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Filtering by Category: divination

The Moon Phases and Learning to Work with Them

Lisette Fee

Where to begin, with this journey I’ve had with the moon lately. Somehow it all started to happen at once, the social media accounts the people I listen to on podcasts all of it started to have a theme…a lunar theme.

And then bam I became just like every other spiritual person on instagram, posting about the moon and the cycles. What really blew me away was this interesting and enlightening fact I learned from Kate Northrup, that the day and yearly cycles are geared toward a more masculine/yang way of doing things. The average business day matches a men’s cycle, they are energized in the morning through midday and then hit a lull in the afternoon, whereas a woman’s cycle matches the lunar cycle meaning there are peak times of the month usually the full moon when we are at our best energetic self and then towards the crescent and waning moons we slow down and reflect aka 3pm. And when I really thought about it and how it does match my mood and that there are times of the month when I’m ready to burst with ideas and then towards my period I begin to slow down.

Okay so how can we work with the moon cycles? Journaling and really just paying attention to phases of the moon and how they match our own sense of feeling and intentions. For example, you could plan intense projects and goals for when you are most energized and at your peak potential which would be during the full Moon. During the New Moon you will want to set intentions and plan for your month. In this way you are working with the rhythm of your cycle and the moons.

I keep a super beautiful piece of artwork by artist Jess Weymouth by my bedroom and I love glancing at it as I walk through to the kitchen.

How gorgeous is this drawing?!! By jess Weymouth.

How gorgeous is this drawing?!! By jess Weymouth.

Confession, I don’t work with the moon phases all the time, but what I’ve noticed is that if I’m having big emotions or if I’m feel super energized I will pause and look at the moon cycle we’re in and see how it corresponds. I also look at my own menstrual cycle to see how it matches with the moon cycle.

Write down and journal your thoughts or if that isn’t your style, dictate into your phone so that you have a recording. There are so many apps for this, honestly that I don’t know of but I know they’re out there that can help you with taking notes (aka evernote).

Small actions, small rituals help to ground us and also bring centeredness and peace. In my morning ritual I write several pages in my journal and I like to note what phase of the moon we’re in, tracking my own mood and phase of the cycle. For example right now (aka March 25th) we are in the New Moon in Aries and this is a time of goal setting and working with the zodiac sign of Aries (pure fire and action) to move into this phase.

Full Moon pendant reminds us that we are wild, we can be untamed every once in awhile, like during the full moon.

Full Moon pendant reminds us that we are wild, we can be untamed every once in awhile, like during the full moon.

It’s so fascinating to me that right now in our history and cultural zeitgeist tracking and connecting with the Moon has become very popular. It is no wonder, as our world is in the thick of the yang energy and we crave and need the feminine, the yin.

So take some time this month and the next to watch the phases of the moon and your own feeling and energies and you will see that you can use the phase of the moon to sync and ground yourself.

OH and it may be nice to have some moon themed jewelry on too…

How My New Morning Ritual Has Improved My Mindset

Lisette Fee

Lighting my sage and lavender bundle marks the beginning of my meditation.

Lighting my sage and lavender bundle marks the beginning of my meditation.

I’ve written on here before about meditation and several methods and ways to meditate but on this post I wanted to share some of my newest methods and also the immense benefits of a meditation practice.

I’ve created a new ritual in my life and it’s having massive impacts on my mental and physical health. I wake up about an hour before my daughter Tallulah wakes up, sometimes this varies, like I’ll have a half hour and some days I struggle but on average I get a lil chunk of time in the morning to set myself up for the day.

Here’s how my routine begins: I wake up around 5-530am and I head to our kitchen and pour myself a glass of lemon and basil or rosemary water (I’ve heard and read that it’s a great way to cleanse and hydrate your body), then I head upstairs to my meditation room. I light some candles and sage and then I sit at my altar for about 10 minutes for mediation and prayer. I’d eventually like to increase this to 20 or 30 minutes but for now it’s ten. After I’ve meditated and prayed I go through a 10 minute yoga routine. I absolutely love how the stretching and yoga poses work out kinks in my back, arms and neck. After my yoga I sit in my comfy grandma chair and journal, I also do a short tarot reading, usually it’s a three card spread. This act of journaling does two things: it cleanses my mind of the clutter, thoughts and dreams I’ve had AND it gives me time to reflect.

I love this sacred pace so so much.

I love this sacred pace so so much.

Ya’ll, this ritual really has changed how I behave throughout the day, I just feel centered and reprogrammed for intention. I’ve become more focused in my goals, felt energized throughout the day and I just feel so much more connected to my ancestors, spirit guides and most importantly my inner teacher. In addition I’ve noticed how my perspective on my life and reaction to situations has become calm and centered. When my daughter has a meltdown or something sudden and perhaps typically stressful would happen I breathe and allow myself to let it go.

No surprise here, Tallulah loves playing with all my ritual objects.

