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3 Mombosses I Admire

Lisette Fee

Are you tired yet of me talking about being a momboss? I hope not because I have a new post to share with you several MOMBOSSES that I admire and respect.

We can all agree that being a bossbabe is a ton of work, responsibility and juggling but add being a mom on top of that and it’s even more scheduling and organization.

Erica Letchworth - I met Erica when I first moved to my small town of Farmville three years ago. And right off that bat I knew that we would become friends. We have so much in common, we both lived in Gainesville, FL, we both attended ECU AND we’re both bossbabes. And now, we have even more in common, Erica became a mom a year ago. Erica is a portrait photographer and she is in the same boat as I am, running a small business AND caring for her daughter full time. Somehow she makes it all work!

*side note: Erica will be shooting me in my home studio and meditation space next week. I’m SUPER excited to work with her.

How beautiful is this family? Erica with her husband and daughter.

How beautiful is this family? Erica with her husband and daughter.

Kelly Boutilier - Kelly is a veteran entrepreneur, she has run her own boutique, organized epic fashion shows and now she owns a yoga practice and a pop up shop/gallery for exhibitions and shows. When I met Kelly her son Kingy was just a baby and now he’s practically a teenager! Watching Kelly juggle all her projects and endeavors has always inspired and motivated me. She makes it look so easy, fun and fierce!

Here I am with Kelly and our friend/artist/momboss Kristen Hardee

Here I am with Kelly and our friend/artist/momboss Kristen Hardee

Courtney Kerr - I introduced ya’ll to Courtney when I did my fav photographers post. And as you know she’s also a mom. She’s managed to shoot families and children while also caring for her toddler. Courtney most recently had a baby and she’s continued to amaze me with her momboss strength and tenacity. Courtney shot our family photos and I’ll forever cherish them.

Such a fun and happy photo with my hubby and daughter.

Such a fun and happy photo with my hubby and daughter.

So this Mother’s Day, not only do I urge you to support small and local business’ but also the mombosses in your life. They deserve and need your support and love; especially these MEGA MOMBOSSES. They are true warriors in home life and work life.

Thanks as always for reading and popping by my blog. If you want to get more information like this sign up for my email list.

And if you’re still shopping for a mother’s day gift…SHOP my guide below!

Life is a Labyrinth

Lisette Fee

When I began researching the theme of labyrinth it began to crystallize how timely and appropriate this concept is. The labyrinth is a very ancient image, painted on cavern walls and spans countries and timelines.

I chose this image and card to depict the PATIENCE it takes to go through life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. Just like the labyrinth.

I chose this image and card to depict the PATIENCE it takes to go through life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. Just like the labyrinth.

Now, we are all familiar with the infamous Labyrinth movie and why not, as it’s such a classic fantasy movie but it also demonstrates the power of the journey and lessons we learn on a labyrinth walk. As you walk through one you learn valuable lessons and how to navigate the trials of life.

For this collection I used several design elements to reference a labyrinth. One of my all time favorite stones, the dragon vein agate has gorgeous lines and colors that resemble a labyrinth. In addition I used malachite for the gorgeous deep green and also the lines and swirling patterns. The color green is perfect as labyrinths are made on the flat earth, sometimes in a garden design or by using stones or sand.

This is DRAGON VEIN. Isn’t it stunning?

This is DRAGON VEIN. Isn’t it stunning?


In Celtic culture and beliefs the circular patterns the ancient Celts and inhabitants of those regions considered the circle and labyrinth design leading to the navel of the earth. Mother earth if you will and the abundance that the earth provides just as a mother does.

In my early twenties I became obessed with the Celtic culture and beliefs, I still am. There is something old and very familiar of the art, myths and pantheon. And thus with the Labyrinth collection I wanted to go back to that fascination and allure of the ancient designs and colors.

This photo was taken from one of my many Celtic books.

This photo was taken from one of my many Celtic books.

ISo how can a labyrinth and the walking of one aid you in your life, or even how can this jewelry do the same? Well, whenever I learn a new concept or idea I look at it thru the lens of my own life. Some days I’ll be sitting or walking or making jewelry and I think about my past and the times I struggled so hard and came thru wiser and stronger or even in my present moment.

Granted, I’m still working on it but I feel a strange sense of purpose and confidence that I can. Walking a labyrinth in my mind, I’m doing that now. I came up on a situation and turned it around in my hand many, many times until I found the way to make it work.

