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Upcoming events

Filtering by: trunk show

February Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

February Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my second VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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January Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

January Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my first VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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November Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

November Virtual Trunk Show

It’s Fall time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, July 18th from 6-7pm

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September Virtual Trunk Show
7:00 PM19:00

September Virtual Trunk Show

It’s Fall time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, July 18th from 6-7pm

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July Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

July Virtual Trunk Show

It’s summer time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, July 18th from 6-7pm

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May Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

May Virtual Trunk Show

It’s spring time and I’ve been having fun in the studio and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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Eilisain September VIRTUAL Trunk show
7:00 PM19:00

Eilisain September VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll have some of my previous collections marked down and on SALE!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain June VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain June VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll have some of my previous collections marked down and on SALE!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain May VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain May VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll have some of my previous collections marked down and on SALE!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain April VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain April VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll have some of my previous collections marked down and on SALE!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain February VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain February VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll have some of my previous collections marked down and on SALE!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain January VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain January VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll have some of my previous collections marked down and on SALE!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Halloween Trunk Show at East Carolina ArtSpace
5:00 PM17:00

Halloween Trunk Show at East Carolina ArtSpace

This weekend I’ll be hosting my Halloween themed trunk show at East Carolina ArtSpace in downtown Farmville. I’ll have my new jewels and your tried and true favorites.

So come out Saturday October 22nd 5-8pm before you go on the Ghost Walk in Farmville for haunting and magical jewels, tarot, yummy food and wine.

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Eilisain August VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain August VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing my newest collection, the Orchil Collection. This has become a fan favorite already. I have new one of a kind jewels AND Medea Moonstone snake rings that are so stunning!!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain June VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain June VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing my newest collection, the Orchil Collection. This has become a fan favorite already. I have new one of a kind jewels AND Medea Moonstone snake rings that are so stunning!!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain May VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain May VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing my newest collection, the Orchil Collection. This has become a fan favorite already. I have new one of a kind jewels AND Medea Moonstone snake rings that are so stunning!!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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April Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

April Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my first VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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February Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

February Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my montly VIRTUAL trunk show and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, February 17th from 6-7pm

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January Virtual Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

January Virtual Trunk Show

It’s my first VIRTUAL trunk show of the year and I’m coming in HOT with new jewels and some from last year.

Join me over at the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club Facebook group to shop from the comfort of your how home. I will have ALL jewels slightly discounted AND when you attend the show for the FULL hour you’ll get entered to win $15 off your trunk show item.

  • Entry to win $15 off your order

  • 2nd entry to win $20 of your order of $100 or more

I hope to see you there my loves, it’ll be this Thursday night, January 13th from 6-7pm

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Eilisain December VIRTUAL Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain December VIRTUAL Trunk Show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing some new ONE OF A KIND jewels. And a LOAD of gold plated jewels.

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain November VIRTUAL Trunk Show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain November VIRTUAL Trunk Show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing some new ONE OF A KIND jewels. And a LOAD of gold plated jewels.

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain September VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain September VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing some new ONE OF A KIND jewels. And a LOAD of gold plated jewels.

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

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Eilisain September VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain September VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing some new ONE OF A KIND jewels. And a LOAD of gold plated jewels.

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

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Eilisain July VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain July VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing my newest collection, the Bone Collection. This has become a fan favorite already. I have new one of a kind jewels AND Medea Moonstone snake rings that are so stunning!!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

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Eilisain July VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain July VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing my newest collection, the Bone Collection. This has become a fan favorite already. I have new one of a kind jewels AND Medea Moonstone snake rings that are so stunning!!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

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Eilisain June VIRTUAL Trunk show
6:00 PM18:00

Eilisain June VIRTUAL Trunk show

Shop from the comfort of your own home! That’s the beauty of my virtual trunk shows directly from my studio.

I’ll be showcasing my newest collection, the Third Eye Collection. This has become a fan favorite already. I have new one of a kind jewels AND Medea Moonstone snake rings that are so stunning!!

You can join the trunk show in my exclusive Eiisain Jewelry FAN Club group on Facebook. Click here to join.

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

These gorgeous moonstone Medea rings are ready to ship!

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

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Crafted VA at O'Connor Brewery
12:00 PM12:00

Crafted VA at O'Connor Brewery

Join me for a day of handmade shopping, food and drinks and memories! I’m so happy to return to Norfolk, it’s become a favorite market location for me.

I’ll have new jewels and your favorite owl talon jewels plus sage bundles and more!

We will be practicing COVID safety measures, masks and hand sanitizer.

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March Virtual Trunk Show
5:00 PM17:00

March Virtual Trunk Show

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Let’s meet up virtual for a fun jewelry trunk show! I’ve decided these are so much fun I’ll do one once a month. You can shop my collections, ask questions and catch up!

I will also have exclusive offers during this trunk show as well as lowered prices. Join me over on the Eilisain Jewelry FAN Club group page on Facebook. You have to request to join the group.

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Valentine's Day Virtual Trunk Show
5:00 PM17:00

Valentine's Day Virtual Trunk Show

It’s been sometime since I held an online trunk show, and this is the perfect time to host one. Join me Thursday evening 5-6pm on February 11th and I’ll give you my undivided attention showcasing new jewels in my studio as well as fan favorites like the Medea simple snake ring or my classic Hunted owl talon earrings.

The trunk show will be held on my private Eilisain Jewelry FAN club facebook group.

For attendees that attend the trunk show for the full hour you will be entered into a raffle for $25 off of a $100 or more order or $15 off a $50 order or more.

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