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Upcoming events

Filtering by: Craft Show
Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire
to Apr 13

Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire

  • Lenoir County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’m excited to return to the ENC Renaissaince Fest! I’ll have your favorite witchy jewelry along with tarot readings and rosemary cleansing wands.

So come out and channel your inner maiden or knight. This is a two day festival so there is plenty of time to enjoy the ren fest.

You can learn more about the event and schedules here.

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Fuse Metal Mavens Market
10:00 AM10:00

Fuse Metal Mavens Market

  • Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for the fabulous Fuse Market with the Metal Mavens (aka Erica, Tavia and Annie) in Winston-Salem. Erica S. Bailey, Annie Grimes and Tavia Brown created Fuse to showcase local North Carolina artists across disciplines at their annual Fuse Market.

I’m looking forward to returning to Winston-Salem for this awesome market. I hope to see you there!

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on March 1st from 11-4pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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Cupid's Closet Valentine's Day Artisan Market
12:00 PM12:00

Cupid's Closet Valentine's Day Artisan Market

  • Heist Brewery & Barrell Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for a day of preppin’ for Valentine’s Day!

I’ll be there offering tarot readings and maybe some jewels. Many of you will want a forecast for your current and future love life so come out in Charlotte and join me for an artisan market to prepare you for cuffing season.

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Bandwidth Holiday Market
to Dec 6

Bandwidth Holiday Market

Bandwidth is fantastic tech company located in Raleigh that hosts a holiday market for their staff and the public. Last year I had the pleasure of participating in their holiday market and I’m very happy to return!

Join me and a handful of other artists and small businesses as we join together and sell our wares to folks in Raleigh.

This market will be held in the Bandwidth Event space on Thursday, December 5th 11am-3pm and Friday, December 11am-3pm. I hope to see you there!

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Fruit Cake Flea Holiday Market
11:00 AM11:00

Fruit Cake Flea Holiday Market

How clever! I love the Durham Fruit (a coworking and event space for progressive people).

Join me and local Durham and ENC folx for this fun and very open event for people of all walks of life.

This will be the holiday market at the Fruit and I”ll have all your favorite Eilisain jewels and of course some new one of a kind pieces.

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Crystals & Mystics Festival at Moore Square
12:00 PM12:00

Crystals & Mystics Festival at Moore Square

  • Moore Square Raleigh, NC United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If there is a crystals market, I’m there!

Join me at Moore Square in downtown Raleigh this October 26th from 12 - 6 PM for a celebration of all things mystical! Our event will feature

Good eats from local food trucks
Craft beer + wine
Fresh coffee + other warm beverages
Live jams from local musicians
Shopping from mystical small businesses

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Vintage Charlotte Autumn Market | Charlotte, NC
11:00 AM11:00

Vintage Charlotte Autumn Market | Charlotte, NC

One of my favorite local shows, the Vintage Charlotte Autumn Market! And in the Queen City, Charlotte.

Vintage Charlotte combines handmade with vintage and it’s so much fun, plus it’s at Camp North End. This is the BEST show of the year for me and so many others because the talent is spectacular

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Witches Garden Party
5:00 PM17:00

Witches Garden Party

Gather under the stars and white lights for a fun evening of crafts of all sorts! It will be Practically Magic!!

I’m SO excited to co-host this fun and spooky event with my friend Lindsay Lassiter Ryan! I’d been wanting to host an event at Plant & See for a long time and this turned out to be the perfect idea.

Ticket includes:

A 5-card Personalized Tarot Reading by Lisette Fee

Herbal Cleansing Wand Creation Station

Succulent Pumpkin Station

Light Bites and Spiced Cider Punch

Peruse Eilisain Jewelry to Add Magic to Your Outfit!

Costumes Encouraged, but Not Required

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Mosaic Multicultural Arts Festival
11:00 AM11:00

Mosaic Multicultural Arts Festival

I love it when I show case my jewelry and talents in Greenville, which is just 15 minutes from my home!

The City of Greenville and Emerge Gallery & Art Center, Home of the Pitt County Arts Council,
announce the inaugural Mosaic Multicultural Arts Festival. The event is scheduled for September 21, 2024, from 11:00am – 6:00pm on Greenville Town Common. We anticipate hosting dozens of multicultural artists, organizations and activity booths. There will be food trucks and vendors, and multicultural groups with live performances throughout the day. The event is free and is expected to attract 5,000+ attendees in our first year. Expect great food, art, fun, and performances by our regional multicultural communities.”

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American Craft Art Walk
10:00 AM10:00

American Craft Art Walk

I am very much looking forward to returning to Wilmington for the American Craft Art Walk!

I will be exhibiting my classic Eilisain Jewelry along with tarot readings at this art walk. Wilmington is such a beautiful and welcoming city, it’s been too long since I’ve been!

