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You have all the answers you need...with your Third Eye

Lisette Fee

Really vibing with the Third Eye large earrings

Really vibing with the Third Eye large earrings

Our world would be in such a better place if we all took at the very least 15 minutes a day to meditate. We’d have time to allow our mind to process and sift thru the events of our life. Here’s an example, when I get quiet in the morning later in the day I’m able to harness that inner calm and compass to react to any last minute stress or anxiety.

With that said, it certainly does help to have a reminder to stop, think and process. That’s why when I created this design very organically I decided to keep it going. The evil eye motif has shown up in my life in the most subtle ways, from purchasing objects with the motif to all the inner work I’ve been doing over the past two years.

You see (get it?) signs have a way of repeating themselves, the universe wants us to achieve our goals and they will signal to us to listen…we just tend to ignore them!!

The Third Eye collection features a collection of jewels, from earrings to rings and bracelets and LOTS of necklaces. These jewels will aid you in remembering to get quiet, think about what’s going on in your life and ways you can progress or resolves issues.

The necklaces feature stones such as lapis lazuli, azurite and perhaps malachite. The Third Eye Collection will be released on the next New Moon Tuesday, May 11th.

There will be a PREORDER option on Tuesday May 4th, this will allow you to preorder before the sale goes live. Sign up at the link below to get the info.

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Mother's Day Gift Guide for the fierce women in your life

Lisette Fee

Moms are the bomb. Mother’s get shit done and they deserve our love and sparkly gorgeous gifts!

Peep my 2021 Mother’s Day gift guide, there are gifts for all the gorgeous, fierce and badass women. Check it out below.

And if anything, purchase your mama some handmade lavender cleansing wands. She’ll love the sweet fragrant scent of lavender and it’ll cleanse the air.

Mother's give so much, now that I’m a mom I see how much my mother sacrificed and how patient and loving she was with me. And let’s not forget our friends that have ‘mothered’ us, loved us when we really needed it.

Send a card to your friends that mother’s have passed, sending a message reminds our dear friends that we’re thinking of them.

I hope you enjoyed this gift guide and thank you so much for popping by! xoxo - Lisette

How to celebrate Ostara and the Spring season

Lisette Fee

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I’m a bit biased when it comes to March and the arrival of Spring in that i ADORE this season due to those factors and my birthday. It’s just so glorious when the first daffodils appear and the birds are chirpping early in the morning. So it’s no surprise that I go all out to celebrate this time of year.

So what is Ostara/Eostre? According to sources online “Ostara takes its name after the Germanic goddess, Eostre/Ostara, who was traditionally honoured in the month of April with festivals to celebrate fertility, renewal and re-birth. It was from Eostre that the Christian celebration of Easter evolved, and indeed the naming of the hormone Eostrogen, essential to women's fertility. The Goddess Ostara has the shoulders and head of a hare.

To me Eostre is flowers, the Spring/Maiden Goddess Brigid has come alive. She is arising from her slumber. I tell my daughter this as we gallivant outside and scoop up daisies for the hearth.

What are some ways you can celebrate this time of the rebirth of our earth? Well you probably already do some, decorating eggs, hidding eggs and baking spring gifts such as bread, short cakes and more.

Simply going outside for a short walk, even just 15 minutes to behold all that Ostara has to offer is a blessing and way to celebrate her. You can also write your spring & summer intentions on an egg, bury it and as you cover the egg speak aloud your desires and wishes. Decorating trees in your yard or your plants inside with gems or rocks, eggs and ribbons is a way to honor Ostara.

Spirit is here for us and she is listening. We have all gone through so much this past year and the future is bright, the Universe wants to see you grow and move forward.

Time spent contemplating themes and concepts help connect me to this season of birth and expansion.

Time spent contemplating themes and concepts help connect me to this season of birth and expansion.

And last of all, if you are into tarot & divination as am I, take time to inquire from spirit any messages she wants you to hear. I do this everyday and season, consulting tarot for divine messages. Journal the response, contemplate on how you can integrate the message into your life.

Honoring this time of year connects us to the divine and brings back to focus our deepest desires and plans. I hope you enjoyed this post, learn more from me in the future and click the link below. Than you as always for reading!

blessings to you & yours

That old banana peel is worth gold

Lisette Fee


I got your attention didn’t I? Ha, seriously though banana peels, egg shells, leftover food gone bad is literal GOLD to your yard and garden beds.

