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Filtering by Category: feeling

How My New Morning Ritual Has Improved My Mindset

Lisette Fee

Lighting my sage and lavender bundle marks the beginning of my meditation.

Lighting my sage and lavender bundle marks the beginning of my meditation.

I’ve written on here before about meditation and several methods and ways to meditate but on this post I wanted to share some of my newest methods and also the immense benefits of a meditation practice.

I’ve created a new ritual in my life and it’s having massive impacts on my mental and physical health. I wake up about an hour before my daughter Tallulah wakes up, sometimes this varies, like I’ll have a half hour and some days I struggle but on average I get a lil chunk of time in the morning to set myself up for the day.

Here’s how my routine begins: I wake up around 5-530am and I head to our kitchen and pour myself a glass of lemon and basil or rosemary water (I’ve heard and read that it’s a great way to cleanse and hydrate your body), then I head upstairs to my meditation room. I light some candles and sage and then I sit at my altar for about 10 minutes for mediation and prayer. I’d eventually like to increase this to 20 or 30 minutes but for now it’s ten. After I’ve meditated and prayed I go through a 10 minute yoga routine. I absolutely love how the stretching and yoga poses work out kinks in my back, arms and neck. After my yoga I sit in my comfy grandma chair and journal, I also do a short tarot reading, usually it’s a three card spread. This act of journaling does two things: it cleanses my mind of the clutter, thoughts and dreams I’ve had AND it gives me time to reflect.

I love this sacred pace so so much.

I love this sacred pace so so much.

Ya’ll, this ritual really has changed how I behave throughout the day, I just feel centered and reprogrammed for intention. I’ve become more focused in my goals, felt energized throughout the day and I just feel so much more connected to my ancestors, spirit guides and most importantly my inner teacher. In addition I’ve noticed how my perspective on my life and reaction to situations has become calm and centered. When my daughter has a meltdown or something sudden and perhaps typically stressful would happen I breathe and allow myself to let it go.

No surprise here, Tallulah loves playing with all my ritual objects.

No surprise here, Tallulah loves playing with all my ritual objects.

Maybe some of you are thinking, well I just can’t get up at 5am to do all that. I’m not suggesting you do, although I honestly believe you’ll get used to it and come it enjoy it. What perhaps I’m hinting at for you is that carving out anytime, maybe during your lunch break or in the evening setting aside anytime to journal, go for a quiet walk with no phones, or maybe playing Frisbee outside - ANY kind of act that allows you to be still is incredibly helpful to your mental health.

We need to listen to ourselves FIRST before anyone else, what do YOU need to feel happy and whole. Often times we get up and go, look at our phones or flip on the tv but we don’t give ourselves the time and space to LISTEN.
— Lisette Fee

You are so worthy, worthy of your time to BE.

Back in my mid-twenties when I began meditating and praying and when I look back at how that time I had gave me space to dream about this time right now, HERE, I know that it was well spent. I dreamed of being a jeweler, of being the weird, nerdy and jewelry obsessed person that I am today.

So my dear friends, take back your time away from the distractions and noise and just BE.

If you want to continue to read more of these blog posts and shop some of my newest one of a kind jewels please sign up for my email list and I will keep you in the loop. Thank you as always for reading!!

Revisiting the Vespa Collection

Lisette Fee

Over the past seven years I’ve been pretty consistent in creating two collections or sometimes one collection of jewels a year. And since the beginning I’ve had friends and long time customers tell how much they loved my Vespa Collection.

The Vespa Collection was inspired by the wasp nest and it’s geometric shape. Now, you know my jewelry is very much inspired by animals and the natural world and I tend to use more organic looking shapes versus geometric so this was a bit of a departure to create jewels with more defined edges. However there was a nice combination of both.

I truly enjoyed making this collection because I didn’t use any ‘cast’ elements, meaning any talons or claws. As much as I love them, it’s fun to switch it up. I especially loved using warm honey colors like citrine, gold druzy and other druzy stones. AND the best part is the fantastic shape of the ring, a five sided pentagon with a ring in the middle. I’m quite proud of that design and I love how different it is for a ring shank.

How dreamy is this shot of my Vespa citrine earrings???!!