For the past two years I’ve been grappling with how to juggle my momlife with my bossbabe life. And for a time I kept telling myself the same story - that it was hard and that I couldn’t do all the things I want to do because of being a mom. But FINALLY I flipped the narrative and decided that regardless of me being at home doing the SAME ROUTINE with my daughter I was going to get shit done and be effective at doing it.
— Lisette Fee, owner and creator of Eilisain Jewelry
The bone of a flying fish. How amazing is that texture and design?

The bone of a flying fish. How amazing is that texture and design?

Another element of the Labyrinth Collection is the bone of a flying fish that my friend gave me. The intricate textures and design on the bone are incredible. They could be a labyrinth, the lines go all over the place. And I felt that this was essential to including it in the collection.

I’m going to continue posting about the collection and also provide you with more tools to aid you in your life journey.

PS - World Labyrinth Day is May 4th. Five thousand people are scheduled to walk Labyrinths in the name of peace.

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Lisette Fee

Who truly holds the world up? Mothers. For real, they get shit done and also manage to be amazing. All the mother’s I know are absolutely incredible. They’re bossbabes, stylish women on the go that also make time to read to their kids, take them to whatever sport activity and run a household.

So let’s treat mom’s to badass jewels!

Here’s my gift guide for all the fierce women in your life, and to the fur mamas too.

This gift guide covers jewels for the dainty mamas to the fly standout moms.

The new bird bone and gemstone ring. You’ll feel like a fierce goddess.

The new bird bone and gemstone ring. You’ll feel like a fierce goddess.


I do hope that you take time to honor the role of mother this year, especially for those that mother’s that may not have a large family or friend base. Send a card to an Aunt or family friend that has carried her role as mother with pride and dignity. I’ve created a list of women that have aided me in my life and been there for me.

I’m quite excited that my own Mother will be visiting our family this year and that we will have a chance to celebrate with Tallulah. When I think back to being a young child and not realizing how hard it must’ve been for my own mom to be strong and lift us up when we needed it, I am incredibly grateful and thankful.

Thank you for visiting and stay fierce!

PS - Don’t forget I’m releasing my Labyrinth Collection on May 8th just before Mother’s Day. These will be incredibly one of a kind and rare jewels. See the sneak peek photo below.

Swirly malachite is so rich and deep.

Swirly malachite is so rich and deep.

5 Super Easy Ways to Celebrate Earth Day - EVERY DAY

Lisette Fee

What they said is wrong, being green is easy. Seriously, in our convenience led world we don’t need to be wasteful. Our beautiful planet needs us to be protectors of her abundance and generosity.


Life is cyclical right? We can not take something without giving. And the same goes for all that we consume on a daily basis. So here are five super easy ways to be less wasteful, recycle, reuse and especially REDUCE.

  1. Take your own water bottle or coffee mug when you step out of the house. As a matter of fact, stash a to go container, a reusable water bottle and coffee mug in your canvas shopping bag.

  2. Reuse any of your plastic bags. And clean and drop off any plastic film and bags at your local Food Lion or grocery store. It’s SO convenient.

  3. Unplug and turn off any cellular charging stations or lights that you aren’t using. This will not only save energy for the planet BUT it also SAVES YOU MONEY!

  4. SHOP second hand and Salvation Army. You guys, this one is fun - you can find the best treasures at thrift stores.

  5. Grow a garden, plant trees and pick up trash where you see it. It all begins in your community. the more we time we spend outside in nature and the wilderness the more we appreciate and love our world.


I hope that you take this time of year to venerate and give gratitude for all the our mother earth provides for us. I know I sound all hippy dippy but trust me when I say that what YOU receive in return for your gratitude is so much more.

If you enjoyed my tips and want to learn more, sign up for my email list below and you’ll get more advice AND ways to improve your life.

Color Therapy and How It Can Change Your Life

Lisette Fee

Years ago, when I worked a desk job, I had a supervisor that I was struggling to connect with and demonstrate that I was confident to perform my job. One day, I summoned confidence and courage with the color red. I wore my carved red dragon pendant and red lipstick. Does this sound silly? Maybe but it worked, subtly I channeled a side of me to own my presence and talent.

There’s a reason houses sell more quickly with a red door, it stands out. It’s striking and vibrant. There are so many different ways to use color to improve your life and well being.

Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a non-invasive energy medicine (vibrational healing) modality. Color is simply a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. All the primary colors reflected in the rainbow carry their own unique healing properties.

The concept of color therapy is premised on the idea that on the surface of our skin, physical and energy systems of the body interface through the color vibrations found and utilized in the visible light spectrum. 12 vibrating fields of colors generate electrical and magnetic fields of energy that are prime activators of biochemical and hormonal processes, and also stimulate or sedate activities within the body that are necessary to balance every system and organ of the body.
— -Innovative Medicine

This is essentially the chakra system, an Eastern spiritual tradition that associates seven centers on the body with color and universal properties.

I’m a firm believer that we should trust ourselves more, our inner guide and teacher. Utilizing color and examining how you can change your mood, energy and mind through different therapies such as aromatherapy, color therapy, meditation is incredibly empowering. Now I’m not saying this is a cure-all, please consult your family doctor before you try any of this. However there are small things you can do that can simply improve your mood and mindset.


Light some sage OR burn an oil diffuser. I probably light my sage 2-3 times daily. I love the earthy scent.


The color GREEN is everywhere now, with Spring coming into full effect we NOT  can escape this rich and calming color.  But want to know a secret?

Bringing the color green into your home and life can bring YOU abundance and wealth
Color therapy is a fantastic way to call upon energies and manifests qualities we seek.  This is one of the reasons I'm using green stones such as malachite, agates and more in my upcoming collection.

I have yet to give it an official name or set date but stay tuned. 
You are going to LOVE this collection.

In the meantime, as you anxiously await these jewels to be listed.  I'm giving you some thoughts and ideas on how to use color therapy.

Green = abundance, wealth and vitality
Yellow = empowerment, increased well being and positivity
Red = energize, transformation and rebirth
Purple = spirituality, confidence and clarity
Blue = Relaxation, introspection and soothing vibes.

You can bring these colors and qualities into your life in so many ways.  By the what you wear, the jewelry you wear, your living space and office. 

Give it a try this week.  If you need some positive vibes, place yellow flowers at your desk.  If you need to chill out, look at water images on Pinterest. 

Subtle ways of infusing color therapy into your everyday life can have major impacts on your psyche and energy.


Five Local Photographers You Should Know and Work With

Lisette Fee

In our day and age of consuming images and technology, a good photographer has never been more important. Not just that, the people behind the camera are even more important.

As a creative and jeweler I come in contact with many photographers and I have an impressive roster of super talented friends that know how to capture just the right image.

I’ve worked with the following individuals in different capacities, either for my jewelry brand or personally and they are each talented in a different way. Depending on the occasion, you want a photographer that knows how to set the scene or catch a certain pose and make sure you don’t have lipstick on your teeth!

  1. Aileen Devlin - Ya’ll know she is my go-to woman for all my incredible up close jewelry shots. And this badass isn’t afraid to tell you how to switch up the look or smile etc. Aileen and I have worked together since the inception of my business and I trust her completely. Oh AND Aileen now shoots videos!

  2. Sim Asher - We’ve also worked together since 2012, Sim has a great eye for scenic shots and infusing an image with additional moodiness. Sim also is creative in creating strange and dreamy shots.

  3. Courtney Kerr - My fellow momboss shoots family and solo portraits and she is so good at making you feel comfortable and at ease. Courtney shot our family images and I was so pleased with the naturalness of our pictures, ones we will treasure for a long time.

  4. Gigi Hoggard - This lady knows how to sprinkle magic dust on her shoots, she will make you into Snow White, a Viking or a Prince. Seriously, Gigi creates the most stunning and enchanting images with her editing skills. She is also ridiculously funny and entertaining. You will have a blast with her!

  5. Carley Page Summers - Carley is a triple threat, she styles, shoots and shops for your home and photos. Technically I didn’t work with Carley on a photoshoot BUT she styled one of my trunk shows and honestly, I don’t need to work with her to know this woman has MAD design and photo skills. You will be taken to a serene and calm world with Carley!

It’s hard to decide my favorite Aileen Devlin image but this is in the top ten.

It’s hard to decide my favorite Aileen Devlin image but this is in the top ten.

Aileen Devlin takes immense care in setting up a shot. A mega skill of good photographers.

Love this dreamy shot of Ashleigh in the woods by Sim Asher.

