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Upcoming events

Filtering by: holiday show

New Moon Market
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Market

I’m excited to be making my way back to Norfolk for Selden Market & Velvet Witch’s New Moon Market this month!

There’s always so many cool & talented people at this market plus it’s for all you witchy babes out there! I’ll have my newest jewels and more at Seldon Market in Downtown Norfolk.




A happy customer at the holiday New Moon Market.

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Girl Tribe Pop Up
to Jul 31

Girl Tribe Pop Up

I’m back for the Girl Tribe Pop up at the Revelry. I’ll be selling my jewelry AND giving tarot readings. I hope to see you there!

I love their message and super femme vibe, and I believe my dears you will LOVE this event too!

Stay up to date on all my events and sales with the link below and you will stay up to date.

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Girl Tribe Pop Up
to Jun 26

Girl Tribe Pop Up

Ya’ll know I’m big on BOSSBABE power so I’m super pumped to share with you that I’ll be a vendor with Charlotte’s Girl Tribe Popup events in June.


I love their message and super femme vibe, and I believe my dears you will LOVE this event too!

Stay up to date on all my events and sales with the link below and you will stay up to date.

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October New Moon Market
7:00 PM19:00

October New Moon Market

I’m excited to be making my way back to Norfolk for Selden Market & Velvet Witch’s New Moon Market this month!

There’s always so many cool & talented people at this market plus it’s for all you witchy babes out there! I’ll have my newest jewels and more at Seldon Market in Downtown Norfolk.




A happy customer at the holiday New Moon Market.

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Halloween Trunk Show at East Carolina ArtSpace
5:00 PM17:00

Halloween Trunk Show at East Carolina ArtSpace

This weekend I’ll be hosting my Halloween themed trunk show at East Carolina ArtSpace in downtown Farmville. I’ll have my new jewels and your tried and true favorites.

So come out Saturday October 22nd 5-8pm before you go on the Ghost Walk in Farmville for haunting and magical jewels, tarot, yummy food and wine.

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April New Moon Market
7:00 PM19:00

April New Moon Market

I’m excited to be making my way back to Norfolk for Selden Market & Velvet Witch’s New Moon Market this month!

There’s always so many cool & talented people at this market plus it’s for all you witchy babes out there! I’ll have my newest jewels and more at Seldon Market in Downtown Norfolk.




A happy customer at the New Moon Market in Norfolk

A happy customer at the holiday New Moon Market.

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Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art
10:00 AM10:00

Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art

A handmade celebration! Come out and join me with a small and very well spaced group of artists at the Greenville Museum of Arts Sugar Plum Holiday Pop Up.

We will be there with masks on, hand sanitizer and lots of holiday jewels and goodies!

Please come out and support small & local.

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Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art
5:00 PM17:00

Sugar Plum Holiday Pop up at Greenville Museum of Art

A handmade celebration! Come out and join me with a small and very well spaced group of artists at the Greenville Museum of Arts Sugar Plum Holiday Pop Up.

We will be there with masks on, hand sanitizer and lots of holiday jewels and goodies!

Please come out and support small & local.

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Shop Small Business Saturday at Transfer Co. Food Hall Market
10:00 AM10:00

Shop Small Business Saturday at Transfer Co. Food Hall Market

  • Transfer Co. Food Hall Market (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

SHOP small business SATURDAY at Transfer Co. Food Hall Market in Raleigh with me and the Triangle Pop Up! There will be loads of other vendors food and drinkings, all with safety measures and precautions in mind.

I’ll have a tent and my jewels set up six feet apart, I’ll be wearing a mask and I’ll have all your favorite jewels. I’d love for you to join me, I’ll have hand sanitizer and gorgeous jewels!

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Rose and Lee Co. Pop-Up Market
10:00 AM10:00

Rose and Lee Co. Pop-Up Market

My first time for the Triangle Pop Up markets and I’m looking forward to being outdoors at the Rose & Lee Co. Pop Up Market.

They’ll have vendors six feet apart, I’ll be wearing a mask and I’ll have all your favorite jewels set up under a tent. I’d love for you to join me, I’ll have hand sanitizer and gorgeous jewels!

Rose & Lee Co. Is a women’s clothing, accessory, & gift boutique located in downtown Apex. They carry ethical and sustainable products that tell a story!