How dreamy is this shot of my Vespa citrine earrings???!!

I’ve decided to re-introduce the Vespa Citrine ring as I’ve acquired new citrine stones. That’s the trick is finding the right stones, it can be incredibly difficult to find the right stones especially when you can’t go to all the fun gem shows (one day)!

I’ve only got TWO stones for this ring. I’m working on acquiring more stones but for now I expect an all out panic, just kidding, in snapping up this fabulous ring.

Don’t worry friends, I’m on the look out for more faceted citrine stones and if you have your own or find some contact me! Let’s work together.


My Morning Ritual and How It Sets Me Up for the Day

Lisette Fee

I’m one of those people that loves routine and likes to set things up ready for the next day. For example, I prep my coffee and electric kettle in the evening before I settle into bed so that there is less to be done the following morning. And I enjoy certain rituals at the beginning and ending of the day.

I thought I’d share with you my morning ritual as it has truly made a difference in my well being and sanity. My main goal with my morning ritual is to bring my mindset to the present yet also preparing myself for the rest of the day. As my kettle boils the water for my coffee, I sip room temperature water with lemon and basil. I crack open my calendar notebook and my journal. Mind you this all happens AFTER I get my daughter out of her crib, fix her a sippy cup of milk and turn on Hotel Transylvania (it should come as no surprise my child loves movies about monsters!).

I review and jot down three goals for the day, then i recite my morning mantras and manifestations. One of my favorites is stating:

“Wealth and abundance is plentiful and comes into my life easily.”

What this calls into my life is gratitude and a viewpoint that imagines enough for everyone. There is love, knowledge and joy all around me. I’ve been working hard on my mindset this year, to be aware and present and keep my eyes and heart open.

Once I’ve performed this ritual, I prepare my coffee and then allow myself to look at my phone.

Notebooks are essential for capturing ideas and goals.

Notebooks are essential for capturing ideas and goals.

I’ll be honest it can be SO HARD to not automatically reach for my phone and scroll thru my favorite apps when I get up in the morning. And there are mornings where I do this first, however I notice that once I crack open phone there is not telling when I put it back down and it tends to make me more anxious in the morning.


Surrounding myself with special objects, crystals, plants and of course a furbaby or two keeps me calm and happy in the morning and throughout the day. And keeping books and magazines on the coffee table provide more sustenance than my phone.

Having a toddler has also forced me to be aware and present with my daughter, watching her grow and learn. I don’t want to forget those precious moments.

I highly recommend you keep a morning ritual (other than the usual, wash your face and brush your teeth). Something about the act of gratitude and centering yourself provides a base for which a day has been set with intention and awareness.

Life is a Labyrinth

Lisette Fee

When I began researching the theme of labyrinth it began to crystallize how timely and appropriate this concept is. The labyrinth is a very ancient image, painted on cavern walls and spans countries and timelines.

I chose this image and card to depict the PATIENCE it takes to go through life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. Just like the labyrinth.

I chose this image and card to depict the PATIENCE it takes to go through life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. Just like the labyrinth.

Now, we are all familiar with the infamous Labyrinth movie and why not, as it’s such a classic fantasy movie but it also demonstrates the power of the journey and lessons we learn on a labyrinth walk. As you walk through one you learn valuable lessons and how to navigate the trials of life.

For this collection I used several design elements to reference a labyrinth. One of my all time favorite stones, the dragon vein agate has gorgeous lines and colors that resemble a labyrinth. In addition I used malachite for the gorgeous deep green and also the lines and swirling patterns. The color green is perfect as labyrinths are made on the flat earth, sometimes in a garden design or by using stones or sand.

This is DRAGON VEIN. Isn’t it stunning?

This is DRAGON VEIN. Isn’t it stunning?


In Celtic culture and beliefs the circular patterns the ancient Celts and inhabitants of those regions considered the circle and labyrinth design leading to the navel of the earth. Mother earth if you will and the abundance that the earth provides just as a mother does.

In my early twenties I became obessed with the Celtic culture and beliefs, I still am. There is something old and very familiar of the art, myths and pantheon. And thus with the Labyrinth collection I wanted to go back to that fascination and allure of the ancient designs and colors.