Love this dreamy shot of Ashleigh in the woods by Sim Asher.

Sim works his best in the outdoors, he makes any outdoors scene otherwordly.

I am IN LOVE with the shots Courtney Kerr took of us. Look at how happy we are?!

I am IN LOVE with the shots Courtney Kerr took of us. Look at how happy we are?!

Courtney Kerr is such a pro, she helps relax a family by shooting in their habitat.

Summoning all the magic with Gigi Hoggard, how wicked is this shot?

Summoning all the magic with Gigi Hoggard, how wicked is this shot?

Gigi is one of those people that will get down and dirty to capture the essence of her subjects. And she sprinkles that magic dust to make the shot GLOW!

See the gorgeous blankets, plants and vibe? That’s Carley, literally in the background.

See the gorgeous blankets, plants and vibe? That’s Carley, literally in the background.

As soon as I met Carley I felt all this stylish, elegance and fun vibes from her, and so will you.

So that wraps this post on my favorite LOCAL Eastern North Carolina based photographers. There is so much talent in our region, which is why I post about it so much. Take this opportunity and book one of these awesome individuals because their calendars fill up fast!

Flashback to the Time I Co-produced a Fashion Show - Aurelian Nights

Lisette Fee

Confession time - I fancy myself fashion designing. When I was in early middle school, about twelve years old I dreamed of being on MTV House of Style or Fashion File - the big fashion shows on television. I would dream up weird yet artistic outfits. Once I sketched a harlequin ensemble! It was super cheesy but interesting.

Local college students, business owners and more were models for the event. We even had them walk down the street to promote the event.

Local college students, business owners and more were models for the event. We even had them walk down the street to promote the event.

So it’s no surprise that I finally lived out part of that dream in working on a jewelry and fashion show with my good friend Paula Chrismon. At the time, five years ago Paula owned a consignment boutique in Uptown Greenville and I had my studio at Art Avenue. And I loved the idea of merging the two, consignment fashion with art jewelry. Paula provided the clothing and shoes, while I worked with some of my art jeweler friends to provide the mega jewels. And all of the clothing and jewelry would be black and gold. Hence the name Aurelian (translates to Golden).

We worked it out that we secured sponsorships from local business’ at three monetary levels, $50, $75 and $100 this was able to pay for our lookbook, video, food and signage. It was probably one of the most ambitious and gratifying projects I’ve ever worked on. We were able to generate so much interest and attendance in the show that we were bursting at the seems, and mind you we didn’t charge an entrance fee for the event.

We even made a video, for which I’m so proud and happy we did. The video combined our love of fashion and production. You can watch it below.

Me with my friend Gabi. The show was the talk of the town.

Me with my friend Gabi. The show was the talk of the town.

Danielle James necklace - how amazing and cool is the way she created a brick window into a necklace?

Danielle James necklace - how amazing and cool is the way she created a brick window into a necklace?

I enlisted my friends to sell and promote the jewelry.

I enlisted my friends to sell and promote the jewelry.

When I recall this amazing event Paula and I put together I’m struck by how much I loved working with my friends and community in showcasing local talent. Granted it was alot of work however the fashion show elevated the status of consignment fashion and art jewelry. I think it’s so important to remove the curtain in a sense of art, to show it as everyday.

I’m hoping that I can work with other talented individuals in my new town of Farmville. What I’ve learned over the years is that when I work with others it makes a project not only more fun and enjoyable but also it creates alliances and new relationships that didn’t exist previously and those relationships carry over into future collaborations.

As always, thank you for reading and you can learn more about my projects and events below.

How Being Part of an Art Collective Taught Me About Business and My Community

Lisette Fee

Having a community, especially in the art world, is like a warm fuzzy blanket. You feel supported, nurtured and warmed by the commraderie.

While I was studying at East Carolina University for my degree in jewelry and metals, I honestly didn’t have a plan for a studio or where I would work, it all kind of came together the year I graduated in 2012 when I moved into my studio space at Art Avenue. And it’s safe to say, I don’t think I would’ve been as successful in my city had it not been for my friends and companions at Art Avenue.

I tell this story a lot because I want others to know how much it helped my artistic development and I hope that others in the art field have the same kind of experience.
— Lisette Fee
Plant and Fug head by Andy Denton. Photo by Aileen Devlin.

Plant and Fug head by Andy Denton. Photo by Aileen Devlin.