No surprise here, Tallulah loves playing with all my ritual objects.

Maybe some of you are thinking, well I just can’t get up at 5am to do all that. I’m not suggesting you do, although I honestly believe you’ll get used to it and come it enjoy it. What perhaps I’m hinting at for you is that carving out anytime, maybe during your lunch break or in the evening setting aside anytime to journal, go for a quiet walk with no phones, or maybe playing Frisbee outside - ANY kind of act that allows you to be still is incredibly helpful to your mental health.

We need to listen to ourselves FIRST before anyone else, what do YOU need to feel happy and whole. Often times we get up and go, look at our phones or flip on the tv but we don’t give ourselves the time and space to LISTEN.
— Lisette Fee

You are so worthy, worthy of your time to BE.

Back in my mid-twenties when I began meditating and praying and when I look back at how that time I had gave me space to dream about this time right now, HERE, I know that it was well spent. I dreamed of being a jeweler, of being the weird, nerdy and jewelry obsessed person that I am today.

So my dear friends, take back your time away from the distractions and noise and just BE.

If you want to continue to read more of these blog posts and shop some of my newest one of a kind jewels please sign up for my email list and I will keep you in the loop. Thank you as always for reading!!

The Power of Myth

Lisette Fee


When I was eleven years old I distinctly recall picking up a book at the library about Greek mythology and finding the stories and deeds of Gods and demigods awe inspiring and fascinating. At the time I was intensely creative, I sketched fashion outfits, I made clay jewelry, and dreamed up my own stories.

Reading the infamous Greek myths gave me an opening into the massive tales of love, betrayal, deceit and loss of innocence. The myths were a window into other worlds and life lessons.

As I grew older I still found myself drawn to myths and legends. I became particularly enchanted with Celtic myths and the land sites that connected humans to the fairy realm. Not only that I LOVED learning about the sacred objects that connect us to the gods and goddesses of the Celts. There is something magical when reading about giants that roamed Ireland and fought over each other and called upon druids and witches to protect their offspring and homes.

Later when I entered university, my ‘major’ was Anthropology which seemed so fitting, for someone who is now a jeweler. See the intersection of handmade objects and human activity in our world resulted in culture which also ran it’s course with religion and mythology.

What I love so much about mythology is that their UNIVERSAL and most can relate to the human emotions in these epic tales, why do you think we’re so obsessed with Marvel and the Avengers movies, they’re essentially mythologies.


When I first began creating my jewelry collections I knew that I wanted to create stories and themes to the pieces I created. For example my Valkyrie Collection was shot with my friend Claire who has gorgeous short red hair and the presence of a Viking.


Mythologies guide us through life, and connect us to the universe at large. When our ancestors looked up at the night sky and saw the twinkling beauty of planet Venus and constellations they told tales of our our world came to be.

We can travel through time to another era when we read the Celtic, Nordic, Hindu and many other world mythologies and tales. We can understand how greed leads to destruction, rebirth and renewal of the earth.

Kaltes Collection drew from Ugric peoples of western Siberia. She was a shape-shifter.

Kaltes Collection drew from Ugric peoples of western Siberia. She was a shape-shifter.

I hope that this post gives you pause to open a Greek myth book or revisit old myths and legends. There are so many lessons and takeaways.

Flip through some of my lookbooks and videos inspired by Gods and Goddesses of past.

Tarot and Why I Love It

Lisette Fee

Tarot is experiencing a widespread popularity and resurgence and I’m so incredibly happy because it’s such an amazing spiritual tool and method for inner growth and manifestation.

I started reading my tarot cards about 18 years ago - dang I feel old! My first deck was the Rider-waite (the most popular deck to begin with). At first it felt overwhelming to shuffle through and try to understand but over the years I’ve become so much more familiar and adept at using them.

Tarot is a divination tool and a very ancient one.

The word tarot can have several associations, some may liken it to the Hebrew word, Torah; the latin rota, meaning “wheel” or the Arabic Tarah or turuq which refer to “four ways”. However most point to the connection between the Italian Tarocchi or Tarocco which refers to the original renditions of the play-card games that appeared in Europe sometime during the 15th century.
— Danielle Noel auther of The Book of Tarot

Over the years tarot went through several renditions and new designs but the ultimately the tarot deck that has endured over time is the Rider Wait-Smith tarot designed and illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith. Both were occultists and practitioners of Kabbalism and they added a whole new mystical symbology to the deck.