This photo was taken from one of my many Celtic books.

This photo was taken from one of my many Celtic books.

ISo how can a labyrinth and the walking of one aid you in your life, or even how can this jewelry do the same? Well, whenever I learn a new concept or idea I look at it thru the lens of my own life. Some days I’ll be sitting or walking or making jewelry and I think about my past and the times I struggled so hard and came thru wiser and stronger or even in my present moment.

Granted, I’m still working on it but I feel a strange sense of purpose and confidence that I can. Walking a labyrinth in my mind, I’m doing that now. I came up on a situation and turned it around in my hand many, many times until I found the way to make it work.

For the past two years I’ve been grappling with how to juggle my momlife with my bossbabe life. And for a time I kept telling myself the same story - that it was hard and that I couldn’t do all the things I want to do because of being a mom. But FINALLY I flipped the narrative and decided that regardless of me being at home doing the SAME ROUTINE with my daughter I was going to get shit done and be effective at doing it.
— Lisette Fee, owner and creator of Eilisain Jewelry
The bone of a flying fish. How amazing is that texture and design?

The bone of a flying fish. How amazing is that texture and design?

Another element of the Labyrinth Collection is the bone of a flying fish that my friend gave me. The intricate textures and design on the bone are incredible. They could be a labyrinth, the lines go all over the place. And I felt that this was essential to including it in the collection.

I’m going to continue posting about the collection and also provide you with more tools to aid you in your life journey.

PS - World Labyrinth Day is May 4th. Five thousand people are scheduled to walk Labyrinths in the name of peace.

Flashback to the Time I Co-produced a Fashion Show - Aurelian Nights

Lisette Fee

Confession time - I fancy myself fashion designing. When I was in early middle school, about twelve years old I dreamed of being on MTV House of Style or Fashion File - the big fashion shows on television. I would dream up weird yet artistic outfits. Once I sketched a harlequin ensemble! It was super cheesy but interesting.

Local college students, business owners and more were models for the event. We even had them walk down the street to promote the event.

Local college students, business owners and more were models for the event. We even had them walk down the street to promote the event.

So it’s no surprise that I finally lived out part of that dream in working on a jewelry and fashion show with my good friend Paula Chrismon. At the time, five years ago Paula owned a consignment boutique in Uptown Greenville and I had my studio at Art Avenue. And I loved the idea of merging the two, consignment fashion with art jewelry. Paula provided the clothing and shoes, while I worked with some of my art jeweler friends to provide the mega jewels. And all of the clothing and jewelry would be black and gold. Hence the name Aurelian (translates to Golden).

We worked it out that we secured sponsorships from local business’ at three monetary levels, $50, $75 and $100 this was able to pay for our lookbook, video, food and signage. It was probably one of the most ambitious and gratifying projects I’ve ever worked on. We were able to generate so much interest and attendance in the show that we were bursting at the seems, and mind you we didn’t charge an entrance fee for the event.

We even made a video, for which I’m so proud and happy we did. The video combined our love of fashion and production. You can watch it below.

Me with my friend Gabi. The show was the talk of the town.

Me with my friend Gabi. The show was the talk of the town.

Danielle James necklace - how amazing and cool is the way she created a brick window into a necklace?

Danielle James necklace - how amazing and cool is the way she created a brick window into a necklace?

I enlisted my friends to sell and promote the jewelry.

I enlisted my friends to sell and promote the jewelry.

When I recall this amazing event Paula and I put together I’m struck by how much I loved working with my friends and community in showcasing local talent. Granted it was alot of work however the fashion show elevated the status of consignment fashion and art jewelry. I think it’s so important to remove the curtain in a sense of art, to show it as everyday.

I’m hoping that I can work with other talented individuals in my new town of Farmville. What I’ve learned over the years is that when I work with others it makes a project not only more fun and enjoyable but also it creates alliances and new relationships that didn’t exist previously and those relationships carry over into future collaborations.

As always, thank you for reading and you can learn more about my projects and events below.