I helped manage the gallery and retail space as well as the metals studio.

I helped manage the gallery and retail space as well as the metals studio.

The concept of the art collective/incubator came about from my friends Claire Edwards and Sarah Setzco. Claire’s father owns the building in which Art Avenue began. Claire and Sarah wanted to showcase local musicians, bands, artists and more. They began with several ‘pop up’ shows, I curated my first exhibition, Preyed Upon at Art Avenue and so within two years Claire and Sarah finally ordained the space Art Avenue. It worked out so smoothly because there was a good group of us ECU graduates that truly needed a place to grow and flex our skills. We had Aileen Devlin a photographer for the local paper, Andy Denton a sculptor and teacher at Pitt Community College, Jeremy Fineman a ceramicist and also instructor of ceramics and art, Autumn Brown set up the metals studio that I eventually inherited. While Claire and Sarah managed the business and finances of our collective the rest of us worked towards promotion of events, installing exhibitions and studio rental spaces.

Mind you, none of us were paid. It was a labor of love as well as perhaps some of our own self interests in understanding the mechanics of running a gallery space. Art Avenue was part of a new revival in Uptown Greenville, there were graduating artists from ECU that needed space to show and sell work.

What did I learn from my experience at Art Avenue?

  • I understood how partnering with local businesses helped expose each other and generate awareness and sales.

  • I learned how HARD it is to get the community and people in Pitt County to attend art events. In a strange we (the art community) lived in our own bubble, so it took extra exposure to get attendance.

  • Working with local press, influencers and social media is HUGE to generating excitement and appreciation for art.

  • My friends and fellow artists contributed to the success of my jewelry company. Aileen Devlin is still my go to photographer and she shares my jewelry with all her friends and family. Andy Denton and Autumn Brown helped set up the casting studio in which I created my jewelry.

  • I co-created my first fashion show event with my friend Paula Chrismon and began shooting videos and lookbooks because of the space and talent I had to work with.

  • Not everyone is cut out for an art incubator space; it takes an artist at a certain point in their career to work in a shared space.

  • when you have a community with you; the sky is the limit. Seriously, there is so much at your fingertips that you may not be aware of.

It was a complete volunteer effort in creating designated studio spaces.

It was a complete volunteer effort in creating designated studio spaces.

Andy Denton preparing our new studio walls.

Andy Denton preparing our new studio walls.

In the end Art Avenue struggled to survive (many of the original Art Avenue board members moved to new cities and opportunities), but the basis of what we created was a haven and space to share our art and that of others which provided so much culture and vibrancy to Greenville. And now there are new spaces popping up and I”m sure there will continue to be art havens. For example, The Art Lab run by the Pitt County Council of the Arts which pretty much has the same concept that Art Avenue had except this endeavor is funded by an already established nonprofit.

Art Avenue was very instrumental in getting my business off the ground, and I will forever be grateful to the community and support it provided me. And as it is with these kinds of posts, I urge you to support your local artists, makers and entrepreneurs because they are so vital to the health and happiness of your community.

I'm a Guest on What's Up Greenville Podcast

Lisette Fee

I had such a great time recording with Frank and Bill.

I had such a great time recording with Frank and Bill.

I’m so excited to share with you my first podcast recording and with a local podcast nonetheless!

As you’ve seen from some of my previous posts, I so enjoy podcasts. Especially when I’m working in my studio and I can learn about all sorts of new things while also working on my jewelry pieces.

Frank and Bill Thurman of What’s Up Greenville created the podcast to share with people all the awesome and amazing things there are to do and learn about Greenville.

I share my story of working in the arts community of Greenville and Pitt County and also what it’s like working as a new mom and resident of Farmville, just fifteen minutes from Greenville. We also get into the current state of the arts scene.

I hope you’ll give it a listen and subscribe to What’s Up Greenville, because they are fun and share so much about our awesome city!

Treat Your Bestie, Your Sister from Another Mister Right!

Lisette Fee

My Galentine’s Day Gift guide is here! I curated this selection to truly match the special woman/man in your life. I’m not talking about your spouse or partner but the person that you call in the middle of the night or when you need to vent and cry your eyes out to.

Here I am with my dearest friend Cate. I’d be lost without her in my life!

Here I am with my dearest friend Cate. I’d be lost without her in my life!