Composting has become somewhat of a fascination for me, for some reason I enjoying mixing rotting food with dirt! lol okay so I’ll get down to the nitty gritty, composting is absolutely the BIGGEST thing you can do to help the environment. Why? Here are some incredible facts about food waste:

  • Waste costs big money, approximately $55 per ton in 2019 and the U.S. generates more than 267 million tons!! That’s alot of money and waste that we could save. (source NRDC)

  • Food & scrape waste makes up more than 28% of what we throw away. That is a high percentage that we can cut down on.

  • Composting greatly improves our soil by putting back much needed elements back into the ground such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

  • Helps retain water, each 1% of increase in soil organic matter helps soil retain 20,000 gallons of water per acre.

With all that being said, when we all take this action as a collective it can have HUGE implications for our community, state and country. For example San Francisco began a city wide composting program in 1996, and as of the year 2000 San Francisco was able to divert 50% of waste from landfills and by 2012 it had increased this and now 80% of waste has been diverted from landfills. How incredible is that?

Okay so composting is good and all but HOW DO YOU COMPOST? I honestly had no clue until my inlaws gave us several buckets, we created a garden bed, dug up dirt and VOILA, we have a composting system. There are many different ways to compost but I’m going to give you the bare bones EASIEST way to do it.

  1. Purchase a kitchen counter compost bin. Usually they’re steel or ceramic and can be purchased online or maybe your local hardware store.

  2. Purchase 3 large bins (we got ours from Lowe’s)

  3. Create a garden bed, it can be whatever size you like, we have a longer one, any raised bed will do.

  4. Fill your garden bed with dirt and plant something

Now that you have all the se steps in place you can begin composting. And there are a couple things to keep in mind on what you can compost:

  • Food scraps with the exception of bones, meat or dairy (these attract animals and it’s not meant to be composted)

  • Layer your food scraps with dirt. at the bottom of your bin have a small layer of dirt, then food scraps & then dirt or straw


Now isn’t that simple? It does require a little bit of elbow grease and it’s totally worth it when we do this individually and collectively. Plus, that compost dirt is super rich and beneficial for your garden. You’ll love getting dirty and connecting with our Mother Earth - she gives us so much, it’s the least we can do.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I want to share with you my methods of centering your mind & heart and ways to ground you.

Want to stay in touch and learn more great ways to connect to the earth AND shop gorgeous jewels? Join the powerfully DIVINE clan! click the link below to sign up.

Momboss Journey - Toddler time

Lisette Fee

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Tallulah will officially be 4 years old on March 26th and goodness does time fly quickly, I seriously didn’t think it’d be this fast. I’m holding so tight to her little self before she grows into a tween!

I’ll also be 42 years old this coming weekend and as I come into this journey of my 40’s I have a BIG appreciation for time. We can never get back time, so each moment is truly a gift even if it may be a shitty moment!

Tallulah has now been in preschool for under a year, even during this pandemic, and she’s grown incredibly. I’ve learned to let go and ease up on my own structure around time. With set scheduled days of when I can work in my studio I structure my ‘off’ days with Tallulah around playing outside, reading tarot cards or painting. Lots and lots of painting!


What surprises me about watching Tallulah grow is how much I am reflecting on my own youth, what I remember and how it must’ve been for my mother, raising me. Parenthood teaches us so much about ourselves and who we are.

New Lessons during the toddler years:

  • Acknowledging emotions and allowing them to be felt. When my daughter is frustrated or angry I try to remember to pause and see what it is. Pausing is HUGE for both of us.

  • Water or going outside cures just about any tantrum. I never realized that until I read it on a moms FB group. The best advice EVER.

  • I allow my daughter to paint nearly anything within reason. What can I say, it gives her the best satisfaction to paint rocks.

I can tell you that raising a toddler has given me a whole new set of ways to communicate with an authoritative little person, and these tips can honestly help anyone get thru life.

If you want to follow my journey and learn more about intentional jewelry please subscribe to my list below and I’ll keep you posted!

Which Goddess are you?

Lisette Fee

I can recall the exact moment I fell in love with mythology. I was sitting in detention after school because I was ALWAYS running late to class. And I had picked up a Greek mythology book at the library. The tales were extraordinary, out of this world, and the goddesses?!!! I was sold on how badass and freaking cool the Greek Goddesses were. I mean Athena?! She led the Greeks to battle, they worshiped her.