An excerpt from one of my favorite Tarot guidebooks, Modern Tarot by Michelle Tea has a fantastic description of tarot:

The Tarot is an ancient story system, a pack of cards that tell a multitude of tales depending on the ways in which they’re placed alongside one another. Pull the High Priestess, the Page of Coins, and the World, and it tells a story of an individual seeking higher purpose through the material world, someone who isj ust beginning a path of knowledge but whose deep inspiration and devotion will take her very far....The trick to being able to deduce this is to know the cards well and allow yourself to link their stories together and — and this is really important — trusting that you are reading the cards clearly. It could, if you’re nervous to look at that last spread of cards and then say, “Oh, um, actually, it could also mean that walking away from this situation might bring the Tower down and ruin your life. I”m not sure! Thanks for coming!” Tarot speaks to your intuition, to our guts. More and more scientific research points to the right-on power of our “guts” to make quick, intuitive , and correct decisions.
— Michelle Tea

Here’s the thing to understand about tarot and all forms of divination; it’s a tool which means it isn’t going to predict your future, what tarot does is provide a visual aid of delving deeper into what you’re experiencing. Tarot is akin to a telescope allowing you to see much closer into your life.

My daughter and I looking through the cards

My daughter and I looking through the cards

Tarot is just one of the divination tools I use.

Tarot is just one of the divination tools I use.


I want to be clear that tarot is for anyone, of any faith. And you don’t need years of experience to read your own cards. Because here’s a secret friends, you know the answers. Deep down you are your greatest teacher and that is how you understand the cards.

Here’s a list of my favorite decks:

The Fountain tarot deck - I feel as if I’m deep within my unconscious when i look at these cards. It’s as if entering a dream world.

The Moonchild deck - Another otherworldly deck, I love the collage effect of these images. Danielle creates a beautiful and sumptous world with her images AND the booklet for the deck is full of juicy information and ways to attune yourself to the moon.

The Arthurian Tarot deck - This was the second deck I acquired and one of my most cherished. Caitlin and John Matthews are complete scholars of Celtic and Arthurian lore and legend. This deck delves into the myth and stories and provide fantastic illustrations that really get you thinking what the symbols mean.

Anima Mundi deck - My daughter loves this deck for all the dark and fantastical images of the animals. I also enjoy this deck for totem spiritual work. What is a lovely surprise about this deck are some of the animals are associated with characteristics that I normally wouldn’t have.

Threads of Fate oracle deck - My newest deck and one that isn’t tarot but oracle, somewhat the same but doesn’t follow the traditional minor arcana and major. Brit June and Blair Porter have created a beautiful deck with gold inlay and the illustrations touch upon larger themes like Soul Work and Speak Truth. Some cards feature healers, sages and spiritual practitioners with a lil bio in the booklet.

Some tips for newbie Tarot nerds:

  • pull one card a day to get famililar with your deck

  • Keep a journal to record your thoughts and feelings towards the card

  • Before you pull a card, sit with the deck and allow your mind to cleanse the cards and connect with them.

  • Take your deck with you whereever you go, so that you can sit and play with them or share with a friend.

I hope you enjoyed this post and especially learning more about tarot. I promise that time with a tarot deck is never wasted and is so cleansing for the spirit.

If you’d like to learn more about divination, meditation and how to combine jewelry with those two, sign up for my email list below. I email weekly about my jewelry, up coming craft shows, mindfulness and more.

As always thanks for reading - stay badass and fierce friends!


My Morning Ritual and How It Sets Me Up for the Day

Lisette Fee

I’m one of those people that loves routine and likes to set things up ready for the next day. For example, I prep my coffee and electric kettle in the evening before I settle into bed so that there is less to be done the following morning. And I enjoy certain rituals at the beginning and ending of the day.

I thought I’d share with you my morning ritual as it has truly made a difference in my well being and sanity. My main goal with my morning ritual is to bring my mindset to the present yet also preparing myself for the rest of the day. As my kettle boils the water for my coffee, I sip room temperature water with lemon and basil. I crack open my calendar notebook and my journal. Mind you this all happens AFTER I get my daughter out of her crib, fix her a sippy cup of milk and turn on Hotel Transylvania (it should come as no surprise my child loves movies about monsters!).

I review and jot down three goals for the day, then i recite my morning mantras and manifestations. One of my favorites is stating:

“Wealth and abundance is plentiful and comes into my life easily.”

What this calls into my life is gratitude and a viewpoint that imagines enough for everyone. There is love, knowledge and joy all around me. I’ve been working hard on my mindset this year, to be aware and present and keep my eyes and heart open.

Once I’ve performed this ritual, I prepare my coffee and then allow myself to look at my phone.

Notebooks are essential for capturing ideas and goals.

Notebooks are essential for capturing ideas and goals.

I’ll be honest it can be SO HARD to not automatically reach for my phone and scroll thru my favorite apps when I get up in the morning. And there are mornings where I do this first, however I notice that once I crack open phone there is not telling when I put it back down and it tends to make me more anxious in the morning.


Surrounding myself with special objects, crystals, plants and of course a furbaby or two keeps me calm and happy in the morning and throughout the day. And keeping books and magazines on the coffee table provide more sustenance than my phone.

