mementos - I keep photos of my ancestors, postcards, crystals and keepsakes that very special people have gifted me.

  3. Plants - Greenery in your space reminds you of the sacredness of Mother Earth and our connection to her, plus it just brightens up a space.

  4. Pillows - You’re going to need some back support and comfort if you’re sitting or laying near your space. You want to be comfortable in order to quiet your mind and center your focus.

  5. Books - I keep a Celtic prayer book at my space that provides prayers for morning and night for each season. It’s one of my favorite books. Books can provide quick reference for you.

Now for the extra’s! Since we moved into our home four years ago, I will admit I now have the luxury of an entire room as a sacred space!! I can’t tell you how in love i am with my meditation room. It’s probably my favorite room in our home.

I went all out for this room, I purchased a faux fur rug (confession, I also use this rug as a display for shows!), more plants….alot more plants, mainly little cactus and succulents. I put all my books in here along with my tarot decks, incense and my meditation and work out gear. Here are some additional items I keep at my altar:

  1. Chalice - the chalice represents water, the subconscious and the giving of my spirit to the divine.

  2. Mirror - I just added a mirror so as to work on my shadow self and my confidence. I decided that when I have conversations with myself in the mirror it’s as if I truly am talking to myself, outside of myself if that makes any sense!

  3. Goddess sculptures - I have a handmade goddess my friend made as well as several others that represent the Yin, she is the feminine divine.

  4. Rosary - I was raised Catholic and there is still that young girl in me that adores the Catholic iconography and symbols.

A sacred space grants you the opportunity to tap into your higher self and the holy spirit. Now when I began my spiritual journey and practice I didn’t spend as much time there as I’d hoped I would. Sometimes I’d pray at night or in the morning but because I had a dedicated space to prayer and reflection it was a reminder to come back when i needed that quiet time. Recently, since I’ve begun a dedicated morning routine, my sacred space has become my haven. A space for me to dream, journal and reflect.

I also want to stress that since I’ve begun to practice my quiet reflective time, my gratitude for life has increased, my anxiety has decreased and most importantly I’ve found that I’m so much more intentional with my words and actions. This isn’t to say that my life is perfect or that I don’t have moments of self doubt and stress but the time spent reflecting has given me grace and patience with myself. With the chaos of the world our reflective and meditative time will help immensely with bringing peace and calm in our world, the one thing we can control is our reaction and our thoughts and that is truly powerful.

With the chaos of the world our reflective and meditative time will help immensely with bringing peace and calm in our world, the one thing we can control is our reaction and our thoughts and that is truly powerful.
— Lisette Fee, owner and designer of Eilisain Jewelry
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I hope that my post gives you inspiration and insight into the value of a sacred space. YOU deserve to be quiet yourself and a space to honor yourself. If you want to learn more about my spiritual practices and jewelry that celebrates the divinely powerful sign up for my email list above!

Thank you for reading and visiting my website. Have a beautiful day friends!

Connect with the Turtle Patronus to Channel Land and Water

Lisette Fee

“ symbol of the turtle was an invitation for the blessings of both heaven and earth…” Across cultures turtle has been regarded as ancient and sacred. Because turtles access both water and land. I love the medicine of turtle, it is so healing and powerful.

My parents found a turtle shell and gave it to me, at the time I was working with many different animal parts but what struck me as so incredible of the turtle is the bone structure is outside of the body. And the shell of a turtle has such gorgeous texture, when the ‘skin’ (the brittle brown texture of the actual shell) breaks away you can see a beautiful light filter through and it has a rorschach pattern.

So how can we bond and meditate with the turtle to expand our awareness and intuition? We get quiet and meditate and channel the turtle. Right now is the prefect time to do this because what do we have an abundance of? Time (okay maybe not for everyone - just remember Beyonce has as many hours in the day as we do).


Find a quiet spot and close your eyes….

  • You may lay down or sit, whatever is comfortable for you.

  • Breath in and out at a steady pace.

  • Imagine a lake, quiet and soothing. You are standing at the waters edge.