Enter my late 20’s and I find myself obsessed with Morgana of the Celtic mythology and how she could shapeshift into various magical animals. Goddesses had powers unheard of for humans, and thus my love affair began.

Eilisain Jewelry is not only inspired by the animals used in the process (completely ethically of course) but also mythology, specifically goddesses. Celebrating the feminine divine has been important to me since I began creating jewelry. As you see with each collection there is a paired Goddess or famed character of fantasy such as Ondine or Ursula. Each goddess represents an aspect of life, the rebirth, the celestial and the wildness of the world.

So which goddess most identifies with you? Curious? Take the quiz below to find out! Enjoy my dears!!

Empowering Yourself Through Ritual

Lisette Fee

I have been stuck lately, for all my posts of goals and intentions, staying consistent can be hard. Especially when there is uncertainty and a global pandemic. But one thing that brings me back to the present, and out of my anxiety is ritual.

We humans are hard wired for routines and consistent actions, just think about it, when your routine gets thrown off or around the holidays we get excited for hanging up decorations there is a beautiful ritual that marks the beginning of a season.

Ritual also grounds us in the present and allows our brain to associate an action with a feeling. So how does ritual empower you? Ritual brings awareness to our action. I have a ritual, as do most parents, of reading a book to our children before bed. What does this do, this brings calm and a way for children to settle down from a long day and it empowers children to feel safe & secure.

My ritual of writing out my plans for the day empowers me to feel a sense of control and direction. We need this especially right now, where so much is out of our control.

Take some time now to think about the rituals you do daily, and consider new rituals that will empower you to achieve balance, sanity and focus.

My all time favorite ritual is my morning routine, I move my body for about 15 minutes, I thank my body and then I move on to meditation, prayer, mirror work (hyping myself up for the day) and then I journal and read a tarot card.

And look, there are days when I just want to lay in my bed longer, however this one simple routine/ritual has had immense ripple effects in my life. I’m much more calm, full of gratitude AND more importantly I feel empowered.

If you’d like to stay in touch and learn more methods for bringing intention, curiosity and joy in your life, follow along and join the Eilisain list. Click the link below my dears, and thank you as always for reading!

Winter Reading List

Lisette Fee


Here’s your recommended reading list from a bibliophile. Reading is so lovely in the winder as its the perfect excuse to lay in bed longer!

  1. Help Yourself - A Guide to Gut Health for People Who Love Delicious Food by Lindsay Maitland Hunt. I randomly picked up this cookbook at my local library and I love Lindsay’s honesty with her own struggles and all the research she did on gut health. I’ve already tried the pickled shallots and I’m working on several more. You will learn so much reading this book, and maybe change some eating habits.

  2. The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow - Another fun find at the library, although dense this book satisfied my craving for a fantasy filled story. Three sisters with magic in their blood. They rise up with fellow feminists and witches against an old and sexist male witch. I really love how Harrow weaved children’s rhymes as spells and ancient words. It was a long read but such a perfect escapist book.

  3. Badass Habits by Jen Sincero - I loved Sincero’s first book, You Are A Badass and this book takes it to the next level with a 21 day challenge. Jen is so honest and raw about her own struggles, plus she’s funny! I’ve been applying her methods of rewards for good habits but also repeating my mantra daily. This book will inspire you to look at what you do on a daily basis and perhaps make some changes.

  4. How to be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi - I am an ally and in being one to BLM (Black Lives Matter), feminism and LGBTQ+ and in being one I also want to educate myself on antiracism. Kendi is very thorough in his research, going back to the first instance of racism. I also appreciate his honesty in his own journey of antiracist work. You’ll not only get a thorough education on our American history but how racism has evolved and how you can be a part of the change to dismantle it.

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Winter is the perfect time to settle in at home with a stack of books, a beverage of your choice and cozy warm socks! I hope you enjoyed this blog post, subscribe below to get notified of new posts and sales!

Why You Should Invest In An Oracle Deck

Lisette Fee


Happy New year earth angles!!! It’s about dang time I do a blog post AND let’s kick this 2021 off year with ORACLE DECKS.

