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Filtering by Category: garden

Witches, Cats, new designs and tarot

Lisette Fee

Whew it has been one minute since I’ve written a blog post.

Some say blogging is dead but I beg to differ, blogging has always been one of my favorite forms to communicate news and happenings. Except it’s been a busy ans FAST YEAR!

Shew, we are going through it aren’t we? Collectively, the planet and all that comes with it. I truly have been in hermit mode because sometimes facing the world and saying how I truly feel is hard. Am I being a bit vague? Maybe however I don’t want to offend anyone and that’s not what this post is about.

What has been happening in the Eilisain World?

Well I moved my studio AGAIN in our house. It’s funny how I’ve occupied three rooms in our house for my studio. We just felt that our guest room would make more sense versus where it was before.

Bitty Bop LOVES to sneak into my studio and get loves while I try to work. It's a never ending battle to not get distracted by my sweet kitties!

I started 2024 off with some new markets and shows. I made a very conscious decision to do less ‘markets’ and more art shows and exhibitions. FUSE Show was absolutely excellent and all the participating artists are very talented.

In May I participated in my first Fuze Market held in Winston-Salem. It was at a GORGEOUS location and I loved meeting all the kind people that organzied the market and attended.

I finished up this stunning ring for my customer Amanda and then proceeded to create another. I believe this is a series that I will continue. The gold plated talons look SO cool!

Ya’ll I was SO nervous setting this mega faceted citrine but it worked out!!!

In mid summer we shot the Resurrection Collection featuring beetles and malachite stones. This collection was a bit of past pieces I had created using a sweet little beetle I found many years ago.

I will say I struggled with putting this collection. Sometimes jewels take time to put together and especially if it’s a COLLECTION of jewels. I rushed this one….not my most proud one however I’m very pleased with the photography by my dear friend and long time collaborator, Aileen Devlin. Aileen always brings her A+ game!

So here we are in 2025 as I write this and I’m honestly grateful to say ADIEU to 2024 and very nervous yet excited about what 2025 will bring.

STAY TUNED - because I have a very romantic and sexy collection dropping in late spring - the VENUS COLLECTION. And this one will be fully formed.

Playing around with jewels and walking in gardens

Lisette Fee

How’s your summer going? Are you HOT as a bbq oven? I honestly didn’t know what other comparison to make but you get it.

My summer has been somewhat quiet and slow which I absolutely LOVE. I’ve been teaching weekly jewelry classes and just generally spending time with my family.

Two weeks ago we traveled just outside of Raleigh to visit the Juniper Level Botanical Gardens and it was such a treat! We loved the waterfalls, all the amazing BIG cactus’ and being in nature. I tell you it is SO soothing.

We marveled at all the different and beautiful plants. Are you growing anything, doesn’t have to be plants? Are you growing a new project? A new idea?

We accidentally grew sunflowers and my daughter and I lost our minds, it’s such a delight, and the sunflowers bloom just outside my studio door. We’ve also got Japenese eggplant, pumpkin, green peppers and of course cherry tomatoes.

I also had a chance to visit my parents in the mountains and I made sure to harvest some of my Dad’s abundant sage and lavender. I created some really pretty bundles with some other wild flowers grown on their property.

When I sit down and spend time with these herbs I feel so connected to Mother Earth, we’re cocreating beauty and presence with these sage and lavender cleansing bundles.

Ya’ll know I LOVE to gift these cleansing wands to you and my friends. I was visiting my parents last month (June) to participate in the Girl Tribe Pop Up in Charlotte.

I had such a great time reading tarot at the event that I decided to participate in the July event which is happening this coming Sunday! If you live in the Charlotte area, come out and shop this super fun event!

I hope to see YOU there and if you can’t make it, be sure to check out my late summer and Fall events. It’s going to be a busy yet fruitful season!

How to celebrate Ostara and the Spring season

Lisette Fee

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I’m a bit biased when it comes to March and the arrival of Spring in that i ADORE this season due to those factors and my birthday. It’s just so glorious when the first daffodils appear and the birds are chirpping early in the morning. So it’s no surprise that I go all out to celebrate this time of year.