Embracing Your Shadow Self

Lisette Fee

I have a confession, I just learned what this meaning was recently, the shadow self.  And this discovery of the word makes complete sense.  Not only do I feel that it is extremely beneficial for our well being to address the shadow self and work with it but also to accept it as an asset.  Think about it as the Star Wars saga - you see a hero that works with his inner teacher but faces the darkness.  It's the yin and yang of who we are. 

I'll be the first to admit that there is a secret side to myself that can be conceited and self rightous. WE all have an inner struggle with what we know can be mean, ugly, jealous, and so forth however our good angel, the one that knows and understands what is morally good. 
"Carl Jung stated the shadow to be the unknown dark side of the personality. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else."

Being  my sassy self. 

Being  my sassy self. 

So what can we do to work with our shadow self and harness that side of us that is nasty and dark? Turn it into something tangible like art or change that energy and thought.  I tell people all the time that the jewelry I create, the aggressive talons, the large and possessed pieces reflect the badass part of me - the side of me that is unhindered. 

I once read the performer and singer, Marilyn Manson say that his music channeled his aggression and violent thoughts however it didn't mean he went out and tried to do any violence to others.  And I felt that it resonates so much with why it is so important to release certain energies and thoughts into good action. 

thus - make art, dig in the dirt, go for a thrill seeking bike ride through your neighborhood, go to a ropes course with a friend, do some yoga, meditate, climb a tree, go swimming in the ocean - physical movement or activity stimulates some of the same chemicals in our brains as those found in certain drugs. 

I hope this gave you some insight and thoughts about the shadow self and learning from all the aspects of yourself.  The good and the bad.

Practicing Self Love

Lisette Fee

You may think to yourself, well yes I do that all the time.  But do we really? I'm not talking about having a glass of wine or going to the beach.  I'm talking about the act of giving yourself love daily.  I've been pondering more and more on this, that our daily habits and our work and life patterns truly effect our mental and physical well being.    But the big takeaway that I've discovered is that when you love yourself you also share that love with others and this essentially makes the world happier. 

Just laying outside can lower your blood pressure. 

Just laying outside can lower your blood pressure. 

So what can you do to practice self care/love daily? Even if it's just for thirty minutes or fifteen minutes.  Now these are self care suggestions that aren't the indulgent ones but ones that speak to your spirit and soul.   Studies have shown that when we're content and feeling good about ourselves, other people notice and feel that vibration.  Here are some suggestions for you to practice self care and love:

  • Go for a walk or bike ride, anything physical. Endorphins (happy hormones) are released in your body when you move.

  • Call your bestie and catch up

  • Grab a blanket and lay outside and look at the clouds

  • Take a soothing bath

  • Play with your cat, dog or pet or someone elses

  • Work on your garden

  • Do an activity that gave you joy and happiness when you were a child, like coloring or playing with legos.

It's funny how we've lost some of these activities the more technology that comes into our life however taking time to do an activity that uses your hands and mind has big benefits and impacts for not only your happiness but the longevity of your brain.  Many studies have shown that working with your hands and playing games can prevent Alzheimers and dementia.

So even when it's a crazy busy day and your stressed, which is when you need self care the most.  Stop, breath and go for a walk or do whatever gives you joy!



Tap Into Your Third Eye With Your Jewelry

Lisette Fee


This is a super brief yet easy reminder that we can always tap into your inner teacher and third eye to guide us to more clear and conscious living. 

Tonight is the pink full moon in Sagittarius.  We can use this time look deep inside ourselves and ask, what is calling to us? So take a lil time out, even five minutes to be still and quiet and use your jewelry as a source of focus. 

thanks as always for reading and stopping by.  And click on the link below that takes you to my One of a kind jewels that will aid you in your meditation and journey to your inner teacher.

My Journey and Self Discovery

Lisette Fee

One of my most treasured self care rituals is taking a bath and this evening as I lay there in warm soothing water (my element as a Pisces) I thought of what to post here on my blog; and it came to me - sharing my journey and path to jewelry and love of gems, tarot and the Occult.

I will not shy away from saying or writing that word - THE OCCULT - because in my mind it isn't bad or riddled with horrible things but of magic.

Shot from the Valkyrie collection.  The cup represents water and the cauldron.

Shot from the Valkyrie collection.  The cup represents water and the cauldron.