I got several new decks and I want to share them with you. I gotta tell you when I began my journey with divination and oracle cards over 20 years ago, it was NOT AS common and popular as they are today. Some people buy decks like lattes! They’re that addictive.

Ok so how do oracle decks differ from tarot? Well there aren’t as many cards as there are in a tarot deck and each oracle deck differs from each other. The one commonality is that it’s used as a tool of divination, oracles are more broad and touch upon the bigger themes in life.

For example my newest oracle deck, Dreamscape features themes that span from animal patronus to deities from across cultures. I’m really in love with this deck as it features stunning Art Novueau style illustration and design plus the messages are so deep and intense.

When/how to use oracle decks - I like using my decks as part of my morning alignment session. So after I meditate and pray I’ll close my eyes, shuffle my cards and ask the spirit realm what lessons I need to think about for the day. You can do readings just as you would with a tarot deck, for example laying out three cards to represent mind/body/spirit or past/present/future etc. You can also chose a card of the day. There truly are no rules to how to use an oracle deck.

Oracle cards provide a deeper meaning and understanding to our lives AND it grounds us in the present moment to listen, get quiet and dig deeper into our dreams and desires and fears.


Here is a brief list of my favorite oracle decks:

!. Dreamscape Orackle deck by Matt Hughes - As I stated above Matt’s art work is absolutely dreamy, gorgeous and harkens to the art nouveau period. I also love that Matt incorporates Goddesses and themes across all cultures.

2. Healing with Angels Oracle deck with Doreen Virtue - This is probably my first oracle deck, I can’t recall as I purchased it over 20 years ago. Doreen has a more christian view on the deck however these cards are so encouraging and provide a beautiful guide to tapping into our unconscious.

3. Threads of Fate - The ladies (Blaire Porter and Brit June) behind this oracle deck did a beautiful job of incorporating several elements in one card. For example with the patience card it features a turtle and a gemstone and herb. You get three in one teachings! The designs paired with gold embossing adds an ephemeral quality to them that is just divine.

4. The Celtic Tree Oracle - Being the Celt obsessed pagan that I am, this deck has been with me for awhile. Trees are ancient and across cultures & religions have been connected to the divine so it makes sense that they would be incorporated into an oracle. What I love about this deck is that they provide a notepad and guide on how to lay out your reading.

Just as there are many, many tarot decks available so are oracle and my best recommendation is to purchase one that resonates with you and treat them as you would any other divination tool, with curiosity and reverence.

I hope you enjoyed my post and you subscribe to my email list so that I can share more of my references and resources with you. Tapping into your inner teacher can have a profound impact on your life and is never time wasted.

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My Favorite Small Businesses To Support

Lisette Fee


Ya’ll know I LOVE to support my fellow makers & shakers cause they’re amazing and we’re in this together! So here is a short list of my new obsessions, and I know each of these personally.

Here’s a quick link list, from above to click on.

The Magick Makers - Erin, the owner is just so talented and amazing. Her creations smell and look amazing.

Velvet Witch - Do you see a theme here? magic + handmade = amazement. Ashley owns Velvet witch and I LOVE everything she stocks in her store.

True Love Crystals - Another theme here, crystals! I ordered a gorgeous labradorite orb from this shop and it helps me to channel my inner teacher. Grab crystals here for your favorite gem obsessed friend.

Heart + Wood Co. - My dear friend Amanda and her husband run this handmade wood products shop and it’s so fun and represents so much of Southern North Carolina.

This season, every year and ESPECIALLY this year please support small businesses, so many families and individuals depend on their shops to keep their household running, myself included.

And thank you as always for popping by and reading. If you want more information like this please sign up for my divinely powerful e-list and you’ll get updates and news about offers, events and more. Click below to sign up my friends.

Get Your Holiday Orders In Now

Lisette Fee

Goodness, every year this happens, the end of summer is one day and the next it’s November!?!

I guess I should let ya’ll know some dates for when you can order your gifts in time for Christmas. I do my best to ensure timely delivery, these dates are somewhat flexible depending on where you live. So if there is any hesitation, shoot me an email ( or DM on social media and I’ll respond as quickly as I can.

And friends, whatever you do this holiday season do your best to shop LOCAL and small. The big box stores will survive but your neighbors and family that are small business owners are doing their best to make ends meet, when you shop local & small you are literally putting money in your neighbors pockets.

Thank you and love you all!

