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Upcoming events

Filtering by: pop up
Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire
to Apr 13

Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire

  • Lenoir County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’m excited to return to the ENC Renaissaince Fest! I’ll have your favorite witchy jewelry along with tarot readings and rosemary cleansing wands.

So come out and channel your inner maiden or knight. This is a two day festival so there is plenty of time to enjoy the ren fest.

You can learn more about the event and schedules here.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on March 1st from 11-4pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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February Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

February Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my second VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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Cupid's Closet Valentine's Day Artisan Market
12:00 PM12:00

Cupid's Closet Valentine's Day Artisan Market

  • Heist Brewery & Barrell Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for a day of preppin’ for Valentine’s Day!

I’ll be there offering tarot readings and maybe some jewels. Many of you will want a forecast for your current and future love life so come out in Charlotte and join me for an artisan market to prepare you for cuffing season.

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January Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

January Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my first VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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November Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

November Virtual Trunk Show

It’s Fall time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, July 18th from 6-7pm

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September Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

September Virtual Trunk Show

It’s Fall time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, July 18th from 6-7pm

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July Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

July Virtual Trunk Show

It’s summer time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, July 18th from 6-7pm

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May Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

May Virtual Trunk Show

It’s spring time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on September 2nd from 11-4pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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Greenville Museum of Art Sidewalk Sale
12:00 PM12:00

Greenville Museum of Art Sidewalk Sale

It’s summer and time to get out and mingle with the community! The Greenville Museum of Art is hosting fantastic sidewalk sale full of local makers and shakers like myself.

I’ll be offering tarot readings (five card spread for $20) and of course a handful of your favorite jewels!

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Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire
to Apr 23

Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire

  • Lenoir County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My first Ren Fest! I’ve been wanting to participate in a renaissance festival for a very LONG time! My dream has come true and even better it’s in Eastern NC for all my local friends and uh hmmm nerds!

So come out and channel your inner maiden or knight. This is a two day festival so there is plenty of time to enjoy the ren fest.

You can learn more about the event and schedules here.

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Halloween Trunk Show at East Carolina ArtSpace
5:00 PM17:00

Halloween Trunk Show at East Carolina ArtSpace

This weekend I’ll be hosting my Halloween themed trunk show at East Carolina ArtSpace in downtown Farmville. I’ll have my new jewels and your tried and true favorites.

So come out Saturday October 22nd 5-8pm before you go on the Ghost Walk in Farmville for haunting and magical jewels, tarot, yummy food and wine.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on October 1st from 11-3pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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Mary Parker Porch Pop Up
12:00 PM12:00

Mary Parker Porch Pop Up

Oh first Fall show/market of the year! I’m excited to return to Mary Parkers lovely porch and vend with other fellow makers & shakers. I hope you’ll come out and shop AND have a lil happy hour in the meantime.

I will be selling my tried and true favorite jewels and maybe some new pieces. Either way please enjoy with me a fun outdoor show in Raleigh! WE will be there on Saturday, September 17th 12-4pm.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of ARt this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on June 4th 11-3pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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April Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

April Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my first VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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February Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

February Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my montly VIRTUAL trunk show and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, February 17th from 6-7pm

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10 Year Eilisain Jewelry Anniversary Party
5:00 PM17:00

10 Year Eilisain Jewelry Anniversary Party

  • 409 Evans Street Greenville, NC 27858 united states (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wow, just wow….ten years ago I moved my jewelers bench from my school studio at East Carolina University to Art Avenue in Uptown Greenville. It really does not feel that long ago I was casting in my studio and helping in run a studio with my friends.

As I look back at my journey all I feel is gratitude and satisfaction. Please join me in Uptown Greenville, where it all began to celebrate the past and the future of Eilisain Jewelry.

I’ll have my jewels on display of course AND I’ll have wine, snacks and a GIVEAWAY for attendees!

Back where it all started at Art Avenue studios.

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January Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

January Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my first VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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Summer Darksome Craft VIRTUAL Market
to Jul 25

Summer Darksome Craft VIRTUAL Market

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It’s almost here! Another dark & creepy cool show by Lindsay of Darksome Craft. Lindsay does an amazing job curating talented designers and creators. In addition, the makers provide videos and behind the scene looks at what goes into making our one of a kind creations!

Of course I will provide a demo of my jewelry making process, be sure to follow Darksome Craft on Instagram and facebook to get up to date news on this amazing virtual craft show.

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New Moon Market at Selden
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Market at Selden

It’s BACK! This super witchy and very cool market is back and I’m so very happy. Norfolk is such a cool city and I truly loved participating in this show, especially because it’s filled with talented makers and small businesses.

The New Moon Market will be held on Friday, March 12th 7-10pm at the Selden Market in the waterfront area of Norfolk.

Join me on my birthday weekend (hello Pisces season), I’ll have all your favorite jewels and new pieces as well.

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Made with Love Saturday Market
10:00 AM10:00

Made with Love Saturday Market

My first event of the year and I couldn’t be happier that it’s here in Greenville at a yummy bakery called Made with Love!

This will be a short & sweet market and very safe. We will all have masks on, hand sanitizer and tables stationed six feet away. Only come if you’re feeling healthy & joyous to shop locally and handmade. There will also be a local candle maker and a florist.

I will have some one of a kind pieces as well as my classic popular jewels. See you there!

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Made with Love Saturday Market
10:00 AM10:00

Made with Love Saturday Market

Join me for another weekend in Greenville at a yummy bakery called Made with Love!

This will be a short & sweet market and very safe. We will all have masks on, hand sanitizer and tables stationed six feet away. Only come if you’re feeling healthy & joyous to shop locally and handmade. There will also be a local candle maker and a florist.

I will have some one of a kind pieces as well as my classic popular jewels. See you there!

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Made with Love Saturday Market
10:00 AM10:00

Made with Love Saturday Market

Join me this weekend in Greenville at Made with Love a yummy bakery that has delicious treats and breads.

This will be a short & sweet market and very safe. We will all have masks on, hand sanitizer and tables stationed six feet away. Only come if you’re feeling healthy & joyous to shop locally and handmade. There will also be a local candle maker and a florist.

I will have some one of a kind pieces as well as my classic popular jewels. See you there!

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Made with Love Saturday Market
10:00 AM10:00

Made with Love Saturday Market

My first event of the year and I couldn’t be happier that it’s here in Greenville at a yummy bakery called Made with Love!

This will be a short & sweet market and very safe. We will all have masks on, hand sanitizer and tables stationed six feet away. Only come if you’re feeling healthy & joyous to shop locally and handmade. There will also be a local candle maker and a florist.

I will have some one of a kind pieces as well as my classic popular jewels. See you there!

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Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art
10:00 AM10:00

Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art

A handmade celebration! Come out and join me with a small and very well spaced group of artists at the Greenville Museum of Arts Sugar Plum Holiday Pop Up.

We will be there with masks on, hand sanitizer and lots of holiday jewels and goodies!

Please come out and support small & local.

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Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art
5:00 PM17:00

Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art

A handmade celebration! Come out and join me with a small and very well spaced group of artists at the Greenville Museum of Arts Sugar Plum Holiday Pop Up.

We will be there with masks on, hand sanitizer and lots of holiday jewels and goodies!

Please come out and support small & local.

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