Over the years, my best friends have been my life line. They’ve seen me at my absolute worst (aka being a diva) and at my best (aka when I got married). So why not treat them to something truly memorable and special?

Of course, I do consider all of my jewelry perfect gifts for any occasion, but these selections speak to any price point $30 to under $200 and to the type of person in your life. I hope this helps and lets lift up the amazing souls that do the same for us!

Introducing My Wedding Jewelry Page

Lisette Fee

It’s about time I dedicated one spot on my website for you to shop my ‘wedding’ jewelry. I put that in quotes because if you want, ANY of my jewelry could be wedding jewelry. But honestly, if it makes it easier for you to shop specifically wedding styles then, duh? why not?!!!

I also wanted to highlight some of the custom wedding pieces I’ve created over the years. As you’ve read here before I truly enjoy the process of creating special ritual jewelry - and probably the biggest ritual of our lives will be a wedding!

The earrings below were created as a set for a client who had a perfect set of london blue topaz stones for earrings, a ring and a necklace. These were cast in 18kt karat yellow gold. Aren’t they stunning? I’ll be honest I was a nervous wreck setting them!

Nontraditional wedding jewelry truly gives you so much more meaning and when YOU are involved in the design process it adds even more intention and joy.
— Lisette Fee
Here are the London Blue topaz talon and crow claw bridal set.

Here are the London Blue topaz talon and crow claw bridal set.

Now when it comes to custom orders I always want to err on the caution of enough time, so please do make sure when you are thinking about a custom order that you plan about 3-4 months buffer time. This gives me time to sketch and design, consult with you and then create the pieces.

Nontraditional wedding jewelry truly gives you so much more meaning and when YOU are involved in the design process it adds even more intention and joy.

I also want to add that I’ve created jewelry pieces for the bridal party. One of my clients loves amethyst so I used a small yet sizable amethyst around a simple design piece so that each member of the party felt the appreciation of the bride. I’m more than happy to work around your budget and style - as long as it’s within the realm of Eilisain jewelry.

How cute is this couple?! They got engaged two years ago over the holidays.

How cute is this couple?! They got engaged two years ago over the holidays.

Longtime Eilisain Jewelry customers Zach and Maggie got engaged a year ago and Zach had begun the custom order process well in advance to prepare for his proposal. I was so very honored to create the Brigid bridal ring that has cat claws clutching a herkimer diamond. There they are above celebrating. Somedays I honestly can’t believe I get to create jewelry for couples in love!

Wedding season is just around the corner, and I’m here for your BADASS jewelry needs! I’m available for in person consultations, phone calls or emails. Here is a handy form to help you in the process.

What It's Like to be an Artist of the Month in Farmville

Lisette Fee

What a rush of amazing feelings and happiness to be surrounded by people that love art and jewelry! Yesterday I participated in my towns Artist of the Month reception sponsored by the Farmville Community Arts Council and it was probably one of the best local exhibition/shows I’ve ever participated in - and I’ve done alot of shows and exhibitions.

What I really can’t get over is how much of an impact social interaction and getting out and meeting people has on myself and my business. In this day and age of online media and networking has had on art and business, it goes hand and hand with actually getting out and talking and showing people what I do in my studio.

Processing a sale at my media table at the reception.

Processing a sale at my media table at the reception.

And I’ll tell you, when a small arts council like the FCAC sponsors a reception, they really turn it out and do everything in their power to get people there! I mean, the volunteers with FCAC sent out a card with my jewelry on it, emailed their list, provided the space AND food and drink for the event all to expose my work to the community and it truly means so much to have that kind of exposure!

I want to share this experience with you and hopefully with your friends to give you an inkling at how dedicated local arts community are and how essential they are to creating culture and vibrancy in a town or city. Not only that, they bring an amazing energy and vitality to the community. For example, in Greenville (our neighboring city) the Pitt County Arts Council at Emerge hosts an amazing variety of events that bring the entire city together like the PirateFest and so many other events. They also provide grants and FREE money to emerging and established artists.

And I will tell you this, with emotion and truth, I would not be where I am in my journey as a jeweler, businesswoman and artist without the support and generosity of my local arts council and the hard working volunteers that help and give their time. I am so blessed to have them share and be absolutely excited to expose local artists and makers. Deep down we are so interested in how objects are made, how an artist finds inspiration and curiosity in our world. We all want a part of that beauty and wonder.