Having a toddler has also forced me to be aware and present with my daughter, watching her grow and learn. I don’t want to forget those precious moments.

I highly recommend you keep a morning ritual (other than the usual, wash your face and brush your teeth). Something about the act of gratitude and centering yourself provides a base for which a day has been set with intention and awareness.

Life is a Labyrinth

Lisette Fee

When I began researching the theme of labyrinth it began to crystallize how timely and appropriate this concept is. The labyrinth is a very ancient image, painted on cavern walls and spans countries and timelines.

I chose this image and card to depict the PATIENCE it takes to go through life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. Just like the labyrinth.

I chose this image and card to depict the PATIENCE it takes to go through life’s ups and downs, twists and turns. Just like the labyrinth.

Now, we are all familiar with the infamous Labyrinth movie and why not, as it’s such a classic fantasy movie but it also demonstrates the power of the journey and lessons we learn on a labyrinth walk. As you walk through one you learn valuable lessons and how to navigate the trials of life.

For this collection I used several design elements to reference a labyrinth. One of my all time favorite stones, the dragon vein agate has gorgeous lines and colors that resemble a labyrinth. In addition I used malachite for the gorgeous deep green and also the lines and swirling patterns. The color green is perfect as labyrinths are made on the flat earth, sometimes in a garden design or by using stones or sand.

This is DRAGON VEIN. Isn’t it stunning?

This is DRAGON VEIN. Isn’t it stunning?


In Celtic culture and beliefs the circular patterns the ancient Celts and inhabitants of those regions considered the circle and labyrinth design leading to the navel of the earth. Mother earth if you will and the abundance that the earth provides just as a mother does.

In my early twenties I became obessed with the Celtic culture and beliefs, I still am. There is something old and very familiar of the art, myths and pantheon. And thus with the Labyrinth collection I wanted to go back to that fascination and allure of the ancient designs and colors.

This photo was taken from one of my many Celtic books.

This photo was taken from one of my many Celtic books.

ISo how can a labyrinth and the walking of one aid you in your life, or even how can this jewelry do the same? Well, whenever I learn a new concept or idea I look at it thru the lens of my own life. Some days I’ll be sitting or walking or making jewelry and I think about my past and the times I struggled so hard and came thru wiser and stronger or even in my present moment.

Granted, I’m still working on it but I feel a strange sense of purpose and confidence that I can. Walking a labyrinth in my mind, I’m doing that now. I came up on a situation and turned it around in my hand many, many times until I found the way to make it work.

For the past two years I’ve been grappling with how to juggle my momlife with my bossbabe life. And for a time I kept telling myself the same story - that it was hard and that I couldn’t do all the things I want to do because of being a mom. But FINALLY I flipped the narrative and decided that regardless of me being at home doing the SAME ROUTINE with my daughter I was going to get shit done and be effective at doing it.
— Lisette Fee, owner and creator of Eilisain Jewelry
The bone of a flying fish. How amazing is that texture and design?

The bone of a flying fish. How amazing is that texture and design?

Another element of the Labyrinth Collection is the bone of a flying fish that my friend gave me. The intricate textures and design on the bone are incredible. They could be a labyrinth, the lines go all over the place. And I felt that this was essential to including it in the collection.

I’m going to continue posting about the collection and also provide you with more tools to aid you in your life journey.

PS - World Labyrinth Day is May 4th. Five thousand people are scheduled to walk Labyrinths in the name of peace.

Color Therapy and How It Can Change Your Life

Lisette Fee

Years ago, when I worked a desk job, I had a supervisor that I was struggling to connect with and demonstrate that I was confident to perform my job. One day, I summoned confidence and courage with the color red. I wore my carved red dragon pendant and red lipstick. Does this sound silly? Maybe but it worked, subtly I channeled a side of me to own my presence and talent.

There’s a reason houses sell more quickly with a red door, it stands out. It’s striking and vibrant. There are so many different ways to use color to improve your life and well being.

Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is a non-invasive energy medicine (vibrational healing) modality. Color is simply a form of visible light, of electromagnetic energy. All the primary colors reflected in the rainbow carry their own unique healing properties.

The concept of color therapy is premised on the idea that on the surface of our skin, physical and energy systems of the body interface through the color vibrations found and utilized in the visible light spectrum. 12 vibrating fields of colors generate electrical and magnetic fields of energy that are prime activators of biochemical and hormonal processes, and also stimulate or sedate activities within the body that are necessary to balance every system and organ of the body.
— -Innovative Medicine

This is essentially the chakra system, an Eastern spiritual tradition that associates seven centers on the body with color and universal properties.

I’m a firm believer that we should trust ourselves more, our inner guide and teacher. Utilizing color and examining how you can change your mood, energy and mind through different therapies such as aromatherapy, color therapy, meditation is incredibly empowering. Now I’m not saying this is a cure-all, please consult your family doctor before you try any of this. However there are small things you can do that can simply improve your mood and mindset.