When I was in my early twenties I was at my lowest in self confidence and direction.  I was lost; and of course I got into trouble.  I went through so much inner pain and anguish and filled the deep void within myself with material objects.  And as with many individuals whom get lost, I found faith.  First through Christianity but eventually I became fascinated with the old gods, with their tales and myths.  Mind you, I've loved storytelling since I was a child in middle school.  Their tales gave me hope and renewal.

Enamel brooch, 2011. 

Enamel brooch, 2011. 

Fast forward roughly ten years, I still had some emptiness inside but I learned to channel my fear and doubts with keeping my hands busy.  A thought formed in my mind of melding my two loves - faith and adornment.  Ritual adornment has fascinated me since I was a girl attending the traditional catholic church and prayers.  I loved using the ritual beads and iconography.

Thus I continued my passion for making jewelry and became fixed on turning it into a career.  As humans, our nature is to create culture - to embody the Gods by also making and forming with our hands and mind.  And I'm most happy and fulfilled when I'm being creative and not just in the studio but in my garden, my kitchen and with spirituality. 

When I moved to eastern North Carolina I was thirty years old, at a precipice of venturing into the wonderful world of jewelry and metalsmithing.  I'd found my calling and it felt liberating to embrace it and take the leap.  It changed my life moving to North Carolina, and it's not so much the place but the people I met that challenged me.  

***peep my brief interview below going into more detail of my process.

So my tale has come here, to a happy and growing place of contentment and exploration.  I hope that it gives you hope to leap, and that your net will appear.   Be patient with yourself and give your space to explore and question yourself. 

Thank you as always for reading!

How I've Juggled Being a Momboss

Lisette Fee

It's been one year since I became a mom and it's been one fun, overwhelming and gratifying experience.  I've also somehow managed to keep my business going while caring for our baby everyday.  Even though one year is very little time, I thought I'd share with you what I've learned and how I continue to juggle two of my biggest roles. 

First off, it wasn't as scary or impossible as I thought it'd be.  And somehow my flow of work continued only with minor adjustments.  Nap time is KING! That is when I run around the house and my studio.   Whether it be working on jewelry at the bench, preparing and shipping out orders or handling administrative tasks.  Tuesdays are my full on work days, as my generous inlaws watch Tallulah all day.  My husband also watches her in the early evening and one day on the weekend so I can get more intense pieces finished.   It truly does take a tiny village to raise a tiny human!

My husband and I can't afford childcare and honestly, I feel so grateful that I can stay home and raise my daughter.  Most days it can get quite boring watching Sesame Street on repeat BUT I get to feed her the food that is good for her, take her for walks and generally enjoy raising her. 

My 'office space' in our second kitchen, it's part of the mother in law suite of our 1950's house.

My 'office space' in our second kitchen, it's part of the mother in law suite of our 1950's house.

I think the hardest part of working from home AND watching Tallulah is deciphering what to address as the most important and pressing need of that day as well as planning for the future.  I'm just now hitting my groove where I can finish work in my studio but also sit down and plan for the following weeks and months ahead. 

Now if you have any friends or family that are business owners themselves, you know that there are SO many facets to running a small business.  What has really helped me to not feel so overwhelmed is to compartmentalize each task.  For example, scheduling specific days for certain tasks.  Mondays I plan out the week and handle administrative work, Tuesdays are primarily studio days (finishing jewelry or wax work), Wednesdays I may follow up with clients, reach out to boutiques and press, Thursdays are for sketching, planning and working on new or current designs and Fridays are for doing any of the other tasks I didn't do earlier in the week.  Then on a Saturday or Sunday I'll working half or full days in the studio depending on the time of year, holidays are crazy busy so I definitely work on the weekends. 

Tallulah and I on her first birthday.

Tallulah and I on her first birthday.

I will admit though that lately I've come to a place where I'm viewing my business and goals from a new perspective and I'm thinking of changing the overall model of what I produce.  I absolutely love making one of a kind, highly personal pieces versus more production jewelry.  I think this is due to the fact that I can't churn out a ton of work because I also care for our child, which demands the most amount of time.  