So I take this moment to urge you to support your local arts council, if not with donations then with time and attendance to art events from music, theater, sculpture and more.

Here are photos from my reception, which took place at a local events space, 3865 South Main street in downtown Farmville.

I was really digging the exposed brick of the building.

I was really digging the exposed brick of the building.

The light that flowed in was wonderful!

The light that flowed in was wonderful!

Gotta have that fur to give emphasis to my jewels!

Gotta have that fur to give emphasis to my jewels!

To sum this all up, I’m incredibly appreciative and grateful for the opportunity my community and arts council gave me to share my jewelry with my friends and new town and I know first hand how much of an impact it has on my business. And someone like you that enjoys it, I hope that you’ll support the art council and artists in your city and region, you probably won’t ever realize how much it means to an artist.

Are You a Bourbon Bride?

Lisette Fee

That is to say, are you a nontraditional bride? These days weddings have completely changed, they aren’t the usual church, white wedding gown and country club wedding.

Ceremonies nowadays can take place anywhere, with a bride and groom chucking the norm and doing it their own way. And I totally love that! My wedding was a bit different, we got married outside of our favorite restaurant and I wore pink. I’ve had friends get married at an artist retreat outside, in gardens, at science museums and wear purple. Who cares whats traditional when you can truly make your wedding day unique and different?

Thus I’m super happy to have been accepted into the Bourbon Bridal show happening Sunday, January 20th in Durham at the Cookery. I participated in the show two years ago and I had so much fun. The vendors at the Bourbon Bride Bridal show cater to couples that want the unusual, people that come from all backgrounds. There were vintage interior designers offering a special way to decorate the event, floral designers that create super cool floral arrangements and more.

Speaking of nontraditional weddings, how about a bridal photoshoot at a cemetery?! For my first bridal photoshoot we shot it at a local cemetery and it gave our shoot an ethereal and heavenly quality. I mean when you get down to it, committing your life to one partner is beyond this world, so why not make it extra special? To make a sacred vow that is eternal sorta relates to the morbid beauty of being buried together.

Okay back to the beauty of life, I’ve created custom designs for a variety of couples and brides. As a result of Bourbon Bride I met Brenna and she had me custom create a set of earrings, necklace and ring for her wedding day. She sent me a set of gorgeous genuine London topaz stones her father mined and had polished. Don’t they look stunning set in the owl talons?

London blue topaz set in 18kt gold owl talons for a bride.

London blue topaz set in 18kt gold owl talons for a bride.

If you’re curious about the custom design process check out my page that goes over the process and I ask you questions to delve deeper into your tastes and thoughts one what you may want created.

My favorite part of the custom design process is that I get incredibly challenged to create new pieces and it pushes me to go further.

Ten Things About Me You Didn't Know

Lisette Fee

Last week I had an acquaintance tell me that she had no idea I made a complete career switch at the age of 30 years old. And then I began thinking, there’s probably alot that you don’t know about me or my jewelry.

  1. I used to be really scared of cats and animals in general!
    I bet you weren’t even thinking that’d be one of them. One time in college I was at a friends house and her bunny escaped. She told me to go grab her and I was too scared she’d bite me! I had no clue how to handle small creatures.

  2. I was a college radio DJ.
    Yes, I managed the R&B portion. I love music and mixing songs.

  3. I’ve lived in Japan, Uruguay, El Salvador, Panama and the United States.
    My dad was in the Army and we traveled every 2-3 years before the age of 14years old.

  4. At one point I had four part time jobs all at once and I was getting my second college degree. I worked as a jewelry repair assistant, at a law firm, my radio DJ job AND I was teaching jewelry and metals! Whew I definitely took on too much that year.

  5. I climbed Mount Washington
    I nearly lost my marbles on the ascent - I had a complete melt down BUT I climbed that mountain and I’m really proud of it.

  6. I was bit by a dog on my butt.
    It was so embarrassing at the emergency room.

  7. My middle name, Montserrat comes from a mountain in Spain where nuns live.

  8. I have the same birthday as Albert Einstein AND our years match, Albert Einstein is March 14, 1879 and mine is March 14th 1979. For some reason I think this is pretty freaking cool.

  9. Initially my dream was to be a fashion designer, then a geologist.

  10. I believed in Santa Claus until I was thirteen years old. I’m a dreamer - what can I say?