So what is Ostara/Eostre? According to sources online “Ostara takes its name after the Germanic goddess, Eostre/Ostara, who was traditionally honoured in the month of April with festivals to celebrate fertility, renewal and re-birth. It was from Eostre that the Christian celebration of Easter evolved, and indeed the naming of the hormone Eostrogen, essential to women's fertility. The Goddess Ostara has the shoulders and head of a hare.

To me Eostre is flowers, the Spring/Maiden Goddess Brigid has come alive. She is arising from her slumber. I tell my daughter this as we gallivant outside and scoop up daisies for the hearth.

What are some ways you can celebrate this time of the rebirth of our earth? Well you probably already do some, decorating eggs, hidding eggs and baking spring gifts such as bread, short cakes and more.

Simply going outside for a short walk, even just 15 minutes to behold all that Ostara has to offer is a blessing and way to celebrate her. You can also write your spring & summer intentions on an egg, bury it and as you cover the egg speak aloud your desires and wishes. Decorating trees in your yard or your plants inside with gems or rocks, eggs and ribbons is a way to honor Ostara.

Spirit is here for us and she is listening. We have all gone through so much this past year and the future is bright, the Universe wants to see you grow and move forward.

Time spent contemplating themes and concepts help connect me to this season of birth and expansion.

Time spent contemplating themes and concepts help connect me to this season of birth and expansion.

And last of all, if you are into tarot & divination as am I, take time to inquire from spirit any messages she wants you to hear. I do this everyday and season, consulting tarot for divine messages. Journal the response, contemplate on how you can integrate the message into your life.

Honoring this time of year connects us to the divine and brings back to focus our deepest desires and plans. I hope you enjoyed this post, learn more from me in the future and click the link below. Than you as always for reading!

blessings to you & yours

Winter Reading List

Lisette Fee


Here’s your recommended reading list from a bibliophile. Reading is so lovely in the winder as its the perfect excuse to lay in bed longer!

  1. Help Yourself - A Guide to Gut Health for People Who Love Delicious Food by Lindsay Maitland Hunt. I randomly picked up this cookbook at my local library and I love Lindsay’s honesty with her own struggles and all the research she did on gut health. I’ve already tried the pickled shallots and I’m working on several more. You will learn so much reading this book, and maybe change some eating habits.

  2. The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow - Another fun find at the library, although dense this book satisfied my craving for a fantasy filled story. Three sisters with magic in their blood. They rise up with fellow feminists and witches against an old and sexist male witch. I really love how Harrow weaved children’s rhymes as spells and ancient words. It was a long read but such a perfect escapist book.

  3. Badass Habits by Jen Sincero - I loved Sincero’s first book, You Are A Badass and this book takes it to the next level with a 21 day challenge. Jen is so honest and raw about her own struggles, plus she’s funny! I’ve been applying her methods of rewards for good habits but also repeating my mantra daily. This book will inspire you to look at what you do on a daily basis and perhaps make some changes.

  4. How to be An Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi - I am an ally and in being one to BLM (Black Lives Matter), feminism and LGBTQ+ and in being one I also want to educate myself on antiracism. Kendi is very thorough in his research, going back to the first instance of racism. I also appreciate his honesty in his own journey of antiracist work. You’ll not only get a thorough education on our American history but how racism has evolved and how you can be a part of the change to dismantle it.

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Winter is the perfect time to settle in at home with a stack of books, a beverage of your choice and cozy warm socks! I hope you enjoyed this blog post, subscribe below to get notified of new posts and sales!

How to Create Your Own Sacred Space

Lisette Fee

Since I was in my early twenties I’ve kept a ‘sacred space’, I put that in quotes because in reality it has always been an altar. A space where I can reflect and recall my spirituality and the divine High spirit. Altars are in nearly every religion, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and many others.

A sacred space can truly be anywhere or any space. What makes it sacred? The intention you have for it. You can easily have a space with photos and candles but if you don’t come to it with a spiritual intention than it’s a shelf or coffee table. Over the years my space has evolved and changed, since the beginning I used a plastic storage bin with a pretty cloth over it. Your space doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, as long as you can worship near it.