Light some sage OR burn an oil diffuser. I probably light my sage 2-3 times daily. I love the earthy scent.


The color GREEN is everywhere now, with Spring coming into full effect we NOT  can escape this rich and calming color.  But want to know a secret?

Bringing the color green into your home and life can bring YOU abundance and wealth
Color therapy is a fantastic way to call upon energies and manifests qualities we seek.  This is one of the reasons I'm using green stones such as malachite, agates and more in my upcoming collection.

I have yet to give it an official name or set date but stay tuned. 
You are going to LOVE this collection.

In the meantime, as you anxiously await these jewels to be listed.  I'm giving you some thoughts and ideas on how to use color therapy.

Green = abundance, wealth and vitality
Yellow = empowerment, increased well being and positivity
Red = energize, transformation and rebirth
Purple = spirituality, confidence and clarity
Blue = Relaxation, introspection and soothing vibes.

You can bring these colors and qualities into your life in so many ways.  By the what you wear, the jewelry you wear, your living space and office. 

Give it a try this week.  If you need some positive vibes, place yellow flowers at your desk.  If you need to chill out, look at water images on Pinterest. 

Subtle ways of infusing color therapy into your everyday life can have major impacts on your psyche and energy.


Drawing Down the Moon

Lisette Fee

One of the most cherished pagan books, I absolutely love the title and what Margot Adler means by it. When we live in tune with the Goddess and the moon we draw down it’s power.

Thus I became inspired to create a collection of images and jewelry that drew inspiration from the moons guidance and beauty. I worked with some super talented artists, my friend and photographer Gigi Hoggard and Meagan Wilson, makeup artist and fellow boss girl.

We shot on a super humid and sunny day at a beautiful water dam in the country hills of North Carolina. Shooting outdoors is always the given option, as my jewelry draws immense inspiration from the land and animals.

The Kaltes Collection is named after the ancient goddess of the Ugric people of Siberia. She governs the moon and her she is said to shift into a hare. I found all of these aspect incredibly meaningful to what I had been doing with my jewelry, the moon calling to me as well as using the bones of a rabbit.

Isn’t my model, Michelle Torres stunning? She really captured the confidence and bravery of a Goddess. To be strong when we feel scared inside, to put on the dark veil and submit to the shadows. This is what I find fascinating and insightful to stories and myths; they give us guidance and examples of how we can face our inner demons.

We all go through periods of our life when we need to be brave. Who hasn’t felt nervous, worried, anxious or fearful? But it is how we grow from the tough periods of our lives that make us who we are.

I hope that you also find comfort in the tales of our ancestors, and be hopeful. Every day is a new beginning. Just take two deep breaths and and take the plunge!

You can shop for these pieces and more on my site. Thank you as always for visiting.

How to Manifest Your Dreams

Lisette Fee

Such a grandiose statement, and believe me I’m no expert however one dream of mine that I can see a timeline of how I manifested was my jewelry career. That over fifteen years ago I began a journey of discovering a passion and career of creating jewels that began with simply playing.

But what truly pushed my dream forward were several very simple and easy things I did on a daily and weekly basis. Here I will share my secret to how I manifested my dream of being a jeweler.

Probably the hardest part of manifesting your dream is knowing what your purpose is, we can go a long time in our life in the journey of finding our purpose. Using my hands and making small objects began when I was about ten years old, my mom would give me thread and toothpicks and I’d create little dolls. Or I’d use clay and ‘friendly’ plastic. I loved making things.

But as the story goes, we grow older and are taught to pursue more practical careers. When I finally came to the conclusion I wanted to follow my true life’s journey of being a jeweler I was 25 years old. Working a 9-5 job with not much enthusiasm or joy, I signed up for evening jewelry classes, then worked part time for professional jewelers. All along I journaled.

This is a key component to manifesting your dreams.

  1. WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS: There are studies that writing things down imprints in your memory. You want to put on a piece of paper your dream. Write exactly what you want and how you will go about obtaining it. For me it was writing it down as a New years resolution.

  2. SPEAK IT: I heard recently on a podcast that using your voice to speak your dreams and goals is like casting a spell, you are putting the energy out into the world. I’ll never forget the feeling of telling someone that one day I was going to have my own jewelry business. And I felt scared yet thrilled, I was speaking my truth.

  3. SHARE YOUR GOALS: I told my family, my friends and some select coworkers my dream. I knew that if I told them, they’d hold me accountable. Now, make sure you share your dreams with people that will nurture your passion. Some people will be pessimistic or they are unhappy themselves and don’t want you to be happy. When you share your dream with people that support you they will help you on the journey.

  4. FIND MENTORS IN YOUR DREAM: Once you begin following your dream, you will automatically be led to individuals that share that same passion. Ask if you can help them on the weekends or for advice. Through my journey I did meet people that I wanted to be my mentor but they weren’t necessarily available, and that’s okay. But you will find others that will take you under their wing. Several of the teachers I had were more than willing to write recommendations for me.