  • You look out at the horizon and the water, still as can be and you begin to walk into the lake

  • The water submerges your feet, legs, waist, chest and then your head. You can walk easily and breath under water

  • Earth is soft and squishy beneath your feet, you feel absolutely calm and centered.

  • Vibrations from the deep within the lake run across and you feel the energy of the great turtle.

  • You are now at the center of the lake and there before you is a large turtle, she opens her eyes and welcomes you. Reach out your hand and lay it on the turtles head.

  • Turtle is now communing with you. Sending you her immense energy and calm. The longer your hand lies on her head you begin to feel your body morph. Your back becomes a thick strong bone shell. Your arms retreat inward, your neck expands.

  • You move slowly yet with great intention and rhythm. Your sense of smell and taste amplify. Earth vibrates through your core.

  • Movement is slow yet deliberate. You move through the water with ease and swim towards the edge of the water. Your feet land on the water. You are connected, you are aware of the sound and movement of the water, air and earth.

  • Time is nonexistant, you have all the time in the world. You feel everything through your shell, your nose and sight. Stay in this presence of turtle, allow your mind to be absorbed into your surroundings. allow yourself to feel all aspects of turtle.

  • You will now come out of your presence of turtle. You slowly move your toes, your hands, and stretch. open your eyes and slowly come back to your human presence.

Questions to ask yourself after your journey with turtle:

  1. What did it feel like to be submerged in your unconscious?

  2. How can I use this journey and apply it to my life. Do I need to slow down? Am I truly aware of my surroundings and events?

  3. Am I truly present in my life? How does being turtle change my perception of time and space?

Turtle medicine is deep, connected and infinite. Because turtle is so tied to land and water, she has access to the inner depths of Mother earth and she has much to teach us. I hope that my meditation gave you pause, gave you deep inner awareness.

If you’d like more meditations and methods to connect to the infinite divine, please join my divine jewel list. Click the link below.

Create Your Own Cleansing Wand

Lisette Fee

I had a dear friend and customer ask me to teach her how to create her own herbal cleansing wand and it had me thinking, why not create an easy guide for you and my friend Robin to use to create your own home grown cleansing wand?!


Okay let me be completely transparent, it’s SO easy to create and it’s fun and most importantly, harvesting wild herbs (or homegrown) creates a beautiful connection with Mother Earth and herbs. Herbs have SO much to teach us.

I truly became enamored with burning sage and lavender when I realized how calm it made me feel and the sweet and earthy aroma just made me feel better. It does help to know, especially now, that burning sage and some other dried herbs kills about 99% bacteria in the air.


Some recommendations I’d like to make. Try as much as possible to grow your own herbs and harvest them. However, you can also harvest wild herbs such as wildflowers, basil, lemon grass, sage, lavender and rosemary. If you can’t you can most definitely pop into most grocery stores and purchase herbs in the vegetable section.

I hope that you enjoyed my easy guide and that you take advantage of this time at home to nurture your soul, your spirit and mother earth. I promise you the time spent connecting with herbs will show up in your life in unexpected ways.

Sign up below to join my powerfully divine circle of members that crave more knowledge on how to connect with the divine, the feminine and your inner guides.

Lavender from last year’s harvest. Photo by Erica Letchworth.

Lavender from last year’s harvest. Photo by Erica Letchworth.

The Moon Phases and Learning to Work with Them

Lisette Fee

Where to begin, with this journey I’ve had with the moon lately. Somehow it all started to happen at once, the social media accounts the people I listen to on podcasts all of it started to have a theme…a lunar theme.

And then bam I became just like every other spiritual person on instagram, posting about the moon and the cycles. What really blew me away was this interesting and enlightening fact I learned from Kate Northrup, that the day and yearly cycles are geared toward a more masculine/yang way of doing things. The average business day matches a men’s cycle, they are energized in the morning through midday and then hit a lull in the afternoon, whereas a woman’s cycle matches the lunar cycle meaning there are peak times of the month usually the full moon when we are at our best energetic self and then towards the crescent and waning moons we slow down and reflect aka 3pm. And when I really thought about it and how it does match my mood and that there are times of the month when I’m ready to burst with ideas and then towards my period I begin to slow down.