So with that said, how do you create a sacred space? The most important part is the place, I’d recommend it be somewhere that is private or won’t be bothered too much by anyone you live with. You can create a space on a bookshelf or next to your bed or even in a closet! As long as it’s private and comfortable. Here is a brief list of some of the things I like to keep in my sacred space:

  1. Candles - lighting a candle can mark the beginning of your ritual to call upon the High spirit or divinity. Plus they bring the element of fire!

  2. Special mementos - I keep photos of my ancestors, postcards, crystals and keepsakes that very special people have gifted me.

  3. Plants - Greenery in your space reminds you of the sacredness of Mother Earth and our connection to her, plus it just brightens up a space.

  4. Pillows - You’re going to need some back support and comfort if you’re sitting or laying near your space. You want to be comfortable in order to quiet your mind and center your focus.

  5. Books - I keep a Celtic prayer book at my space that provides prayers for morning and night for each season. It’s one of my favorite books. Books can provide quick reference for you.

Now for the extra’s! Since we moved into our home four years ago, I will admit I now have the luxury of an entire room as a sacred space!! I can’t tell you how in love i am with my meditation room. It’s probably my favorite room in our home.

I went all out for this room, I purchased a faux fur rug (confession, I also use this rug as a display for shows!), more plants….alot more plants, mainly little cactus and succulents. I put all my books in here along with my tarot decks, incense and my meditation and work out gear. Here are some additional items I keep at my altar:

  1. Chalice - the chalice represents water, the subconscious and the giving of my spirit to the divine.

  2. Mirror - I just added a mirror so as to work on my shadow self and my confidence. I decided that when I have conversations with myself in the mirror it’s as if I truly am talking to myself, outside of myself if that makes any sense!

  3. Goddess sculptures - I have a handmade goddess my friend made as well as several others that represent the Yin, she is the feminine divine.

  4. Rosary - I was raised Catholic and there is still that young girl in me that adores the Catholic iconography and symbols.

A sacred space grants you the opportunity to tap into your higher self and the holy spirit. Now when I began my spiritual journey and practice I didn’t spend as much time there as I’d hoped I would. Sometimes I’d pray at night or in the morning but because I had a dedicated space to prayer and reflection it was a reminder to come back when i needed that quiet time. Recently, since I’ve begun a dedicated morning routine, my sacred space has become my haven. A space for me to dream, journal and reflect.

I also want to stress that since I’ve begun to practice my quiet reflective time, my gratitude for life has increased, my anxiety has decreased and most importantly I’ve found that I’m so much more intentional with my words and actions. This isn’t to say that my life is perfect or that I don’t have moments of self doubt and stress but the time spent reflecting has given me grace and patience with myself. With the chaos of the world our reflective and meditative time will help immensely with bringing peace and calm in our world, the one thing we can control is our reaction and our thoughts and that is truly powerful.

With the chaos of the world our reflective and meditative time will help immensely with bringing peace and calm in our world, the one thing we can control is our reaction and our thoughts and that is truly powerful.
— Lisette Fee, owner and designer of Eilisain Jewelry
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I hope that my post gives you inspiration and insight into the value of a sacred space. YOU deserve to be quiet yourself and a space to honor yourself. If you want to learn more about my spiritual practices and jewelry that celebrates the divinely powerful sign up for my email list above!

Thank you for reading and visiting my website. Have a beautiful day friends!

Getting My Hands Dirty Heals My Spirit

Lisette Fee

Dang ya’ll if 2020 isn’t the year for a revolution I don’t know when it would be! I bet many of you have been feeling a big mixed bag of emotions and you’re not alone. I have good days and bad days but in the center of it all is my home and that I can control.

Several weeks ago I had my friend, fellow momboss and photographer Erica Letchworth come to my home, at a safe distance to photograph me for all things Eilisain but most importantly the spaces where I find refuge and solace.

GARDEN is no. 1 - watching my plants grow and turn into edible food is incredible and not just that, the sacred act of consuming my own home grown vegetables is even more special. When I go out to our garden to gather some herbs for our meal or for my cleansing wands I thank them, i thank the earth for her nutrition and her sustenance. The simple act of thanking plants returns the kindness, the gratitude and appreciation for their incredible nutrition.

