Patchwork Winter Makers Market
Coming back to Durham this summer! I’m always happy to participate in this local and FREE event.
I’ll be there reading tarot and featuring some new jewels and more. Beat the heat and shop NC artists.
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Coming back to Durham this summer! I’m always happy to participate in this local and FREE event.
I’ll be there reading tarot and featuring some new jewels and more. Beat the heat and shop NC artists.
Coming back to Durham this summer! I’m always happy to participate in this local and FREE event.
I’ll be there reading tarot and featuring some new jewels and more. Beat the heat and shop NC artists.
Coming back to Durham this Winter! I’m always happy to participate in this local and FREE event.
I’ll be there with new jewels and more.
I’d love to see your beautiful face and this fun event!
Coming back to Durham this summer! I’m always happy to participate in this local and FREE event.
I’ll be there with new jewels and more. Beat the heat and shop NC artists.
Coming back to Durham this Winter! I’m always happy to participate in this local and FREE event.
I’ll be there with new jewels and more. Beat the heat and shop NC artists.