How to Create Your Own Sacred Space
Lisette Fee
Since I was in my early twenties I’ve kept a ‘sacred space’, I put that in quotes because in reality it has always been an altar. A space where I can reflect and recall my spirituality and the divine High spirit. Altars are in nearly every religion, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and many others.
A sacred space can truly be anywhere or any space. What makes it sacred? The intention you have for it. You can easily have a space with photos and candles but if you don’t come to it with a spiritual intention than it’s a shelf or coffee table. Over the years my space has evolved and changed, since the beginning I used a plastic storage bin with a pretty cloth over it. Your space doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive, as long as you can worship near it.
So with that said, how do you create a sacred space? The most important part is the place, I’d recommend it be somewhere that is private or won’t be bothered too much by anyone you live with. You can create a space on a bookshelf or next to your bed or even in a closet! As long as it’s private and comfortable. Here is a brief list of some of the things I like to keep in my sacred space:
Candles - lighting a candle can mark the beginning of your ritual to call upon the High spirit or divinity. Plus they bring the element of fire!
Special mementos - I keep photos of my ancestors, postcards, crystals and keepsakes that very special people have gifted me.
Plants - Greenery in your space reminds you of the sacredness of Mother Earth and our connection to her, plus it just brightens up a space.
Pillows - You’re going to need some back support and comfort if you’re sitting or laying near your space. You want to be comfortable in order to quiet your mind and center your focus.
Books - I keep a Celtic prayer book at my space that provides prayers for morning and night for each season. It’s one of my favorite books. Books can provide quick reference for you.
Now for the extra’s! Since we moved into our home four years ago, I will admit I now have the luxury of an entire room as a sacred space!! I can’t tell you how in love i am with my meditation room. It’s probably my favorite room in our home.
I went all out for this room, I purchased a faux fur rug (confession, I also use this rug as a display for shows!), more plants….alot more plants, mainly little cactus and succulents. I put all my books in here along with my tarot decks, incense and my meditation and work out gear. Here are some additional items I keep at my altar:
Chalice - the chalice represents water, the subconscious and the giving of my spirit to the divine.
Mirror - I just added a mirror so as to work on my shadow self and my confidence. I decided that when I have conversations with myself in the mirror it’s as if I truly am talking to myself, outside of myself if that makes any sense!
Goddess sculptures - I have a handmade goddess my friend made as well as several others that represent the Yin, she is the feminine divine.
Rosary - I was raised Catholic and there is still that young girl in me that adores the Catholic iconography and symbols.
A sacred space grants you the opportunity to tap into your higher self and the holy spirit. Now when I began my spiritual journey and practice I didn’t spend as much time there as I’d hoped I would. Sometimes I’d pray at night or in the morning but because I had a dedicated space to prayer and reflection it was a reminder to come back when i needed that quiet time. Recently, since I’ve begun a dedicated morning routine, my sacred space has become my haven. A space for me to dream, journal and reflect.
I also want to stress that since I’ve begun to practice my quiet reflective time, my gratitude for life has increased, my anxiety has decreased and most importantly I’ve found that I’m so much more intentional with my words and actions. This isn’t to say that my life is perfect or that I don’t have moments of self doubt and stress but the time spent reflecting has given me grace and patience with myself. With the chaos of the world our reflective and meditative time will help immensely with bringing peace and calm in our world, the one thing we can control is our reaction and our thoughts and that is truly powerful.
“With the chaos of the world our reflective and meditative time will help immensely with bringing peace and calm in our world, the one thing we can control is our reaction and our thoughts and that is truly powerful. ”
I hope that my post gives you inspiration and insight into the value of a sacred space. YOU deserve to be quiet yourself and a space to honor yourself. If you want to learn more about my spiritual practices and jewelry that celebrates the divinely powerful sign up for my email list above!
Thank you for reading and visiting my website. Have a beautiful day friends!