Pirate Fest
It’s been a LONG time since I participated in Piratefest, I’m super excited to feature my jewelry and offer tarot readings for you. All my GVegas people come out and shop local and your community!
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It’s been a LONG time since I participated in Piratefest, I’m super excited to feature my jewelry and offer tarot readings for you. All my GVegas people come out and shop local and your community!
I did my first Fruit Flea market last year and then did the next and lets just say i LOVE the crowd and folx over at Fruit Flea.
Come join me for a NAUGHTY yet fun market. I’ll be there with some wicked and badass jewels and I’ll be reading tarot.
Bandwidth is fantastic tech company located in Raleigh that hosts a holiday market for their staff and the public. Last year I had the pleasure of participating in their holiday market and I’m very happy to return!
Join me and a handful of other artists and small businesses as we join together and sell our wares to folks in Raleigh.
This market will be held in the Bandwidth Event space on Thursday, December 5th 11am-3pm and Friday, December 11am-3pm. I hope to see you there!
How clever! I love the Durham Fruit (a coworking and event space for progressive people).
Join me and local Durham and ENC folx for this fun and very open event for people of all walks of life.
This will be the holiday market at the Fruit and I”ll have all your favorite Eilisain jewels and of course some new one of a kind pieces.
If there is a crystals market, I’m there!
Join me at Moore Square in downtown Raleigh this October 26th from 12 - 6 PM for a celebration of all things mystical! Our event will feature
Good eats from local food trucks
Craft beer + wine
Fresh coffee + other warm beverages
Live jams from local musicians
Shopping from mystical small businesses
Join me and many other talented artists at the Ironwood Country club for the Art Show at Ironwood.