Okay so how can we work with the moon cycles? Journaling and really just paying attention to phases of the moon and how they match our own sense of feeling and intentions. For example, you could plan intense projects and goals for when you are most energized and at your peak potential which would be during the full Moon. During the New Moon you will want to set intentions and plan for your month. In this way you are working with the rhythm of your cycle and the moons.

I keep a super beautiful piece of artwork by artist Jess Weymouth by my bedroom and I love glancing at it as I walk through to the kitchen.

How gorgeous is this drawing?!! By jess Weymouth.

How gorgeous is this drawing?!! By jess Weymouth.

Confession, I don’t work with the moon phases all the time, but what I’ve noticed is that if I’m having big emotions or if I’m feel super energized I will pause and look at the moon cycle we’re in and see how it corresponds. I also look at my own menstrual cycle to see how it matches with the moon cycle.

Write down and journal your thoughts or if that isn’t your style, dictate into your phone so that you have a recording. There are so many apps for this, honestly that I don’t know of but I know they’re out there that can help you with taking notes (aka evernote).

Small actions, small rituals help to ground us and also bring centeredness and peace. In my morning ritual I write several pages in my journal and I like to note what phase of the moon we’re in, tracking my own mood and phase of the cycle. For example right now (aka March 25th) we are in the New Moon in Aries and this is a time of goal setting and working with the zodiac sign of Aries (pure fire and action) to move into this phase.

Full Moon pendant reminds us that we are wild, we can be untamed every once in awhile, like during the full moon.

Full Moon pendant reminds us that we are wild, we can be untamed every once in awhile, like during the full moon.

It’s so fascinating to me that right now in our history and cultural zeitgeist tracking and connecting with the Moon has become very popular. It is no wonder, as our world is in the thick of the yang energy and we crave and need the feminine, the yin.

So take some time this month and the next to watch the phases of the moon and your own feeling and energies and you will see that you can use the phase of the moon to sync and ground yourself.

OH and it may be nice to have some moon themed jewelry on too…

Momboss Journey Update

Lisette Fee


It’s been a hot minute since I’ve updated you on my momboss journey and I’m in a whole new phase of raising our daughter. She is in the TODDLER phase and if you’ve ever been around a toddler, you know it is no joke!

Tallulah is now 2.5 years old, she will be in 3 years old in March and it’s quite incredible and exhausting watching her grow. When you think about all the parts of life that they are learning, you kinda understand why they have so many tantrums and meltdowns. Like, it’s really hard to learn how to put on a dang sock?!

I had a revelation the other day that her journey is a major challenge and growth for me as well, it’s test to see how much patience and extreme understanding on my part. For example, you have to know ahead of time that wherever you take a toddler, you won’t be there long OR whatever activity you do it’ll last at the most 10 minutes. And that’s really hard because as an adult you want to enjoy the time and not have to leave every time toddlers get bored.

I love being a role model for my daughter, she is so inquisitive and loves being in the studio with me.

I love being a role model for my daughter, she is so inquisitive and loves being in the studio with me.

Meanwhile, this time of year, October through December are my busy months due to holiday shopping and I need more time than ever in my studio. I’ve been fortunate to befriend a nanny in town and I can hire her for one day a week to watch Tallulah, this is immense! Imagine that you run a business while also watching a child full time - it’s an extreme juggling act.

This made me think, how is it that raising a child and running a business are similar and how can I use my stay at home/work from home status as an advantage?

  1. Always be prepared - Answer your clients questions before they are asked = know what your child wants before she wants it. case in point, my daughter and I are out for a bike ride, I bring water and snacks with us, ‘cause I know she’ll be thirsty and hungry. Customer needs their ring size or necklace length, I provide you with charts to make it easy. BOOM!

  2. Exceed their expectations - I’d like to think that I’ve got this part, but I’m still working on it. With my customers I try to go above and beyond what they’d expect when their order arrives, a small gift of lavender and sage bundle with a polishing cloth to help protect and maintain their jewelry. With Tallulah, I do the same but in a different way. I ensure my daughter has a surprise daily, whether it’s some candy or a trip to the thrift store where she can pick out a very thrifty present.