I also acknowledge that over the years, my demands as a mother will change and so will my business, so I'm trying to be 'loose' with my schedule and go with the flow.  Which can be SO incredibly hard because at the same time, if I don't stay on my toes and maintain a consistent level of communication and new jewelry for my clients and customers then I won't keep that flow of sales which are essential to our household income. 

She doesn't even have to try and be cute!

She doesn't even have to try and be cute!

The pressures are there, but when I reflect on our life before Tallulah, it seems less bright and I wouldn't change that for the world.  Tallulah has given me a new meaning to life and I'm so grateful for that.

Thank you for following me on this journey and for reading my blog.  You can stay in more touch with me on my newsletter - sign up at the link below!

Growing a Green Thumb

Lisette Fee

There seem to be these phases of growing into adulthood, other than the usual kids and buying a house.  And I believe one of them is becoming a gardener.  I've always loved flowers and herbs but not enough to truly grow a garden.  And now that we have a very large backyard - I'm very excited to begin cultivating it.

I can only dream that my herb garden would produce this much of a harvest - one day!

I can only dream that my herb garden would produce this much of a harvest - one day!

Last weekend my husband and I planted a pear and fig tree.  We're still not there yet on the raised beds but we will get there. What I absolutely love about having a garden is being able to go right out my back yard and pluck a cherry tomato for my salad or add rosemary to breads or oils.  There is something precious about cultivating your own food. 

I will say I'm also incredibly lucky that my inlaws are experts at growing a vegetable garden AND they have chickens.  Their eggs are the best! And you know whats also cool about having a garden you actually don't need a large backyard.  You can grow vertical gardens in tight spaces or simply keep small potted plants on your porch - it's what we did before we had an actual yard. 

I hope you enjoy this season with fresh herbs and vegetables - especially if they're from you garden!

Valentine's Day Gift Guide

Lisette Fee

All commercialism aside, I love celebrating Valentine's Day, y'know why? Cause I'm a lover, I enjoy connecting with people and showing people with gifts and memories how much I love them.  And we've come to a point in culture where we recognize that it doesn't have to be romantic love to celebrate on Vday, it's your bestie, your Aunt or Uncle or your work wife/husband!

So with that said I have a fun and affordable gift guide for you this year.  And I can attest that each of these makers are ones that I support.

I was unable to provide a link in each image so here they are:

Immortal Mountain chocolates

Blue Earth Curio Embroidery

Watercolor moon print

Hibernation Recharging Mode

Lisette Fee

Are ya'll done with winter yet? I bet many of you are but I can't help but feel grateful for this time that keeps us all inside!

A print of a bear on lace, I did this for my screenprinting class at ECU in 2011.

A print of a bear on lace, I did this for my screenprinting class at ECU in 2011.

Just as a grizzly bear goes into 'torpor' sleeping through the winter, many of us use this dark and cold time to work on projects and inner self.  I've been studying tarot again (I initially began tarot over 15 years ago), working on home projects such as purging and cleaning up my studio and eating healthy.  It's been good to get myself organized and back on a schedule.

It's what we can learn from a totem animal such as a bear.  it amazes me that such a large animal is a fast runner?! It's one of those characteristics and strengths of a bear that we can use for ourselves.  Storing up our energy, and preparing for the spring and summer.   Other animals that utilize the wintertime are snakes.  They also hibernate and go underground. 

My first photoshoot shot by Sim Asher. 

My first photoshoot shot by Sim Asher. 

The bear claw charm that I cast is a smaller bear claw that came from one found in eastern North Carolina.  I find it comforting and symbolic of winter. 

So take ease, enjoy this time and think on the bear when you feel fed up with winter!

Maiden, Mother and Crone - And What You Can Learn From Each Archetype

Lisette Fee

As a mother I've entered a completely new and life altering stage in my life and it didn't really dawn on me until I reflected on the fact that I have a new title.  And I also reflected that my own mother is in the crone stage.  Several of my friends are in the mother stage as well despite not having biological children they are very maternal and I look to them for guidance.

The maiden, Brigid, young, alive and naive. Photo by Aileen Devlin.

The maiden, Brigid, young, alive and naive. Photo by Aileen Devlin.

