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Upcoming events

Filtering by: mindfulness

Mind, Body and Spirit Expo
to Feb 23

Mind, Body and Spirit Expo

  • Raleigh Convention center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for the amazing Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Raleigh this February. This is one of my favorite shows to do of the year.

There are advanced healers, tarot readers, crystal sellers, JEWELRY and more! You won’t regret attending and shopping at this local ENC market.

I’ll also be reading tarot and selling my new tarot deck!

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Mind, Body and Spirit
to Aug 18

Mind, Body and Spirit

  • Raleigh county fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for my second Mind, Body and Spirit Expo in Raleigh this August. I had such a fantastic time in February so I’m returning and this time I’ll offer tarot readings.

If you live in the Raleigh area and you are into all things mystical, spiritual or crystals, come on out.
Grab a friend and make a day of it, trust me, you will not be disappointed!

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Mind, Body and Spirit
10:00 AM10:00

Mind, Body and Spirit

Join me for my second Mind, Body and Spirit Expo in Raleigh this August. I had such a fantastic time in February so I’m returning and this time I’ll offer tarot readings.

If you live in the Raleigh area and you are into all things mystical, spiritual or crystals, come on out.
Grab a friend and make a day of it, trust me, you will not be disappointed!

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