If you can or if you have the inclination, go out and purchase herbs and keep them in pots on your porch or deck. Research and studies have proven that being in the presence of plant life gives you energy and vitality. Not only that, caring for your plants will give you an excuse to put your phone down, get outside and take your mind off everything going on in the world.

Oh and one other point I want to make about our garden, we’ve been using our compost as a way to return what we consume back to the earth. We’ve been blessed to access dirt from my in-laws but you can easily do the same, even if it’s a small raised garden bed. Returning your scraps to the earth is SO beneficial for our planet.


My biggest piece of advice and suggestion for you to gain clarity, peace of mind and serenity is to be with yourself. Take time to do nothing! Some nights before I turn out the light to sleep I just lay there thinking and ruminating, passing over what happened throughout the day and reflecting. This gives me time to appreciate the beautiful moments, the quiet moments that make up the collective of our life. And my last ritual for the night, I write down three things I’m grateful for and then I pull a tarot card. Again, reflecting on the abundance in my life and then divining a message from Spirit gives me space to honor the sacred in myself.


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I want to return to what I wrote at the beginning of this post regarding how much in chaos our world is, now my first inclination always is to bury my head in the sand but only momentarily. I know that my life comes with immense privilege and access to way more abundance than many other Americans experience (especially black and brown Americans).

With that said I’m not going to side step the huge revolution our country is going through. Every SINGLE ONE OF US (especially white folks) must participate in order for progress to occur.

What can you do? Here are some steps:

-Read and understand what Black Lives Matter means and what it means to our collective.

-Contact your state and local representatives. Tell them you want change and action.

-Read, listen, purchase and consume African American literature, products, music, podcasts, movies - EDUCATE YOURSELF

-Talk to your neighbors and friends. Be open minded and LISTEN. (I’ll raise my hand that I do this often but I am not that good at listening, I’m working on that one)

-Make a donation if you can, I’m donating 10% of June’s sales to the Minnesota Freedom Fund. Every little bit helps, even if it’s $10.

How Becoming a Mother Changed My Perspective of 'Work' and Life Balance

Lisette Fee

Over the course of the past two years of being a mother I’ve been through a bit of a roller coaster of emotions. Some days I’m at peace with my new role and other days I feel complete overwhelm and anxiety.

I’ve posted on my blog several times about my journey and how I finally came to some peace with the fact that there won’t ever truly be balance. And I’m sure so many other moms have the same feelings, what I think is unique about being a stay at home mom AND running a small business without much child care is that it can take an incredible amount of patience, flexibility and community help to get through the the long haul.

One significant factor in my coming to terms with the role of motherhood and working from home is my mindset has changed incredibly. I’ve listened to podcasts that encourage meditation, working smarter and less, creating rituals that ensure productivity.and mindfulness. I’ve also just allowed myself to take time to rest and relax.

AND the major part of all of my changes in mindset is my daughter Tallulah; toddlers have a way of forcing you to be present and incredibly patient. Toddlers will TEST you like no other and in the end you begin to understand that they are simply curious. And that curiosity is immensely beautiful and grounding.

You might be thinking, ok Lisette we get it, you’ve accepted being a mom and a boss, what’s that have to do with me?

I share my experience with you because I know we all struggle with balance and just BEING, and knowing that perhaps in the moment there can be anxiety, stress and overwhelm but if we acknowledge that it isn’t us - any situation that we’re in is one we’re experiencing but it doesn’t define us.
— Lisette Fee

Thus here are photos of me in my studio, garden, meditation space and most importantly of all photos of me with my pookie, Tallulah.

Tallulah loves flowers and being outside. It’s our daily ritual to walk all around our town.

Tallulah loves flowers and being outside. It’s our daily ritual to walk all around our town.

Watering our vegetable and herb garden.

Watering our vegetable and herb garden.

Tickles are the best with a little person.

Tickles are the best with a little person.

Rose in hand, surrounded by jewels.

Rose in hand, surrounded by jewels.

While Tallulah naps, I work!

While Tallulah naps, I work!

Tallulah loves playing in my meditation room.

Tallulah loves playing in my meditation room.

sorting through tarot cards and rune stones.

sorting through tarot cards and rune stones.