This really had the wheels in my head turning when thinking how many of us can benefit from understanding these roles and how throughout our entire lives we need the wisdom and lessons from each archetype.  And especially as women we're often pigeonholed to remain static - that you shouldn't have long hair when you're older, or it's not proper to have gray hair when you're younger etc.  

So let's go over what each of these roles mean and the lessons we learn in each of them.

Maiden: By word association we can go by - youth, enchantment, excitement, carefree and erotic.  She is represented in several mythologies in the Greek myths she's Persephone - purity - and a representation of new beginnings. Other maiden goddesses include: Brigid, Nimue, among others. 
What we learn from the Maiden - When we are weary, over worked or the feeling of disparity enter our minds we can remind ourselves that everyday is a new beginning, every year we can start over and allow the maiden mind frame to give us the time to wipe the slate clean.  In addition, there is a strength in being naive and unburdened by the toils of life.  You look at life with a new perspective.  This is what I love about my younger girlfriends, their zest for life!

Mother: She is the caregiver, nurturer, loving, ripeness, fertility, fulfillment, stability, and power.  The Mother Goddess in Greek mythology is Demeter, representing wellspring of life, giving and compassionate. Other mother goddesses include: Aa, Ambika, Ceres, Astarte, Lakshmi.
What we learn from the Mother aspect:  To nurture and care for a project, another life, even our animal and plant babies we find that we learn so much in ourselves.  A sense of passing on wisdom, education, pride and fulfillment.  We also learn a great deal of patience and the lesson of giving immensely.  Oh and one major aspect is protectiveness and a very fierce love.

Crone:  Wisdom, clarity, insight, repose, compassion and knowledge.  The Crone in Greek mythology is Hecate - wise, knowing, a culmination of a lifetime of experience. Crone goddesses include: Hel, Maman Brigitte, Oya, Sedna, Skuld, and others.
What we learn from the Crone aspect:  What I find most insightful from the Crone is letting go, that death is only the beginning and we must embrace the change and pain.  And she is often what we do not want to confront and accept.  We only gain wisdom through our experiences whether they be good or bad.  I'd also say that I ADORE the crones in my life, the women that teach me how to love myself and how to take time and learn. 

We receive so many blessings from each aspect of the trinity.

We receive so many blessings from each aspect of the trinity.


I hope that you enjoyed this post and that it gives you pause for thought in the areas of your life that the triple goddess can guide and assist you. 

More thoughts on the triple goddess:

These aspects may also represent the cycle of birth, life and death (and rebirth). Neopagans believe that this goddess is the personification of all women everywhere.

Followers of the Wiccan, Dianic, and Neopagan religions, as well as some archeologists and mythographers, believe that long before the coming of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the Triple Goddess embodied the three-fold aspect of Gaia, the Earth Mother (Roman Magna Mater). A mother goddess was worshipped under a variety of names not only in the Ancient Near East and the Aegean and Anatolia, but also in pre-Islamic Arabia.

Neopagans also claim historical antecedent for their beliefs, holding that in Old Europe, in the Aegean world, and in the most ancient Near East, the Triple Goddess preceded the coming of nomadic speakers of Indo-European languages.

In South Arabia the moon-god Hubal was accompanied by the three goddesses: Uzza the youngest, Al-Lat "The Goddess" and Manat the Crone, the three cranes.

Wiccans often work with the Goddess in her triple form but may sometimes look at a particular goddess as Maiden, Mother and Crone even when there is no historical proof of this. An example of this would be the goddess Hecate, who was originally depicted as three maidens when in triplicate or as an old woman by herself in later times. Another example is the goddess Morrigan.

Another cross-cultural archetype is the three goddesses of Fate. In Greek Mythology they are the Moirai; in Norse mythology they are the Norns. The Weird Sisters of Shakespeare's Macbeth and Wyrd Sisters of Terry Pratchett's novel of the same name are believed to be inspired by these Fates. The three supernatural female figures called variously the Ladies, Mother of the Camenae, the Kindly Ones, and a number of other different names in The Sandman graphic novels by Neil Gaiman play self-consciously on both the triple Fates and the Maiden-Mother-Crone goddess archetypes." -via Crystalinks

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