The Moon Phases and Learning to Work with Them
Lisette Fee
Where to begin, with this journey I’ve had with the moon lately. Somehow it all started to happen at once, the social media accounts the people I listen to on podcasts all of it started to have a theme…a lunar theme.
And then bam I became just like every other spiritual person on instagram, posting about the moon and the cycles. What really blew me away was this interesting and enlightening fact I learned from Kate Northrup, that the day and yearly cycles are geared toward a more masculine/yang way of doing things. The average business day matches a men’s cycle, they are energized in the morning through midday and then hit a lull in the afternoon, whereas a woman’s cycle matches the lunar cycle meaning there are peak times of the month usually the full moon when we are at our best energetic self and then towards the crescent and waning moons we slow down and reflect aka 3pm. And when I really thought about it and how it does match my mood and that there are times of the month when I’m ready to burst with ideas and then towards my period I begin to slow down.
Okay so how can we work with the moon cycles? Journaling and really just paying attention to phases of the moon and how they match our own sense of feeling and intentions. For example, you could plan intense projects and goals for when you are most energized and at your peak potential which would be during the full Moon. During the New Moon you will want to set intentions and plan for your month. In this way you are working with the rhythm of your cycle and the moons.
I keep a super beautiful piece of artwork by artist Jess Weymouth by my bedroom and I love glancing at it as I walk through to the kitchen.
Confession, I don’t work with the moon phases all the time, but what I’ve noticed is that if I’m having big emotions or if I’m feel super energized I will pause and look at the moon cycle we’re in and see how it corresponds. I also look at my own menstrual cycle to see how it matches with the moon cycle.
Write down and journal your thoughts or if that isn’t your style, dictate into your phone so that you have a recording. There are so many apps for this, honestly that I don’t know of but I know they’re out there that can help you with taking notes (aka evernote).
Small actions, small rituals help to ground us and also bring centeredness and peace. In my morning ritual I write several pages in my journal and I like to note what phase of the moon we’re in, tracking my own mood and phase of the cycle. For example right now (aka March 25th) we are in the New Moon in Aries and this is a time of goal setting and working with the zodiac sign of Aries (pure fire and action) to move into this phase.
Full Moon pendant reminds us that we are wild, we can be untamed every once in awhile, like during the full moon.
It’s so fascinating to me that right now in our history and cultural zeitgeist tracking and connecting with the Moon has become very popular. It is no wonder, as our world is in the thick of the yang energy and we crave and need the feminine, the yin.
So take some time this month and the next to watch the phases of the moon and your own feeling and energies and you will see that you can use the phase of the moon to sync and ground yourself.
OH and it may be nice to have some moon themed jewelry on too…