  5. REPEAT, REPEAT, REPEAT: There is something to be said for continually repeating a phrase or MANTRA. it burns in your brain. I wrote down in my journal constantly of wanting to be a jeweler, I documented my journey and I would repeat it, in my words and in my actions.

I’m a firm believer that it takes time and hard work to achieve your dreams but most importantly it takes dedication to following your dreams. You have to be consistent, my parents taught me that. One other piece of advice, your integrity is worth it’s weight in gold, I’ll admit there have been times where I’ve messed up but when people know they can trust you, it’s immense.

Below are some photos of the amazing people that have guided me on my journey.

My enameling teacher, Abby Schindler Goldblatt.

My enameling teacher, Abby Schindler Goldblatt.

These two guys mentored me on silversmithing and jewelry repair. Some of the best in the business in Old town Alexandria, VA.

These two guys mentored me on silversmithing and jewelry repair. Some of the best in the business in Old town Alexandria, VA.

How cute is my old boss and mentor Ellis Cutrell? He owns the Jewelry Doctor in Greenville, NC

How cute is my old boss and mentor Ellis Cutrell? He owns the Jewelry Doctor in Greenville, NC

Learn more about how I manifested my dreams of becoming a jeweler and what propelled me to go for it! Click on the link below:

Tap Into Your Third Eye With Your Jewelry

Lisette Fee


This is a super brief yet easy reminder that we can always tap into your inner teacher and third eye to guide us to more clear and conscious living. 

Tonight is the pink full moon in Sagittarius.  We can use this time look deep inside ourselves and ask, what is calling to us? So take a lil time out, even five minutes to be still and quiet and use your jewelry as a source of focus. 

thanks as always for reading and stopping by.  And click on the link below that takes you to my One of a kind jewels that will aid you in your meditation and journey to your inner teacher.

My Journey and Self Discovery

Lisette Fee

One of my most treasured self care rituals is taking a bath and this evening as I lay there in warm soothing water (my element as a Pisces) I thought of what to post here on my blog; and it came to me - sharing my journey and path to jewelry and love of gems, tarot and the Occult.

I will not shy away from saying or writing that word - THE OCCULT - because in my mind it isn't bad or riddled with horrible things but of magic.

Shot from the Valkyrie collection.  The cup represents water and the cauldron.

Shot from the Valkyrie collection.  The cup represents water and the cauldron.

When I was in my early twenties I was at my lowest in self confidence and direction.  I was lost; and of course I got into trouble.  I went through so much inner pain and anguish and filled the deep void within myself with material objects.  And as with many individuals whom get lost, I found faith.  First through Christianity but eventually I became fascinated with the old gods, with their tales and myths.  Mind you, I've loved storytelling since I was a child in middle school.  Their tales gave me hope and renewal.

Enamel brooch, 2011. 

Enamel brooch, 2011. 

Fast forward roughly ten years, I still had some emptiness inside but I learned to channel my fear and doubts with keeping my hands busy.  A thought formed in my mind of melding my two loves - faith and adornment.  Ritual adornment has fascinated me since I was a girl attending the traditional catholic church and prayers.  I loved using the ritual beads and iconography.

Thus I continued my passion for making jewelry and became fixed on turning it into a career.  As humans, our nature is to create culture - to embody the Gods by also making and forming with our hands and mind.  And I'm most happy and fulfilled when I'm being creative and not just in the studio but in my garden, my kitchen and with spirituality. 

When I moved to eastern North Carolina I was thirty years old, at a precipice of venturing into the wonderful world of jewelry and metalsmithing.  I'd found my calling and it felt liberating to embrace it and take the leap.  It changed my life moving to North Carolina, and it's not so much the place but the people I met that challenged me.  

***peep my brief interview below going into more detail of my process.

So my tale has come here, to a happy and growing place of contentment and exploration.  I hope that it gives you hope to leap, and that your net will appear.   Be patient with yourself and give your space to explore and question yourself. 

Thank you as always for reading!

Beauty of the Beast

Lisette Fee

I don't often participate in exhibitions so when I was invited to submit several pieces for the Greenhill Gallery at the Greenhill Center of the Arts exhibition Beauty of the Beast, I was extremely honored and thrilled to participate!   Below are the details and concept behind the exhibition.

So many amazing and talented artists from North Carolina and abroad. 

So many amazing and talented artists from North Carolina and abroad. 

What I love most about the concept behind the exhibition is merging art with the wild - because when you truly think about art - nature and the wild is the ultimate creation, the ultimate form of art.  And North Carolina has such a rich history of both art and appreciation for wildlife.  I truly became in touch with animals and my own inner strength because of them when I moved to Eastern North Carolina.  I hope that the exhibition brings attention to preserving our parks, rivers, streams and oceans.   Now more than ever we need to be aware and also be active in our wild environments.   If you live in Greensboro, I hope you can attend the exhibition and events the amazing staff at the Greenhill Center of NC Arts have organized.

