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January Virtual Trunk Show

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January Virtual Trunk Show

  • Eilisain Jewelry 3538 East Wilson Street Farmville United States (map)

It’s my first VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

Earlier Event: December 15
Patchwork Winter Makers Market