  3. Plan for the future - Running a small business or any business really means forecasting and planning in my calendar for holidays and Full moons so that I can provide information to my customers and also offers and sales. With Tallulah, we’re already scheduling her preschool and doctor appointments. You see how Mom’s already make excellent business women right?

  4. Making community connections - I can’t say it enough how much our lives have improved by making mom friends in our small and tight knit town. I was able to bond with other moms and share stories AND good schools and programs for Tallulah. In addition, my skill at talking has created bonds for my jewelry business and friendships.

  5. Good intuition pays off - Again in both aspects, small business and raising a toddler, I just have a good gut for when my daughter needs me and what changes I need to make in my business. I just knew that if I quite my part time job three years ago I could more than double my earning working those days on my business, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Along with knowing when my daughter is about to go no. 2 helps!

Ironically enough when I was updating this post I was listening to a podcast about how women often times make better business women than men and I gotta say I couldn’t agree more. Being a mom has honestly helped me hone my instincts and work ethic so much and I’m amazed at this because years ago I was quite petrified of being a mom and somehow trying to manage a business but as the saying often goes, life tends to know what you can and can’t handle.

I hope that perhaps these points will give you pause to consider creating a family OR perhaps tapping into that mom energy and using it for your own life.

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Death and Decay - Memento Mori

Lisette Fee


Thanksgiving, when I was about twelve years old, we were living in Northern California at the time and we received a phone call that my Abuelito Rene had passed. We lived on a depressing, beige Army base and I’ll never forget feeling as if we lived in some mirage, miles away from anything colorful or different (aka Panama, where we had moved from prior). I recall hearing my mom crying in my parents bedroom and feeling incredibly sad for her, I wasn’t that close to my Abuelito, I have fond memories of him but at the time I didn’t experience intense sadness for his passing.

I recall this as my first association of death, I can say that I’m somewhat fortunate that I haven’t experienced the immense loss of a a loved one that I was close to or even the death of a family pet. And for the most part of my life I haven’t known that loss. It changes a person. Well I’m changed, a week ago we buried my cat Stevie.

Stevie was not the prettiest cat, she was rough around the edges. I found her about eight years ago when I first moved to Eastern North Carolina. She was abandoned by someone and being the cat lover I am, I fed her and next thing you know she’s my second cat.

Stevie obliging a photo.

Stevie obliging a photo.

Stevie had feline aids, so her immune system was weak but not her spirit. She was a chatty cat, always talking to me and she LOVED fresh warm water! What a weirdo! I named her of course after my favorite musician, Stevie Nicks. She truly embodied that name, so sweet and loving.

Her passing has given me a new understanding for life and now death, she struggled towards the end to keep food down, she peed everywhere…my studio was a bit stinky due to her accidents. But I realized that we have to care as much for our beloveds near death as we adore them in the beginning. It’s rough but that is what love is. Our American culture doesn’t like to acknowledge death, we tuck it away, move the body and bury them before even giving them one last hug or kiss.

When I found Stevie outside of my studio, I gave her a last pet, cried quite a bit and lit some sage and said a prayer. I thanked her for her love, her sandpaper licks and all our fun conversations.

The decay, the slow movement of and change of life can be slow and almost seem nonexistant but then you look in the mirror or you see your child grow two inches and you’re reminded of the swift passing of time.

God I miss the moments of holding her in my lap and petting her.

God I miss the moments of holding her in my lap and petting her.

Memento Mori is the concept of acknowledging our mortality everyday, knowing that anything could happen and to appreciate all the the precious moments of life. I try to do this at the end of the day, writing in my journal three things I’m grateful for, the reminder of all that I was blessed with.

My jewelry has meaning in this, the Bast necklace I created from a cat skull was to honor that cats life. My cat claw earrings and charms came from Stevie’s discarded cat nail….the things you find can take on a whole new meaning.

Hold your loved ones, your pets and family close. Tell them you love them and hold them dear. If you ever would like to commemorate the life of your familiar, your pet, I am more than happy to help create a custom piece for you. Click the link below to start the conversation.