I hope you enjoyed this post and an inside look into my studio and life. And thank you as always for supporting and following Eilisain.

5 Super Easy Ways to Celebrate Earth Day - EVERY DAY

Lisette Fee

What they said is wrong, being green is easy. Seriously, in our convenience led world we don’t need to be wasteful. Our beautiful planet needs us to be protectors of her abundance and generosity.


Life is cyclical right? We can not take something without giving. And the same goes for all that we consume on a daily basis. So here are five super easy ways to be less wasteful, recycle, reuse and especially REDUCE.

  1. Take your own water bottle or coffee mug when you step out of the house. As a matter of fact, stash a to go container, a reusable water bottle and coffee mug in your canvas shopping bag.

  2. Reuse any of your plastic bags. And clean and drop off any plastic film and bags at your local Food Lion or grocery store. It’s SO convenient.

  3. Unplug and turn off any cellular charging stations or lights that you aren’t using. This will not only save energy for the planet BUT it also SAVES YOU MONEY!

  4. SHOP second hand and Salvation Army. You guys, this one is fun - you can find the best treasures at thrift stores.

  5. Grow a garden, plant trees and pick up trash where you see it. It all begins in your community. the more we time we spend outside in nature and the wilderness the more we appreciate and love our world.


I hope that you take this time of year to venerate and give gratitude for all the our mother earth provides for us. I know I sound all hippy dippy but trust me when I say that what YOU receive in return for your gratitude is so much more.

If you enjoyed my tips and want to learn more, sign up for my email list below and you’ll get more advice AND ways to improve your life.

Color Therapy and How It Can Change Your Life

Lisette Fee

Years ago, when I worked a desk job, I had a supervisor that I was struggling to connect with and demonstrate that I was confident to perform my job. One day, I summoned confidence and courage with the color red. I wore my carved red dragon pendant and red lipstick. Does this sound silly? Maybe but it worked, subtly I channeled a side of me to own my presence and talent.

There’s a reason houses sell more quickly with a red door, it stands out. It’s striking and vibrant. There are so many different ways to use color to improve your life and well being.

Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a non-invasive energy medicine (vibrational healing) modality. Color is simply a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. All the primary colors reflected in the rainbow carry their own unique healing properties.

The concept of color therapy is premised on the idea that on the surface of our skin, physical and energy systems of the body interface through the color vibrations found and utilized in the visible light spectrum. 12 vibrating fields of colors generate electrical and magnetic fields of energy that are prime activators of biochemical and hormonal processes, and also stimulate or sedate activities within the body that are necessary to balance every system and organ of the body.
— -Innovative Medicine

This is essentially the chakra system, an Eastern spiritual tradition that associates seven centers on the body with color and universal properties.

I’m a firm believer that we should trust ourselves more, our inner guide and teacher. Utilizing color and examining how you can change your mood, energy and mind through different therapies such as aromatherapy, color therapy, meditation is incredibly empowering. Now I’m not saying this is a cure-all, please consult your family doctor before you try any of this. However there are small things you can do that can simply improve your mood and mindset.


Light some sage OR burn an oil diffuser. I probably light my sage 2-3 times daily. I love the earthy scent.


The color GREEN is everywhere now, with Spring coming into full effect we NOT  can escape this rich and calming color.  But want to know a secret?

Bringing the color green into your home and life can bring YOU abundance and wealth
Color therapy is a fantastic way to call upon energies and manifests qualities we seek.  This is one of the reasons I'm using green stones such as malachite, agates and more in my upcoming collection.

I have yet to give it an official name or set date but stay tuned. 
You are going to LOVE this collection.

In the meantime, as you anxiously await these jewels to be listed.  I'm giving you some thoughts and ideas on how to use color therapy.

Green = abundance, wealth and vitality
Yellow = empowerment, increased well being and positivity
Red = energize, transformation and rebirth
Purple = spirituality, confidence and clarity
Blue = Relaxation, introspection and soothing vibes.

You can bring these colors and qualities into your life in so many ways.  By the what you wear, the jewelry you wear, your living space and office. 

Give it a try this week.  If you need some positive vibes, place yellow flowers at your desk.  If you need to chill out, look at water images on Pinterest. 