The Bast One of Kind necklace will be on display along with other signature EJ pieces. 

The Bast One of Kind necklace will be on display along with other signature EJ pieces. 

Maiden, Mother and Crone - And What You Can Learn From Each Archetype

Lisette Fee

As a mother I've entered a completely new and life altering stage in my life and it didn't really dawn on me until I reflected on the fact that I have a new title.  And I also reflected that my own mother is in the crone stage.  Several of my friends are in the mother stage as well despite not having biological children they are very maternal and I look to them for guidance.

The maiden, Brigid, young, alive and naive. Photo by Aileen Devlin.

The maiden, Brigid, young, alive and naive. Photo by Aileen Devlin.

This really had the wheels in my head turning when thinking how many of us can benefit from understanding these roles and how throughout our entire lives we need the wisdom and lessons from each archetype.  And especially as women we're often pigeonholed to remain static - that you shouldn't have long hair when you're older, or it's not proper to have gray hair when you're younger etc.  

So let's go over what each of these roles mean and the lessons we learn in each of them.

Maiden: By word association we can go by - youth, enchantment, excitement, carefree and erotic.  She is represented in several mythologies in the Greek myths she's Persephone - purity - and a representation of new beginnings. Other maiden goddesses include: Brigid, Nimue, among others. 
What we learn from the Maiden - When we are weary, over worked or the feeling of disparity enter our minds we can remind ourselves that everyday is a new beginning, every year we can start over and allow the maiden mind frame to give us the time to wipe the slate clean.  In addition, there is a strength in being naive and unburdened by the toils of life.  You look at life with a new perspective.  This is what I love about my younger girlfriends, their zest for life!

Mother: She is the caregiver, nurturer, loving, ripeness, fertility, fulfillment, stability, and power.  The Mother Goddess in Greek mythology is Demeter, representing wellspring of life, giving and compassionate. Other mother goddesses include: Aa, Ambika, Ceres, Astarte, Lakshmi.
What we learn from the Mother aspect:  To nurture and care for a project, another life, even our animal and plant babies we find that we learn so much in ourselves.  A sense of passing on wisdom, education, pride and fulfillment.  We also learn a great deal of patience and the lesson of giving immensely.  Oh and one major aspect is protectiveness and a very fierce love.

Crone:  Wisdom, clarity, insight, repose, compassion and knowledge.  The Crone in Greek mythology is Hecate - wise, knowing, a culmination of a lifetime of experience. Crone goddesses include: Hel, Maman Brigitte, Oya, Sedna, Skuld, and others.
What we learn from the Crone aspect:  What I find most insightful from the Crone is letting go, that death is only the beginning and we must embrace the change and pain.  And she is often what we do not want to confront and accept.  We only gain wisdom through our experiences whether they be good or bad.  I'd also say that I ADORE the crones in my life, the women that teach me how to love myself and how to take time and learn. 

We receive so many blessings from each aspect of the trinity.

We receive so many blessings from each aspect of the trinity.


I hope that you enjoyed this post and that it gives you pause for thought in the areas of your life that the triple goddess can guide and assist you. 

More thoughts on the triple goddess:

These aspects may also represent the cycle of birth, life and death (and rebirth). Neopagans believe that this goddess is the personification of all women everywhere.

Followers of the Wiccan, Dianic, and Neopagan religions, as well as some archeologists and mythographers, believe that long before the coming of the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, the Triple Goddess embodied the three-fold aspect of Gaia, the Earth Mother (Roman Magna Mater). A mother goddess was worshipped under a variety of names not only in the Ancient Near East and the Aegean and Anatolia, but also in pre-Islamic Arabia.

Neopagans also claim historical antecedent for their beliefs, holding that in Old Europe, in the Aegean world, and in the most ancient Near East, the Triple Goddess preceded the coming of nomadic speakers of Indo-European languages.

In South Arabia the moon-god Hubal was accompanied by the three goddesses: Uzza the youngest, Al-Lat "The Goddess" and Manat the Crone, the three cranes.

Wiccans often work with the Goddess in her triple form but may sometimes look at a particular goddess as Maiden, Mother and Crone even when there is no historical proof of this. An example of this would be the goddess Hecate, who was originally depicted as three maidens when in triplicate or as an old woman by herself in later times. Another example is the goddess Morrigan.