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You Have An Undiscovered Patronus Awaiting

Lisette Fee

Since I began working with owl talons nearly ten years ago I researched about owls, their behaviors and how to tap into their strength in my everyday life. From then on it continued to crow, bear, cats, badgers, hawks, cardinals and now snake.

I want to clarify that I use the word patronus instead of totem or spirit animal because I don’t want to use a word that is primarily Native American and that appropriates their culture. So to be respectful we can use JK Rowling’s beautiful term patronus or guardian animal.

I had been brewing up a plan to create a quiz a long time ago that would aide you in locating your patronus in the Eilisain Jewelry world. When you find your patronus, I provide you with guides as to how you can harness the incredible wisdom and power of your patronus. For example, cuttlefish is a beautiful mollusk that can change it’s color to hide from prey or to hunt it’s own prey. With cuttlefish as your patronus you will want to utilize color to empower you or to mask any hindrances.


We can learn SO MUCH from animals, they have infinite wisdom if we look closely, if we notice their behaviors. Something I learned from snake is the uncomfortable shedding of their skin which they endure on a regular basis. What this teaches is us that we are constantly growing and shedding. Look at our current world, so many of us are going through a rebirth and an awakening just as the snake does,

Okay so you want to know which animal in the Eilisain Jewelry collection is yours? Take the quiz! Click the link below and you’ll answer select questions.

5 Things I'm REALLY Into Right Now

Lisette Fee


Since many of us are home, alot more than usual, we’re consuming more books, television and outdoor activities. Thus I thought I’d share with you some of the things I’m REALLY into. I put emphasis on REALLY because I’m kinda obsessed with them. Here goes!

  1. DUNE - I actually got into the Dune series several years ago. I began watching Comicbookgirl19 (now Danikxix) on Youbtube when she did a book club. I hadn’t even read the book yet I wanted to learn more. Now that Dune, the second release of the movie version is set to release this winter it’s gaining even more popularity. What I love about Dune is that the characters rely on their own intelligence, intuition and guidance. There is SO much in Dune, politics, mysticism, religion.

  2. Mushrooms - Blame it on my friend Judy but ‘schrooms are making a BIG comeback. Foraging has become a weekend adventure of searching for herbs and edible mushrooms. I believe mushrooms could save us, they’re incredible. They can literally breakdown trash and create new lifeforms.

  3. My Octopus Friend - I’ve been raving about this documentary since I watched it earlier in the month. A film editor and videographer moves back to the the Southern coast of South Africa and goes diving for fun (all without a wet suit) and he begins following an octopus. It’s such a beautiful amazing story of the connections we make with animals.

  4. Teatime - Okay this is all my daughter’s fault. She ADORES our tea time ritual; pouring the milk and all the fun stuff. There is a wonderful ‘pause’ in teatime. We sit, drink tea and chat. We do this all of course in a British accent! My new favorite tea of the moment is Magic Hour, it’s amazing and they’re packaging is to die for!

  5. Magazines - I’ve always been kinda obsessed with magazines, it all started with Sassy magazine. Now i”m super into home decor’zines like House Beautiful, HGTV magazine, Oprah, Good Housekeeping. I especially enjoy magazines because it’s a perfect way to zone out but NOT on my phone.

Now more than ever I believe it’s SO good for your soul to find activities that allow your mind + body to unwind. Finding special moments throughout the day to connect, be still and enjoy an activity is super good for you!

If you enjoyed this post and you want to stay up to date on all the things I find fascinating, join my email list. Click the link below AND you’ll get 10% off your first Eilisain Jewelry order!

Thanks as always for stopping by!

What Does it Mean to be Pagan?

Lisette Fee

Lately I’ve been getting inquiries from friends and acquaintances about my belief system and recommendations to learn more about Paganism and general woo woo stuff. So I thought I’d write up a blog post for you to share more about what it means to be a Pagan and the resources you can use to learn more.

I’d say I officially became Pagan about twenty years ago, whoa…that sounds forever ago! I was in a strange place in my life, more like a deep dark hole and I was really searching for meaning and guidance. I was raised Catholic but it just didn’t resonate with me. And though I did pray to God at the time and pray in general I wasn’t connected or felt comfort in praying to one God.