Subtle ways of infusing color therapy into your everyday life can have major impacts on your psyche and energy.


Practicing Self Love

Lisette Fee

You may think to yourself, well yes I do that all the time.  But do we really? I'm not talking about having a glass of wine or going to the beach.  I'm talking about the act of giving yourself love daily.  I've been pondering more and more on this, that our daily habits and our work and life patterns truly effect our mental and physical well being.    But the big takeaway that I've discovered is that when you love yourself you also share that love with others and this essentially makes the world happier. 

Just laying outside can lower your blood pressure. 

Just laying outside can lower your blood pressure. 

So what can you do to practice self care/love daily? Even if it's just for thirty minutes or fifteen minutes.  Now these are self care suggestions that aren't the indulgent ones but ones that speak to your spirit and soul.   Studies have shown that when we're content and feeling good about ourselves, other people notice and feel that vibration.  Here are some suggestions for you to practice self care and love:

  • Go for a walk or bike ride, anything physical. Endorphins (happy hormones) are released in your body when you move.

  • Call your bestie and catch up

  • Grab a blanket and lay outside and look at the clouds

  • Take a soothing bath

  • Play with your cat, dog or pet or someone elses

  • Work on your garden

  • Do an activity that gave you joy and happiness when you were a child, like coloring or playing with legos.

It's funny how we've lost some of these activities the more technology that comes into our life however taking time to do an activity that uses your hands and mind has big benefits and impacts for not only your happiness but the longevity of your brain.  Many studies have shown that working with your hands and playing games can prevent Alzheimers and dementia.

So even when it's a crazy busy day and your stressed, which is when you need self care the most.  Stop, breath and go for a walk or do whatever gives you joy!



My Journey and Self Discovery

Lisette Fee

One of my most treasured self care rituals is taking a bath and this evening as I lay there in warm soothing water (my element as a Pisces) I thought of what to post here on my blog; and it came to me - sharing my journey and path to jewelry and love of gems, tarot and the Occult.

I will not shy away from saying or writing that word - THE OCCULT - because in my mind it isn't bad or riddled with horrible things but of magic.

Shot from the Valkyrie collection.  The cup represents water and the cauldron.

Shot from the Valkyrie collection.  The cup represents water and the cauldron.

When I was in my early twenties I was at my lowest in self confidence and direction.  I was lost; and of course I got into trouble.  I went through so much inner pain and anguish and filled the deep void within myself with material objects.  And as with many individuals whom get lost, I found faith.  First through Christianity but eventually I became fascinated with the old gods, with their tales and myths.  Mind you, I've loved storytelling since I was a child in middle school.  Their tales gave me hope and renewal.

Enamel brooch, 2011. 

Enamel brooch, 2011. 

Fast forward roughly ten years, I still had some emptiness inside but I learned to channel my fear and doubts with keeping my hands busy.  A thought formed in my mind of melding my two loves - faith and adornment.  Ritual adornment has fascinated me since I was a girl attending the traditional catholic church and prayers.  I loved using the ritual beads and iconography.

Thus I continued my passion for making jewelry and became fixed on turning it into a career.  As humans, our nature is to create culture - to embody the Gods by also making and forming with our hands and mind.  And I'm most happy and fulfilled when I'm being creative and not just in the studio but in my garden, my kitchen and with spirituality. 

When I moved to eastern North Carolina I was thirty years old, at a precipice of venturing into the wonderful world of jewelry and metalsmithing.  I'd found my calling and it felt liberating to embrace it and take the leap.  It changed my life moving to North Carolina, and it's not so much the place but the people I met that challenged me.  

***peep my brief interview below going into more detail of my process.

So my tale has come here, to a happy and growing place of contentment and exploration.  I hope that it gives you hope to leap, and that your net will appear.   Be patient with yourself and give your space to explore and question yourself. 

Thank you as always for reading!

Growing a Green Thumb

Lisette Fee

There seem to be these phases of growing into adulthood, other than the usual kids and buying a house.  And I believe one of them is becoming a gardener.  I've always loved flowers and herbs but not enough to truly grow a garden.  And now that we have a very large backyard - I'm very excited to begin cultivating it.

I can only dream that my herb garden would produce this much of a harvest - one day!