Another cross-cultural archetype is the three goddesses of Fate. In Greek Mythology they are the Moirai; in Norse mythology they are the Norns. The Weird Sisters of Shakespeare's Macbeth and Wyrd Sisters of Terry Pratchett's novel of the same name are believed to be inspired by these Fates. The three supernatural female figures called variously the Ladies, Mother of the Camenae, the Kindly Ones, and a number of other different names in The Sandman graphic novels by Neil Gaiman play self-consciously on both the triple Fates and the Maiden-Mother-Crone goddess archetypes." -via Crystalinks

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Featured Artist: Christian T. Berry Dreamcatchers

Lisette Fee

I'd like to introduce you to a wonderfully talented artist of various practices - tarot, dreamcatchers and yoga, Christian T. Berry.  I met him through the wonderful people over at Everyday Magic.  I'm a bit obsessed with his beautiful dream catchers and I decided he had to be featured on my blog because I know you'll become just as obsessed with his work as I am. Here's a lil interview with Christian and images of his exquisite pieces.

 I grew up in the clay covered Red Top Mountains of North Georgia, a now very conservative place, but what once used to be an incredibly free and wild land filled with wonder. I think mountains have an innately magical quality to them. So much folklore and mystery surrounded these specific mountains, with sightings of mythical creatures, ancient trees and springs, even Bigfoot.  As a child, I remembered hearing these tales and started conducting my own searches, only to come up short each time. But what I did find was an even greater gift, a deep love of trees, stones, nature, and the many cycles it goes through.

wild dream ct.jpg

As I got older, the magic in me grew. I would think about it often and dream of far off lands where I'd find gorgeous crystals and ancient woods and make powerful talismans with them. It never occurred to me to make them in real life. Visual art was a skill I thought I would never possess, seeing as how I could barely draw a stick figure, so that reality always passed me by, until I was in my early 20's. I had gotten really into Tarot cards and crystal healing. Reading them, studying them, meditating with them, cleansing them. The Wild Unknown was one of my first Tarot decks, depicting gorgeous imagery of nature and animals alike. I would draw cards from the deck, but one card always seemed to keep jumping out, the three of wands. I agonized over what it meant, but never came to a conclusion. One day I heard a message, from who/what I'm not sure, that said, "Listen with your eyes." Of course that made no sense because how could you listen with your eyes? But I interpreted the message as best as I could and gave it a try. I sat and stared at the card. And something clicked. The card shows three gnarled branches tied together to create a triangle, window type shape. Inside of the triangle is a beautiful, swirling, colorful cosmos. I immediately thought, "Wow, I could make this." And suddenly the dreams from my childhood of that far off land making crystal and wood talismans made sense. This was it. So I gave it a shot. And like everything, it was rocky at first, but I found a method, a flow that not only supported the piece, but myself as well. It inspired me, humbled me, gave me a confidence I had never been able to find in myself. I remember posting my first finished piece on my Instagram account, not for sale and kind of timid that people would think it was ugly or strange, and within five minutes, someone had messaged me offering to buy it. I proceeded to get messages about custom orders, an offering I had never even written about, and before I knew it, I had six custom orders in my lap.

blue dream catcher.jpg
Magic was wild feelings, the kind that escaped out of you and into the world and changed things. There was a lot of skill to it, and a lot of learning, and a lot of work, but that was where the magic began, the magic to enchant the world.
— The Magician’s Land by Lev Grossman

I've been making these talismans, dreamcatchers of sorts, for almost two years now. It has been the greatest gift, the greatest discovery because it has taught me worlds about who I am and where I exist in this big, bad world. In a nutshell, it's been a deep exercise in intuition. I found that the most profound method for making custom pieces was through having the client write to me about where there are/what they're looking for in the form of a questionnaire. I read them and intuitively pick a combination of stones for each piece, building the dreamcatcher around the energies of those stones and crystals, which often have a life and personality of their own. I've come to feel very proud of my process, using organic beeswax thread, only wood that has naturally fallen from trees, and feathers ethically sourced and naturally shed from a few incredible bird sanctuaries around the globe. I cleanse each crystal in a lavender and Florida water bath, as well as burning Palo Santo and White Sage, letting them dry in direct sunlight. Everything in life is based in intention. We shape the reality that happens around us. Constant negative thought typically leads to a constantly negative reality.

This is definitely my favorite one!

This is definitely my favorite one!

My biggest intention for my dreamcatchers are to be visual and energetic stop signs, making you check in and remind yourself of the control you have to create change, filled with whatever intentions and combinations of energies the stones provide (anxiety relief, manifestation, protection, self-love, etc.) And they double up as being pretty unique, hand crafted wall decor! Each piece is deeply rooted in trust and unconditional love and my hope is that it radiates to each person that comes into contact with them. That is what my process and my art is all about, our obligation and duty in this lifetime, to never stop dreaming and building the most magical, abundant life for yourself.

A variety of dreamcatchers by Christian T. Berry

A variety of dreamcatchers by Christian T. Berry

I hope that you enjoyed this featured artist post and that you shop Christian's beautiful pieces.  If you do purchase a piece from Christian, please mention this post and you'll receive FREE SHIPPING.