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7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Market at Selden Market


Holiday events are slowly making a comeback, with safety in mind first. I’m happy to announce I’ll be in Norfolk this Friday evening, October 16th 7-10pm at the Selden Market downtown. My first visit to Norfolk last year was fantastic and this will be a new kind of market - a New MOON Market.

For all you witchy/earth mamas and papas this event is for you!

The Velvet Witch and Selden Market are hosting the event, there will be food & drinks and PLENTY OF HAND SANITIZER. Face masks are required.

***I will have hand sanitizer on hand and I will be cleaning each piece of jewel that touches a hand or ear.

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Girl Tribe Pop Up
to Dec 15

Girl Tribe Pop Up

  • Charlotte Convention Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Ya’ll know I’m big on BOSSBABE power so I’m super pumped to share with you that I’ll be a vendor with Charlotte’s Girl Tribe Popup events in December.


I love their message and super femme vibe, and I believe my dears you will LOVE this event too!

Stay up to date on all my events and sales with the link below and you will stay up to date.

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Taste of Farmville
6:30 PM18:30

Taste of Farmville

Join me in my small and so friendly town of Farmville to celebrate what makes us such a great place to live, local and amazingly talented artists as well and delicious food and entertainment.

Seriously, our town is bustling on this evening and it’s perfect opportunity to shop for your friends and family or yourself!

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Queenflea Twilight Market
5:00 PM17:00

Queenflea Twilight Market

I just can’t get enough of Charlotte! For the first time I’ll be participating in Queenflea and a twilight market on Black Friday - whew it’s going to be a busy holiday season. I’ll also be there on Saturday.

So mark your calendars now my Queen City friends! I will also be at the Queenflea Holiday show on Saturday November 30 10am-5pm.

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Pitt Street Big Paw Project
4:00 PM16:00

Pitt Street Big Paw Project

Join me and some generous vendors to help support the Pet Food Pantry of ENC. The Eastern NC Pet food Pantry work nonstop to help people in our community provide for their pets, and ultimately, keep them home. The people they help range from senior citizens on fixed incomes, those involved in domestic abuse situations, veterans and the homeless.

I’ll be there selling my jewelry that is inspired by animals and so I will be donating 20% of my income from that day to the Pet food pantry. Come and shop me with, I’ll have my best selling cat claw earrings, rawr! And of course all my owl talon pieces. I know you love animals as much as I do so come out friends!

The event will be held at Pitt Street Brewing company and they will be donating 15% of their sales. Plus Zay’s Place food truck will be there serving up yumminess.

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Galentine's Day at Moxie Pop
5:00 PM17:00

Galentine's Day at Moxie Pop

I’m just going to come right out and say it, girlfriends are honestly my true love. Yes, my husband and daughter are my everything. But you know who really gets me? My girlfriends!

So let’s celebrate friendship on Valentine’s Day - specifically Galentine’s Day! I’m going to be selling my jewelry with my friend Maggie King of Kitsun Tarot and Patty Cupcakes. She’ll be giving readings for $10 which is a steal! You can’t beat jewelry, tarot, cupcakes and champagne. So grab your bestie and come out on the First Friday Artwalk of Uptown Greenville and come to Moxie Pop for jewelry, tarot and snacks.

My friend Khristi Thomas checking out jewels at my holiday trunk show at Moxie Pop.

My friend Khristi Thomas checking out jewels at my holiday trunk show at Moxie Pop.

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Moxie Pop Holiday Pop-UP Art Show
6:00 PM18:00

Moxie Pop Holiday Pop-UP Art Show

Join me along with many other talented makers and artists for a fun evening of handmade and holiday shopping!

Ya’ll, this is seriously your last chance to purchase Eilisain Jewels right before the end of the year and holidays. And if you’ve seen what I’ve been cooking up in the studio - it will be amaza-balls!!

If you’ll recall, last year I held a trunk show at Moxie Pop and it was alot of fun. It’s such a great space and Kelly Boutilier is such an amazing supporter and advocate for artists and the handmade community.

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Kathleen Sommers Bracelet show
6:00 PM18:00

Kathleen Sommers Bracelet show

Every year Kathleen Sommers Boutique puts together a super talented roster of artists to showcase bracelets. I’ve done this show several years and it’s such an honor to be amongst my peers in jewelry.

I’ll have my bird bone bracelet and two other wonderful cuffs. I hope you can make it if you live in San Antonio.


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