I can only dream that my herb garden would produce this much of a harvest - one day!

Last weekend my husband and I planted a pear and fig tree.  We're still not there yet on the raised beds but we will get there. What I absolutely love about having a garden is being able to go right out my back yard and pluck a cherry tomato for my salad or add rosemary to breads or oils.  There is something precious about cultivating your own food. 

I will say I'm also incredibly lucky that my inlaws are experts at growing a vegetable garden AND they have chickens.  Their eggs are the best! And you know whats also cool about having a garden you actually don't need a large backyard.  You can grow vertical gardens in tight spaces or simply keep small potted plants on your porch - it's what we did before we had an actual yard. 

I hope you enjoy this season with fresh herbs and vegetables - especially if they're from you garden!

Infusing Your Drinks

Lisette Fee

As you know I love herbs and they have such universal properties, from oils to incense.  And lately I've been using my herbs for infusing my water, wine and teas.

On my Mother's Day I received a fantastic gift from my friend; little rubber molds that you can place herbs in; of course you can also use your ice cube trays. 

Mint and lavender infused drinks

Mint and lavender infused drinks

So here are several of my favorite herbs and recipes for infusing your summer drinks!

1.  Pineapple sage - my friend and customer Traci Davis introduced me to this yummy herb.  Add this to your malibu bay breezes or your citrusy drinks. 

2.  Mint - this beloved herb really goes well with anything.  I love grinding it and adding it to hot or cold chocolate drinks. 

3.  Lavender - not only is it my favorite color but also my favorite herb.  Lavender loves being paired with vanilla and this works great in teas as well as iced drinks with vodka or rum.

4.  Basil - one of my favorite drinks from local Greenville restaurant the Scullery is their lemon basil drink, seltzer, simple syrup, lemon and basil - it's SO refreshing!

There are endless possibilities to the combinations you can make with your herbs and drinks and it's low calorie, very good for your health and savory.  I hope you enjoyed this post and thanks for reading!

PS - In every Eilisain jewelry order I include a spring of lavender.  Use this to burn in your home for a calming sense.

Succulent Time!

Lisette Fee

Along with my new interest in essential oils and herbal care and medicine I'm also going a bit nuts for succulents and building lil terrariums.  Maybe it's part of becoming a mom or that I now have quite a bit of space to garden or that I'm becoming such a homebody but somehow I've gained more interests in caring for plants and tending to a garden.

A terrarium I made for my girlfriend.  I loved using an air plant with a splash of coral color.  The glass case is from TJ Maxx. 

A terrarium I made for my girlfriend.  I loved using an air plant with a splash of coral color.  The glass case is from TJ Maxx. 

Thus I wanted to share with you some new tips I've gleaned along the way as well as places to get your accoutrements for your terrarium garden.

1. Plant and See Nursery, Greenville, NC - If you live in my area you will definitely want to visit Plant and See if you haven't been there already.  They have a very large assortment of plants, statues, herbs and all things green! Now if you don't live in the Eastern NC area you'll want to find your local Garden shop versus the usual big box stores.  As I always urge you, go LOCAL.

2.  Glass containers and displays for terrariums - I'm going to admit I'm guilty and I went to TJ Maxx for a glass container HOWEVER, you can usually find super affordable containers at Goodwill, Salvation Army OR even use old vases to build up a terrarium.  I've done this before and it works perfectly to display your mini-plant universe.

3.  Terrarium Accessories - This one is super easy.  You can use medium sized stones, coral, sea shells, geodes etc. or even little people or houses you can get at your local craft store.  I was very excited to use purple moss (purple power friends!) or use any other moss you find or purchase.

My personal terrarium with special sea urchin shells from the Outer Banks. 

My personal terrarium with special sea urchin shells from the Outer Banks. 

4.  How to care for your terrarium and succulents - My friend gave me the advice to soak your air plants and some succulents in water for a good 20 mins and then let air dry twice a week.  You may want to clean out your glass case every couple of weeks.  Store your air terrarium in a cool yet temperate place near a window or where it will receive moderate sunlight.  

I hope you enjoyed this post and it helps you enjoy plant life, they say it eases stress and makes people happy when you have plants around and I believe it!