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Upcoming events

Filtering by: Raleigh
Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire
to Apr 13

Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire

  • Lenoir County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’m excited to return to the ENC Renaissaince Fest! I’ll have your favorite witchy jewelry along with tarot readings and rosemary cleansing wands.

So come out and channel your inner maiden or knight. This is a two day festival so there is plenty of time to enjoy the ren fest.

You can learn more about the event and schedules here.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on March 1st from 11-4pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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Mind, Body and Spirit Expo
to Feb 23

Mind, Body and Spirit Expo

  • Raleigh Convention center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for the amazing Body, Mind and Spirit Expo in Raleigh this February. This is one of my favorite shows to do of the year.

There are advanced healers, tarot readers, crystal sellers, JEWELRY and more! You won’t regret attending and shopping at this local ENC market.

I’ll also be reading tarot and selling my new tarot deck!

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Bandwidth Holiday Market
to Dec 6

Bandwidth Holiday Market

Bandwidth is fantastic tech company located in Raleigh that hosts a holiday market for their staff and the public. Last year I had the pleasure of participating in their holiday market and I’m very happy to return!

Join me and a handful of other artists and small businesses as we join together and sell our wares to folks in Raleigh.

This market will be held in the Bandwidth Event space on Thursday, December 5th 11am-3pm and Friday, December 11am-3pm. I hope to see you there!

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Mind, Body and Spirit
to Aug 18

Mind, Body and Spirit

  • Raleigh county fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for my second Mind, Body and Spirit Expo in Raleigh this August. I had such a fantastic time in February so I’m returning and this time I’ll offer tarot readings.

If you live in the Raleigh area and you are into all things mystical, spiritual or crystals, come on out.
Grab a friend and make a day of it, trust me, you will not be disappointed!

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New Moon Market
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Market

I’m excited to be making my way back to Norfolk for Selden Market & Velvet Witch’s New Moon Market this month!

There’s always so many cool & talented people at this market plus it’s for all you witchy babes out there! I’ll have my newest jewels and more at Seldon Market in Downtown Norfolk.




A happy customer at the holiday New Moon Market.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on September 2nd from 11-4pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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Mind, Body and Spirit
10:00 AM10:00

Mind, Body and Spirit

Join me for my second Mind, Body and Spirit Expo in Raleigh this August. I had such a fantastic time in February so I’m returning and this time I’ll offer tarot readings.

If you live in the Raleigh area and you are into all things mystical, spiritual or crystals, come on out.
Grab a friend and make a day of it, trust me, you will not be disappointed!

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Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire
to Apr 23

Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire

  • Lenoir County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My first Ren Fest! I’ve been wanting to participate in a renaissance festival for a very LONG time! My dream has come true and even better it’s in Eastern NC for all my local friends and uh hmmm nerds!

So come out and channel your inner maiden or knight. This is a two day festival so there is plenty of time to enjoy the ren fest.

You can learn more about the event and schedules here.

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October New Moon Market
7:00 PM19:00

October New Moon Market

I’m excited to be making my way back to Norfolk for Selden Market & Velvet Witch’s New Moon Market this month!

There’s always so many cool & talented people at this market plus it’s for all you witchy babes out there! I’ll have my newest jewels and more at Seldon Market in Downtown Norfolk.




A happy customer at the holiday New Moon Market.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on October 1st from 11-3pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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Mary Parker Porch Pop Up
12:00 PM12:00

Mary Parker Porch Pop Up

Oh first Fall show/market of the year! I’m excited to return to Mary Parkers lovely porch and vend with other fellow makers & shakers. I hope you’ll come out and shop AND have a lil happy hour in the meantime.

I will be selling my tried and true favorite jewels and maybe some new pieces. Either way please enjoy with me a fun outdoor show in Raleigh! WE will be there on Saturday, September 17th 12-4pm.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of ARt this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on June 4th 11-3pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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April New Moon Market
7:00 PM19:00

April New Moon Market

I’m excited to be making my way back to Norfolk for Selden Market & Velvet Witch’s New Moon Market this month!

There’s always so many cool & talented people at this market plus it’s for all you witchy babes out there! I’ll have my newest jewels and more at Seldon Market in Downtown Norfolk.




A happy customer at the New Moon Market in Norfolk

A happy customer at the holiday New Moon Market.

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