Cool Wilmington is one of the leading event management and production companies in Wilmington, North Carolina. Producing events for 17 years in downtown for the merchant association, our events have created a positive impact to our community.

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Lazy Daze Arts and Crafts Festival
to Aug 25

Lazy Daze Arts and Crafts Festival

Join me for the 48th annual Lazy Daze Arts & Crafts Festival which showcases over 250 exceptional artists from across the country!

Enjoy live entertainment on four stages, savor delicious offerings from 25+ food vendors, and relax in our beer garden & Lazy Lounge.

Kids will love Kid Daze with fun activities throughout including the new Kid Collectors Market, where they can purchase pint-sized pieces created by our Lazy Daze artists! Participate in interactive art activities, engage with demonstrations by professional artisans, and embrace the “Lazy Daze” of summer. I look forward to see you there!

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Fuse Metal Mavens Market
to Apr 27

Fuse Metal Mavens Market

  • Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join me for my first Fuse Market with the Metal Mavens (aka Erica, Tavia and Annie) in Winston-Salem. Erica S. Bailey, Annie Grimes and Tavia Brown created Fuse to showcase local North Carolina artists across disciplines at their annual Fuse Market.

I’m looking forward to returning to Winston-Salem for this awesome market. I hope to see you there!

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Unique Market in Washington DC
to Apr 7

Unique Market in Washington DC

Once again returning to my old stomping grounds. I love DC and Unique Markets, they really create a fun party environment with complimentary drinks and bangin’ music.

So come out in early April for this amazing market where you’ll discover new brands and SHOP all your favorite Eilisain Jewels!

Unique Markets are so fun and truly curate the best of the BESt. And Ill be there to showcase my newest jewels and fan favorites.

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Vintage Charlotte Spring Market | Charlotte, NC
10:00 AM10:00

Vintage Charlotte Spring Market | Charlotte, NC

Join me for one of my favorite North Carolina markets. The Vintage Charlotte Spring Market! And in the Queen City, Charlotte.

Vintage Charlotte combines handmade with vintage and it’s so much fun, plus it’s at Camp North End. I’ll have some new jewels for sale AND I’ll be offering some tarot readings for you.

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Unique Markets Holiday in Washington DC
to Dec 17

Unique Markets Holiday in Washington DC

Woohoo!!! I’m coming back to DC, I’m so excited to join the Unique Market gang in DC on December 16th and 17th for your last minute holiday shopping needs.

Unique Markets are so fun and truly curate the best of the BESt. And Ill be there to showcase my newest jewels and fan favorites.

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Vintage Charlotte Winter Market | Charlotte, NC
10:00 AM10:00

Vintage Charlotte Winter Market | Charlotte, NC

One of my favorite local shows, the Vintage Charlotte Winter Market! And in the Queen City, Charlotte.

Vintage Charlotte combines handmade with vintage and it’s so much fun, plus it’s at Camp North End.

I’ll be debuting my new collection, turtle shell jewels created from a baby turtle. I’ll see you there friends!

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New Moon Market
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Market

I’m excited to be making my way back to Norfolk for Selden Market & Velvet Witch’s New Moon Market this month!

There’s always so many cool & talented people at this market plus it’s for all you witchy babes out there! I’ll have my newest jewels and more at Seldon Market in Downtown Norfolk.




A happy customer at the holiday New Moon Market.

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Triangle Pop Up at NCMA
11:00 AM11:00

Triangle Pop Up at NCMA

If you’ve never been to the North Carolina Museum of Art this is the perfect event to attend while also soaking in beautiful art.

Join me and many talented makers at the Triangle Pop Up at the NCMA on September 2nd from 11-4pm. I’ll have all your favorite Eilisain Jewels and maybe some new pieces too!

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Greenville Museum of Art Sidewalk Sale
12:00 PM12:00

Greenville Museum of Art Sidewalk Sale

It’s summer and time to get out and mingle with the community! The Greenville Museum of Art is hosting fantastic sidewalk sale full of local makers and shakers like myself.

I’ll be offering tarot readings (five card spread for $20) and of course a handful of your favorite jewels!

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Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire
to Apr 23

Eastern North Carolina Renaissance Faire

  • Lenoir County Fairgrounds (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My first Ren Fest! I’ve been wanting to participate in a renaissance festival for a very LONG time! My dream has come true and even better it’s in Eastern NC for all my local friends and uh hmmm nerds!

So come out and channel your inner maiden or knight. This is a two day festival so there is plenty of time to enjoy the ren fest.

You can learn more about the event and schedules here.

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Unique Holiday Market in Washington DC
to Dec 18

Unique Holiday Market in Washington DC

Woohoo!!! I’m coming back to DC, I’m so excited to join the Unique Market gang in DC on December 17th and 18th for your last minute holiday shopping needs.

Unique Markets are so fun and truly curate the best of the BESt. And Ill be there to showcase my newest jewels and fan favorites.

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