Thinking back, I can recall distinctly in middle school reading a book about Greek mythology and finding it utterly fascinating. So at that time, twenty years ago I started picking up books on mythology and specifically Celtic paganism. This was right about the same time Braveheart came out and I was kinda obsessed to say the least. Something about connection to land, to the Goddess and the mystical was calling me.

Pagan is a term that began in the fourth century by early Christians for the Roman Empire that practiced Polytheism (source Wikipedia). I’d say that Pagan refers to any earth based polytheistic tradition or belief. So Budhhism could be described as Pagan or Hinduism as well, as they believe in many Gods and deities. So we can go even further to say Celtic paganism or Greek paganism etc. You could liken it to the Christian faith in that there are many subsets of it, such as Catholicism, Baptist, Mormon etc.

For myself personally I find Paganism too broad a term but I’d rather use Pagan versus polythistic or earth based for a term to describe my faith. I’ve always found Christianity lacked the feminine divine, the honoring of the earth and especially listening to ones own inner divinity and wisdom.

What I love about being Pagan is the deep connection to our inner teacher, our inner guide that puts us in touch with our intuition. The gut is where we KNOW, we understand and feel with our every fiber what is right for us. And not only that but the balance of the yin and yang, the light and dark, the feminine and the masculine. Monotheism is too singular for me, and within Christianity there isn’t room for listening to ones own teacher but looking outside of ourselves, looking to one God and I find it to rigid for my inclinations. In addition Christianity is built upon a patriarchal worship and faith. With Celtic Paganism there is a balance and a worship of the divine feminine which is so lost in our current culture and society.

As a Celtic Pagan I honor the deities of the land, connecting and communing with the elements. The honoring of Mother Earth, Father Sky and Sun and the Moon Goddess. The deities of land and the universe are what we are made of, stardust and divinity. When I sit at my altar I meditate and connect to the deep dark mysteries of the Earth, I connect with the Dark Goddess below. When I pray I commune with my ancestors and pray for guidance, listening to messages and being quiet with the Self.

Now I’m not saying you can’t do the same within a Christian faith, and trust me that I appreciate and lovingly honor my Catholic upbringing but there just wasn’t the same connection. I couldn’t identify with the idolization of one God, there was always something missing for me.

Within a Celtic Pagan faith there is an infinite world, a world of complex symbols and colors. For example the Arthurian legend we find ourselves journey to the Otherworld, where the land becomes a symbol of integrity and stewardship. The King and Queen represent the God and Goddess, where the fae represent the fertility and magic of Mother Earth. Colors such as red, white and black are symbolic of the other world. The White Hare represents the hunt for inner knowing and journey to the soul. I could go on and on but the point being there is a synergy and relationship between humans and the earth. We are connected not separate from her.

Tools such as tarot, oracles, sage and lavender wands, the chalice and atham create a physical representation of the elements. When I first began dreaming of becoming a jeweler I mapped out ways to utilize jewelry as spiritual and divinitory tools to connect with the divine.

If you are curious about Paganism and specifically Celtic Paganism here are some books and resources I’d like to recommend for you:

John and Caitlin Matthews are my favorite authors on the subject, that are quite knowledgable and I probably own most of their books.

Ceisiwr Serith Pagan Book of Prayers is an excellent source for prayers and general information on the Celtic path.

Peter Berresford Ellis is another fantastic resource, he is the premier writer on Druids and Celts.

Online resources:

Mystic Mama

The Necormantical

A disclaimer that if you are researching Paganism please be very careful what you read as there is SO much misinformation out there. Reliable and accurate books are necessary to learning the history of Paganism. I’m still learning so much about this rich and in depth tradition. And if you ever have any questions, I’m more than happy to answer them - email me at


I believe that the old traditions, the earth based religions are coming back in popularity and curiosity because we are living in such a disconnected time. We are barraged by constant activity and distraction. Meditation, yoga and paganism is resonating with more people because of the extremism and separation from earth of Christianity. And if you are Christian but you’re still drawn to divination and other religions, give yourself a break and explore them, read more about them. Because at the end of the day we are ALL made up of Spirit, of the great cosmic energy that created this beautiful universe for us. Jesus loved everyone, so did Buddha, Brigid, Ali and all the other enlightened souls that have walked Mother Earth.

If you want to learn more about divination, paganism and how to use jewelry as a diviniatory tool please sign up for my email list and I’ll keep you informed. Thanks as always for reading my loves!